Unofficial ChatGPT API with simple agent-based

0xMesto - May 3 - - Dev Community

an unofficial ChatGPT API with simple agent-based functionality!

This API allows you to interact with ChatGPT programmatically, and I've built some cool agents on top of it. Check out the code and let me know what you think!
ChatGPT unofficial API :

This project is a Node.js application that interacts with the ChatGPT conversational AI model using Puppeteer, a Node.js library for automating web browsers.

Files chatgptv1.js: This file contains the main logic for the ChatGPT bot, including methods for initializing the browser, sending messages, receiving replies, and handling errors.

bart.js: This file contains a function that uses the Cloudflare API to summarize the conversation history when an error occurs, in order to resume the conversation.

twochatbotsconv.js: This file is simple use of the API , which creates two instances of the ChatGPT class, initiates a conversation between them, and saves the conversation history to a file.

.env: This file contains the API token for the Cloudflare API, which is used in the bart.js file.

Dependencies :

puppeteer: A Node.js library for automating web browsers.
fs: The built-in file system module in Node.js.
winston: A logging library for Node.js.
crypto: The built-in cryptography module in Node.js.
axios: A popular HTTP client library for Node.js.
dotenv: A zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file.


Install the dependencies by running npm install in your project directory. Create a .env file in the project directory and add your Cloudflare API token:

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In your code, create a new instance of the ChatGPT class and use the sendMessage and getReply methods to interact with the ChatGPT model:

const ChatGPT = require('./chatgptv1');

const chatgpt = new ChatGPT(); await chatgpt.initializeBrowser();

await chatgpt.sendMessage('Hello, ChatGPT!'); 
const reply = await chatgpt.getReply();
await chatgpt.closeBrowser();
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If an error occurs during the conversation, the handleError method will attempt to save the conversation history and resume the conversation using the summarized context.

Before Running :

run Google chrom in the debug mode using 9220 port , run :

google-chrome-stable --remote-debugging-port=9222
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Customization :

You can customize the behavior of the ChatGPT bot by passing options to the ChatGPT constructor:

chatbotUrl: The URL of the ChatGPT interface (default: ''). headless: Whether to run the browser in headless mode (default: false). saveConversationCallback: A callback function that will be called with the conversation summary and the conversation file name when an error occurs.
Github repo :


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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