How To Deploy Django On Heroku Using Automatic Deployment from GitHub

Udemezue John - Oct 6 - - Dev Community


Have you ever built a fantastic Django application and wanted the world to see it?

Heroku is a popular cloud platform that makes deploying Django apps a breeze, especially with automatic deployment from GitHub.

This means you can push your code updates and Heroku will seamlessly take care of getting your latest version live, without any manual intervention on your end.

Intrigued? In this guide, I’ll walk you through the entire process, step-by-step, so you can get your Django app deployed on Heroku and set up for automatic updates from GitHub.

Why Should I Deploy Django On Heroku Using Automatic Deployment from GitHub?

Ever spent hours wrestling with server configuration just to get your Django app online?

If you’re nodding furiously, then you, my friend, need to be leveraging the power of Heroku and GitHub for deployment.

Here’s why this combo is a dream team for Django developers:

1. Focus on Code, Not Servers (Finally!).

Heroku is a Platform as a Service (PaaS), which means it handles all the pesky server infrastructure for you.

No more fiddling with virtual machines, security certificates, or database setups.

You simply push your code, and Heroku takes care of the rest. This frees up a ton of time and mental energy to focus on what you do best: building awesome Django applications.

2. Effortless Automatic Deployments.

Gone are the days of manually deploying your code every time you make a change.

By linking your GitHub repository to your Heroku app, you can set up automatic deployments.

Every time you push your code to GitHub, Heroku automatically detects the changes, builds your app, and deploys it to a live environment.

This streamlined workflow keeps your application up-to-date with the latest code, reducing the risk of errors and delays.

3. Version Control with GitHub.

Speaking of GitHub, it’s the perfect platform to house your Django project’s code.

GitHub provides excellent version control, allowing you to track changes, revert to previous versions if needed, and collaborate easily with other developers.

Plus, integrating GitHub with Heroku makes automatic deployments a breeze.

4. Scalability on Demand.

Heroku’s beauty lies in its ability to scale your application based on traffic.

Imagine your Django app goes viral — Heroku can automatically spin up additional servers to handle the surge in users without a hitch.

This ensures your app stays performant and responsive, even under heavy load.

5. Cost-Effective for Small Projects.

Heroku offers a free tier that’s perfect for personal projects or small applications with low traffic.

This is a fantastic way to experiment with deployment and get your Django app out there without breaking the bank.

As your application grows, you can easily upgrade to a paid plan that offers more resources and features.

How Do I Deploy Django On Heroku Using Automatic Deployment from GitHub?

Heroku offers a fantastic platform for deploying Django applications. It handles server management, and scaling, and lets you focus on what truly matters: building your app.

Plus, automatic deployment from GitHub ensures your latest code is always live, eliminating the need for manual updates.

This translates to fewer headaches and a smoother development workflow. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process, of transforming from a local developer to a deployment pro.

1. Getting Started: Project Preparation.

Before diving into Heroku, let’s ensure your Django project is deployment-ready. Here’s what you’ll need:

A Django Project: If you don’t have one yet, no worries! The django-admin startproject command will get you started.

Required Dependencies: Install dj-database-url and django-heroku using pip install dj-database-url django-heroku. These libraries help manage database connections and Heroku configurations.

Project Structure: Organize your project well. Here’s a tip: keep your Django app within a main project directory. This separation makes deployment smoother.

A Github Repository: Version control is key! Create a GitHub repository for your project to track changes and enable automatic deployment.

2. Heroku Setup: Creating Your App

Now, let’s set up your app on Heroku:

Heroku Account: If you don’t have a Heroku account, sign up for free at

Create a New App: Head over to the Heroku dashboard and click “Create New App.” Give your app a memorable name.

Project Configuration: Fine-tuning for Deployment

Requirements File: Create a requirements.txt file in your project's root directory.

List all the Python libraries your Django app depends on. This ensures Heroku installs everything it needs to run your application. Here comes the magic! In your file, add the following:

import dj_database_url 

import django_heroku 

# Update database settings 

DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.config(conn_max_age=600, ssl_require=True)}  

# Activate Django Heroku settings 


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This configures the database connection and activates Django Heroku functionalities.

Static Files: For static files like CSS and JavaScript, use an app whitenoise to serve them efficiently.

3. Deployment with Automatic Github Updates.

We’re almost there! Now, let’s link your Github repository to your Heroku app and enable automatic deployment:

Heroku CLI: Install the Heroku CLI with the manifest plugin. This command-line tool simplifies interacting with Heroku.

You can find installation instructions on the Heroku Dev Center

Login to Heroku: Log in to your Heroku account using the Heroku CLI: heroku login

Connect to Github: In your Heroku app’s settings, navigate to the “Deploy” tab and connect your Github repository.

Automatic Deployment: Enable automatic deployment by selecting the branch containing your Django code (usually main). Now, any push to this branch will trigger a deployment on Heroku!

4. Running Migrations and Collecting Static Files

Before your app goes live, Heroku will automatically run database migrations and collect static files.

This ensures your database schema is up-to-date and static assets are served correctly.


With these steps, you’ve successfully deployed your Django application to Heroku and configured automatic updates from GitHub.

Now, your app will automatically update on Heroku whenever you push changes to your GitHub repository.

This streamlines the development process and keeps your application running with the latest code.


Configure environment variables on Heroku for sensitive information like API keys or database credentials. Don’t commit these to your Github repository!

Heroku offers a free tier, which is perfect for getting started. As your application grows, you can explore paid plans with more resources.

I hope this guide empowers you to deploy your Django projects with ease! Feel free to explore Heroku’s documentation

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