Variadic Parameters

Wesley de Groot - Apr 23 - - Dev Community

These versatile constructs allow us to handle a variable number of arguments of the same type within a function.

What are Variadic Parameters?

In Swift, variadic parameters enable a function to accept zero or more values of a specific type.

They come in handy when you want to create a function that can take any number of arguments without specifying the exact count upfront.

Imagine a scenario where you're dealing with a method that often works with individual elements, and you'd rather avoid creating an array just for a single value at the implementation level.

How to Define a Variadic Parameter

To declare a variadic parameter, use a value type followed by three dots ....

Here's an example:

mutating func add(_ newContent: Content...) {
    content.append(contentsOf: newContent)
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In this snippet:

  • add(_:) is a method that can accept either a single value or multiple values at once.
  • The Content type represents the elements we're adding to our collection.

You can now call this method with one or more Content instances:

var posts = BlogPosts()

// Add a single content item:
posts.add(Content(title: "Blog post 1"))

// Add multiple items:
    Content(title: "Blog post 2"), 
    Content(title: "Blog post 3")
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Handling Multiple Variadic Arguments

Since Swift 5.4 (shipped with Xcode 12.5), you can define multiple variadic arguments in a method:

mutating func add(_ newContent: Content..., newUsers: User...) {
    content.append(contentsOf: newContent)
    users.append(contentsOf: newUsers)
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This flexibility allows multiple parameters to receive zero or more values.

Caveats / Limitations

While variadic parameters are powerful, they have some limitations to consider:

Empty Variadic Arguments : You can pass an empty array as a variadic argument. For instance:

struct BlogPosts {
    private(set) var content: [Content] = []

    mutating func add(_ newContent: [Content]) {
        content.append(contentsOf: newContent)

var posts = BlogPosts()
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The same applies when using variadic parameters directly:

struct BlogPosts {
    private(set) var content: [Content] = []

    mutating func add(_ newContent: Content...) {
        content.append(contentsOf: newContent)

var posts = BlogPosts()
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Type Consistency : Variadic parameters must have the same type. You cannot mix different types within a single variadic argument.


Variadic parameters are a powerful feature in Swift that allows you to create functions that can accept a variable number of arguments.


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