Kubernetes (part-2)

Praduman - Sep 21 - - Dev Community

Kubernetes tools for creating clusters

  • kubeadm

  • kops

  • ksctl

when you create a cluster using these tools, it is called a self-managed Kubernetes cluster

Some managed kubernetes cluster

  • EKS - AWS

  • GKE - GCP

  • Redhat - OpenShifts

  • AKS - Azure

  • DKE - Digital Ocean

we generally create self-managed k8s cluster if we have our own servers

Tools for running Kubernetes clusters in a local environment:

  • kind

  • minikube

  • rancher desktop

  • docker desktop

Understanding Kubernetes Architecture: Master and Worker Nodes

Kubernetes architecture is divided into master nodes and worker nodes, each with specific components that handle different tasks.

Master Node

The master node is the control center of the Kubernetes cluster. It manages the cluster and coordinates all activities.

  • ETCD: A key-value store that keeps all the cluster's data and configuration. It is crucial for maintaining the cluster's state.

  • Kube-API Server: The main management point for the cluster. It handles requests from users, other components, and external agents, and updates the cluster's state.

  • Kube-Scheduler: Assigns tasks to worker nodes based on available resources and needs, making sure resources are used efficiently.

  • Controller Manager: Keeps the cluster in the desired state by managing various controllers, like the replication controller and endpoint controller.

  • Cloud Controller Manager: Handles cloud-specific tasks. It allows Kubernetes to interact with cloud provider APIs for things like load balancers and storage.

Worker Node

Worker nodes run the applications. They handle the workload by running pods, which are the smallest deployable units in Kubernetes.

  • Kubelet: An agent on each worker node that makes sure containers are running in pods as they should.

  • Kube-Proxy: Manages network communication for the pods, ensuring proper routing within the cluster and to external networks.

  • Container Runtime Interface (CRI): The software that runs the containers, like Docker or containerd, managing their lifecycle.

  • Pod: The smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes, consisting of one or more containers that share storage, network, and configuration. Pods are scheduled on worker nodes and managed by the kubelet.

Step-by-Step Guide: K8s Installation Using KOPS on EC2

Create an EC2 instance and connect it to your local machine or use your personal laptop.

Required dependencies:

  1. Python3

  2. AWS CLI

  3. kubectl

KOPS Installation

curl -LO https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/releases/download/$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/kubernetes/kops/releases/latest | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)/kops-linux-amd64

chmod +x kops-linux-amd64

sudo mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops
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Set up AWS CLI configuration on your EC2 Instance or Laptop.

Run aws configure

Kubernetes Cluster Installation

Follow these steps carefully and read each command before executing.

  1. Create an S3 bucket to store KOPS objects:

    aws s3api create-bucket --bucket kops-abhi-storage --region us-east-1
  2. Create the cluster:

    kops create cluster --name=demok8scluster.k8s.local --state=s3://kops-abhi-storage --zones=us-east-1a --node-count=1 --node-size=t2.micro --master-size=t2.micro --master-volume-size=8 --node-volume-size=8
  3. Edit the configuration:

    Important: Edit the cluster configuration as there are multiple resources created that won't fall into the free tier.

    kops edit cluster demok8scluster.k8s.local
  4. Build the cluster:

    kops update cluster demok8scluster.k8s.local --yes --state=s3://kops-abhi-storage

    This will take a few minutes to complete.

  5. Verify the cluster installation:

    kops validate cluster demok8scluster.k8s.local

kubectl commands

  • Nodes present in the cluster

    kubectl get nodes
  • Create a pod

    kubectl run nginx --image=nginx

How kubectl Commands Work: Behind the Scenes

when we give a command, we are generally communicate with the cluster

How we did that ?

using the config file, which are present inside the .kube folder on the controlplane

cat .kube/config
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How things work

Let's say we need to create a pod using a command

kubectl run my-pod --image=nginx

when we want to do any work using kubectl command. firstly, they make a RestAPI call to API server. After that 3 more things happen :

  • Authentication

  • Authorization

  • Admission

To ensure the request is valid and the person making the request is authorized to perform the task without violating any policies.

The scheduler looks for the best node based on taints/tolerations, affinity, and node selector to run the workload. Then, kubelet runs the workload and talks to CRI to pull the image and start it. The status is updated. Kube-proxy acts like iptables, and your workload runs. Health checks pass and inform the API server that the pod is running, and data is stored in ETCD.

Inside kubeconfig file we have :

  • user information

  • cluster information

  • context information

  • Inside context, we define which user is connected to which cluster.

  • Inside users, we define the users present.

  • Inside clusters, we define the clusters present.

Command to view config file :

kubectl config view
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Command to view contexts :

kubectl config get-contexts
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Command to view the users :

kubectl config get-users
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Creating a New User in Kubernetes: A Detailed Guide

  • Create a private key using openssl

    openssl genrsa -out praduman.key 2048
openssl req -new -key praduman.key -out praduman.csr -subj "/CN=praduman/O=group1"
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  • Encode created CSR to base64

    cat praduman.csr | base64 | tr -d '\n'

  • Create CSR

    vi csr.yaml
apiVersion: certificates.k8s.io/v1
kind: CertificateSigningRequest
    name: praduman
    request: <BASE64-encoded CSR>
    signinerName: kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client
    - client auth
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> Replace base64\_csr with the previous output
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  • Apply yaml file and approve the certificate to the user

    kubectl apply -f csr.yaml
    kubectl certificate approve praduman

  • Get the crt specific to the user using jsonpath

    kubectl get csr praduman -o jsonpath='{.status.certificate}' | base64 --decode > praduman.crt

    a praduman.crt file is created

  • Create a role and role binding

    vim role.yaml
 kind: Role
 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
   namespace: default
   name: pod-reader
 - apiGroups: [""]
   resources: ["pods"]
   verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
 kind: RoleBinding
 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
   name: read-pods
   namespace: default
 - kind: User
   name: praduman
   apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
   kind: Role
   name: pod-reader
   apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
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kubectl apply -f role.yaml
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  • Set credentials

    kubectl config set-credentials praduman --client-certificate=praduman.crt --client-key=praduman.key
  • Create context

    kubectl config set-context praduman-context --cluster=kubernetes --namespace=default --user=praduman
  • view contexts

    kubectl config get-contexts

you will see a context with name praduman-context in the default namespace and kubernetes cluster

  • use the created context

    kubectl config use-context praduman-context

a new user is now created and now you can use it

How kubectl command works

  • Firstly, it searches for the kubeconfig file.

  • If you set this variable in the current shell, then it first looks for the config file that you provide.

    export KUBECONFIG=path-to-your-config-file
  • Another way to do this is to provide the kubeconfig file path along with the command.

    kubectl get pod --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config

Let's say you have 3 clusters. Each cluster must have its own kubeconfig file. How will you merge all the config files?

  • first method

    export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/first/config:/path/to/second/config:/path/to/third/config
  • second method (use kubectx tool)

    we use kubectx when we have multiple cluster, users and context for Faster way to switch between clusters (context) in kubectl

    # switch to another cluster that's in kubeconfig
    $ kubectx minikube
    Switched to context "minikube".
    # switch back to previous cluster
    $ kubectx -
    Switched to context "oregon".
    # rename context
    $ kubectx dublin=gke_ahmetb_europe-west1-b_dublin
    Context "gke_ahmetb_europe-west1-b_dublin" renamed to "dublin".

GVR (Group-Version-Resource)

Think of GVR as the address for finding a type of resource in Kubernetes

  • Group: A broad category (like a section in a library)

  • Version: A specific edition within that category (like a book edition)

  • Resource: The actual item you want (like a specific book)

Example: apps/v1/deployments

  • Group: apps (the section for applications)

  • Version: v1 (the first edition of this section)

  • Resource: deployments (the specific item you’re looking for, like a book on deployments)

GVK (Group-Version-Kind)

GVK is similar, but it focuses on the type of item you’re working with

  • Group: Same broad category

  • Version: Same specific edition

  • Kind: The specific type or class of the item

Example: apps/v1/Deployment

  • Group: apps

  • Version: v1

  • Kind: Deployment (the exact type of item you’re dealing with, like a specific chapter in the book)

  • GVR tells you where to find the resource (apps/v1/deployments)

  • GVK tells you exactly what the resource is (apps/v1/Deployment)

Communicate with the API server without using kubectl and kubeconfig

wanted to talk to kubernetes api server without kubectl or kubeconfig ?

we will talk to kubernetes directly through api server

  • create a service account

    kubectl create serviceaccount praduman -n default
  • create cluster role binding

    kubectl create clusterrolebinding praduman-clusteradmin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:praduman
  • create a token

    kubectl create token praduman
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APISERVER=$(kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.server}')
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  • create deployment

    curl -X POST $APISERVER/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/default/deployments \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d @deploy.json \
  • list pods

    curl -X GET $APISERVER/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \


In conclusion, this article provides a detailed exploration of Kubernetes, covering its architecture, tools for creating and managing clusters, and practical steps for setting up a Kubernetes cluster using KOPS on EC2. It distinguishes between self-managed and managed Kubernetes clusters, highlights tools for local development, and delves into the components of master and worker nodes. Additionally, it offers commands and procedures for cluster creation, configuration, and user management, including direct interaction with the Kubernetes API server using REST calls. This comprehensive guide serves as a valuable resource for anyone looking to understand and implement Kubernetes effectively.

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