Kubernetes (part-5)

Praduman - Sep 22 - - Dev Community

Efficient Kubernetes Scheduling with Kube-Scheduler

The kube-scheduler is Kubernetes default scheduler and part of the control plane. It selects the best node for new or unscheduled pods by filtering out nodes that don't meet the pod's requirements, known as feasible nodes. If no nodes are suitable, the pod remains unscheduled until one becomes available. The scheduler scores feasible nodes and selects the highest-scoring one to run the pod. This decision is then communicated to the API server in a process called binding. Custom schedulers can also be created if needed.

Mastering Labels and Selectors for Resource Grouping

Labels and Selectors are standard methods to group things together. Labels are properties attached to each resources. Selectors help you to filter these resources. Kubernetes uses labels to connect different objects together.

  • A pod definition file with labels

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
     name: simple-webapp
       app: App1
       function: Front-end
     - name: simple-webapp
       image: nginx
       - containerPort: 8080
kubectl apply -f <pod-definition-file>
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  • To select the pod with labels

    kubectl get pods --selector app=App1
  • To see the lable of a pod

    kubectl get pods <pod-name> --show-labels
  • To label a pod once it is created

    kubectl label pod <pod-name> key=value
  • To see pods with/without specific label

    kubectl get pod -l <key>=<value>
kubectl get pod -l <key>!=<value>
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  • Imperative way to create deployment

    kubectl create deploy bootcamp --image=nginx --replicas 3
  • Selection of pod using lable in replicasets

     apiVersion: apps/v1
     kind: ReplicaSet
       name: simple-webapp
         app: App1
         function: Front-end
      replicas: 3
         app: App1
            app: App1
            function: Front-end
          - name: simple-webapp
            image: simple-webapp
  • Selection of pod using lable in services

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
       name: my-service
         app: App1
       - protocol: TCP
         port: 80
         targetPort: 9376

Understanding Kubernetes Namespaces for Resource Isolation

Namespaces are a way to divide cluster resources between multiple users, teams, or projects. They provide a scope for names, allowing multiple users to share the same cluster without interfering with each other.

Kubernetes starts with four initial namespaces:

  1. default: A space where you start working in Kubernetes right away

  2. kube-node-lease: Keeps track of whether each node in the system is healthy or not

  3. kube-public: A place where anyone, even without special access, can see certain information

  4. kube-system: Where Kubernetes itself stores its important stuff

  • To see all namespaces

    kubectl get namespace
  • To create a namespace

    kubectl create ns <name-of-namespace>

Avoid creating namespaces with the prefix kube- since it is reserved for Kubernetes system namespaces

  • Creating two namespace and create deployment on each with nginx image and try to access the deployment on the other ns from the current ns

    kubectl create ns frontent
kubectl create ns backend
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kubectl create deploy demo -n frontent --image=nginx
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kubectl create deploy demo -n backend --image=nginx
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kubectl get deployment -n frontent -owide
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  • To switch to a namespace

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=backend

Managing Resource Quotas in Kubernetes

This is a way to manage and limit resource usage in a specific namespace. It ensures that no single team, application, or user can consume too many resources (like CPU, memory, storage, or the number of objects) in a shared cluster. This Prevent one team or application from using all the resources in the cluster and also Manage resources efficiently.

How Resource Quota Works

Administrators set quotas at the namespace level, and Kubernetes enforces them. When a Pod or object (like a Persistent Volume or Service) is created, Kubernetes checks the quota and ensures that the creation doesn't exceed the defined limits

  • Create a namespace

    kubectl create ns example-namespace
  • Create a resourceQuota

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ResourceQuota
      name: example-quota
      namespace: example-namespace
        requests.cpu: "500m" # total amount of CPU that can be requested
        requests.memory: "200Gi" # total amount of memory that can be requested
        limits.cpu: "1" # total amount of CPU limit across all pods
        limits.memory: 400Gi # total amount of memory limit across all pods
        pods: "10" # total number of pods that can be created
kubectl apply -f <RQ-name.yaml>
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  • To check resouceQuota

    kubectl get resourceQuota

Ensuring Pod Scheduling Readiness

Pod Scheduling Readiness is a feature that lets you control when a Pod is ready to be placed on a node. It adds a delay in scheduling the Pod until certain conditions are met, making sure the Pod is fully prepared. This is helpful when the Pod depends on other services or resources to be available before it can start running smoothly

Example: Waiting for a Service to Be Ready

  • Pod definition file that includes custom scheduling gates

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: test-pod
      - name: example.com/service-ready
      - name: pause
        image: registry.k8s.io/pause:3.6
  • Implement a Custom Controller

    # Pseudo-code for the custom controller
    if service_is_ready:
      remove_scheduling_gate(pod_name="test-pod", gate_name="example.com/service-ready")
  • Use the Custom Controller to Manage Scheduling

    The custom controller will ensure that the Pod is only scheduled when the specified service is confirmed to be ready. Until then, the Pod will remain unscheduled.

This approach ensures that the Pod will only be scheduled when the necessary conditions are met, providing a more controlled scheduling process

Enhancing Availability with Pod Topology Spread Constraints

It help to ensure high availability by spreading Pods across different nodes, zones, or regions. It also helps to maintain balanced load by evenly distributing Pods to prevent overloading any single node or domain. It Improve fault tolerance by avoiding concentration in a single location


Kubernetes Deployment using Pod Topology Spread Constraints to evenly distribute Pods across different nodes

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: demo-app
  replicas: 4
      app: demo-app
        app: demo-app
      - name: app-container
        image: nginx
      - maxSkew: 1
        topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"
        whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
            app: demo-app
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  • maxSkew: degree to which the pod is evenly distributed

  • topologyKey: key of node labels

  • whenUnsatisfiable: If the constraints cannot be met, DoNotSchedule or ScheduleAnyway

  • labelSelector: find maching pod

To scale this deployment

kubectl scale deployment demo-app --replicas=6

When you need to prevent new workloads from being scheduled on a node due to issues with that node, you can cordon the node. Cordon marks the node as unschedulable, ensuring that no new pods are scheduled to it.

kubectl cordon <node-name>
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To make that node again schedulable you need to uncordon that node

kubectl uncordon <node-name>
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Prioritizing Pods with Priority Classes

It helps the Kubernetes Scheduler decide which Pods should be scheduled first when resources are limited. Pods with higher priority values are scheduled before those with lower priority. Higher-priority Pods can displace lower-priority Pods if resources are scarce.

Example of priorityClass

Here’s how you can create a PriorityClass and use it with a Pod

  • Define a PriorityClass

    apiVersion: scheduling.k8s.io/v1
    kind: PriorityClass
      name: demo-priority
    value: 1000000
    globalDefault: false
    description: "This priority class is for critical workloads."
  • Use the PriorityClass in a Pod:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: high-priority-pod
      priorityClassName: demo-priority
        - name: my-container
          image: my-image

Understanding and Managing Pod Overhead

Pod Overhead is the extra amount of resources a Pod needs beyond what its containers require. It covers things like the Pod's management and networking needs. Pod Overhead helps ensure that enough resources are available for both the Pod and its additional needs, not just the containers inside it

How It Works

  • Container Requests: You specify how much CPU and memory a container needs

  • Add Overhead: Kubernetes adds extra resources for the Pod’s management and networking

  • Total Resources: The total resources needed are the sum of container requests plus Pod Overhead

Example: Specify Pod Overhead in a Pod’s resource request

Define a Pod with Overhead

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
  - name: my-container
    image: nginx
        memory: "512Mi"
        cpu: "500m"
    cpu: "100m"
    memory: "100Mi"
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In this example:

  • Container Requests: The container requests 512 Mi of memory and 500 milliCPU.

  • Pod Overhead: An additional 100 Mi of memory and 100 milliCPU are reserved for the Pod’s overhead.


In this article, we delved into several advanced Kubernetes concepts, including scheduling, labels and selectors, namespaces, resource quotas, pod scheduling readiness, topology spread constraints, priority classes, and pod overhead. Mastering these features is essential for effectively managing and optimizing Kubernetes clusters. By utilizing these tools and techniques, you can ensure high availability, balanced resource usage, and controlled scheduling processes, ultimately leading to a more robust and resilient Kubernetes environment.

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