How To Get Started In Tech With No Experience

Udemezue John - Aug 23 '22 - - Dev Community


The tech industry in the US has generated more than 200,000 new jobs every year since 2010, with more jobs still being created as we speak.

Tech Jobs globally are surging at an all-time high with more people's talents in demand than ever, and new roles being created as a result of the overload in the industry. The need for more division of labour has made Tech a juicy role for anyone with or without a degree.

Before now, we had the nerdy people constitute the majority, but now it's becoming a different case. We now have tech roles for code and no-code individuals.

Why You should get a career In Tech.

Sixty-six per cent of programmers are self-taught. And even those who did receive a formal tech education rely on continual professional development to keep their skills sharp, which requires self-motivation rather than formal training.

With planning and determination, you can land your first tech job with no previous experience. Here are some of the reasons why you should switch careers.

1. Huge compensation.

Which career offers you over $50,000/year for a start without a college degree? It can only be a tech role. I encourage people to switch careers because you get paid for almost doing nothing.

Your knowledge has a long way to go in the way you are valued in the tech world, so the more knowledgeable and practical you are, the more valuable you become.

However, you should note that getting paid so much in tech is not automatic as you have to work hard to earn it.

Most people spend as much practising and building side projects as possible to attract valuable roles, and if you are in a code tech role, you should be prepared to work twice as hard as any other person.

2. Tech Does not require a college degree.

Another thing I love about getting started in Tech because you don't need to have a bag load of the degree to make an impact.

Unlike traditional careers where you need to have a bachelor's degree in a particular field, you don't need to have a degree to get started in Tech.

Anyone can get started in Tech even with a high school degree, or no degree provided you can read, write and push yourself beyond the limit to master a particular tech skill.

Bootcamps are options available to anyone who wants to get into Tech without having a college degree.

You can find available boot camps in your local community and pay moderately in cash to be enrolled, and in less than three weeks, your tech journey is on track.

Finally, if you are broke and don't have anywhere to start, you can use YouTube for free.

I used YouTube too when getting started, and it was the best decision so far, you get constantly disturbed by the ads, but with resilience and patience, you get somewhere.

3. Working in Tech is Flexible.

Another reason why you should get into tech is that it offers you flexibility at no additional cost. If you are lucky to find yourself in a FAANG company, you enjoy dozens of benefits such as flex hours which don't conform to the typical 9-5 mentality.

Most tech companies usually have core hours where the team is together for collaboration and necessary meetings. When I mean fang, I mean Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google; at times, it does not necessarily mean that you work in these companies, but other tech companies are in the standard of fang companies.

Motivation is another thing you stand to benefit from when working in tech; you are given specific perks such as gym, vacations and even health insurance.

4. You can work remotely.

Remote work became mainstream in 2020, after the pandemic, and since that time, it has been part of the working culture in companies across the globe.

According to data by recruitment specialist Ladders, three million jobs became permanently remote in Q4 2021 due to various factors, including cutting down the cost of workspace and the aftermath of the pandemic.

Developers, software engineers and professionals who work in highly technical fields are seeing the most remote work opportunities than any other field, simply because all they need to work with is an active internet connection and a computer.

Work management and communication tools have already been built to manage people working remotely from various parts of the world.

Tools such as Slack, Zoom, Asana, Clockify, and many others have been developed to manage people worldwide.

Tech companies all across the globe have also ventured into this trend of hiring people from various parts of the world like Africa, Caribbean and other low-income countries.

Getting a tech skill enables you secure jobs from any part of the world with an internet connection and a supercomputer at your disposal.

5. It's easy to learn.

Anyone can learn to code with or without a degree; gone are the days when nerds were seen as gods, though they still are, to a certain extent, but anyone can go into the field without feeling special.

Coding is thought to be challenging because it’s new to all of us. Adults went to school learning about all the things they thought they’d ever need to learn, and Coding wasn’t one of those things.

And for kids and teens still in school today, Coding isn’t taught in most places, so it becomes problematic if they need to find alternative opportunities to gain experience in Coding.

All you need to get started with Coding is a computer, an active internet connection and resources at your disposal.

If web development is your desired career path, you can start by building simple websites in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This knowledge would be enough to sustain you and get you a high-paying job.

How To Get a Career In Tech as a Beginner.

Do you remember the days when everyone had a massive external hard drive? Of course, external hard drives are still popular, but the introduction of cloud storage has changed that and made life a lot easier.

When people ask me how saturated and viable, Tech is, all I do is give them facts about the industry.

  1. Over 22 billion tech devices connected to the Internet in 2019

  2. The tech industry is expected to reach a $6 trillion market value by 2022.

  3. Artificial intelligence will add $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

  4. Almost 60 per cent of the world is on social media in 2021, with more still being added each year.

  5. The State of California saw over 140,000 jobs posted in the second quarter of 2020, despite the pandemic.

If you still think switching careers in Tech is not viable after reading all of this, you might have to check yourself.

1. Choose Your Career Path.

Before venturing into Tech, the first thing you need to do is choose your career pathways.

I tell people who are scared of getting a career in tech that you don't necessarily need to know how to code before starting in Tech. We have Coding tech careers and No-coding tech careers; it all depends on you to choose which ones suit you.

If you feel you are the type who doesn't like to code, you can decide to venture into a No-Coding career in Tech; that way, you can stay in your comfort zone and still have a fantastic job in Tech.

It has even been discovered that No-coding tech careers earn way better than Coding tech careers and are much in demand than their coding counterparts.

1. Coding Tech Careers.

Coding tech careers are tech careers that require the person in question to master the basics of Coding before getting started with them.

In coding tech careers, you need to learn how to code in one or more languages, and most of the time, you get started with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Various tech jobs under this category are listed below.

1. Web Development.

Web development refers to the building, creating, and maintaining of websites. It includes web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management.

It is the creation of an application that works over the internet, called websites or web apps. Web development has three phases; you can choose either one or still decide to learn all of them. These phases include frontend development, backend development and mobile app development.

Frontend development deals with user interfaces and interactions. Software technologies used in this phase include HTML, CSS and JavaScript. As a front-end web developer, all you are concerned about is how beautiful and interactive you want your website to be.

On the other hand, backend development deals with how databases are supposed to be interacted with. As a backend web developer, all you are concerned about is how databases interact, and secured data should be.

Technologies seldomly used in this phase include; High-level programming languages such as Python, PHP, Scala, JavaScript, Ruby and many more.

Lastly, the final phase in web development is called Mobile development. This phase deals with mobile app creations such as android, IOS and other operating systems that might be in operation when you are reading this article.

Mobile app development is tricky because they are developed with similar tools used in frontend development.

There are so various tools used in mobile app development that knowledge in frontend development would be helpful.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on this blog on how to get started with web development as a beginner; follow the link to the article below.

- How To Become a Web Developer And Make Money

2. Data science.

Data science merges multiple fields, including statistics, scientific methods, artificial intelligence (AI), and data analysis, to pull value from a set of raw data derived from a particular source.

Those who practice data science are called data scientists. They combine skills to analyse data collected from the web, smartphones, customers, sensors, and other sources to derive actionable insights.

Data science encompasses preparing data for analysis, including cleansing, aggregating, and manipulating the data to perform advanced data analysis.

Data science is quite complex when it comes to including it as a coding tech skill or as a No-Coding tech skill.

You need to know a little about Coding to become a data scientist; languages such as Python and R play a significant role in becoming a data scientist.

3. Robotics.

Robotics is a science that produces machines, called robots, that substitute for human actions. Anyone can become a professional robotics developer because it requires a great deal of software. Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture and operation of robots.

The objective of the robotics field is to create intelligent machines that can assist humans in a variety of ways. Software tools like Arduino and raspberry pi are amongst the best options for getting started with robotics. Also, note that you need to know a particular programming language before diving into robotics.

4. Machine Learning.

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems with the ability to learn and improve from experience without being programmed.

Machine learning focuses on developing computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.

The process of learning begins with observations or data, such as examples, direct experience, or instruction, to look for patterns in data and make better decisions in the future based on the criteria that we provide.

Machines learning is one aspect of Tech that is still in its infancy but is expected to mature much faster in recent years.

Machines learning is everywhere around us; we can find them on search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing), social media(Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), etc.

Machine learning also has numerous applications in various aspects of life, such as agriculture, security, manufacturing, health and many more.

You do not need a degree to become a Machine learning developer because it is not taught in traditional universities.

Anyone can become a machine learning expert without attending college; you can decide to learn it independently. Various companies have agreed to come up with machine learning projects that allow you to develop without hassle.

To get started with machine learning as a beginner, you need to know some programming knowledge in Python.

2. Non-Coding Tech Careers.

Non-coding tech careers are tech pathways that do not require the person in question to master any coding skills.

These careers are tech-based but don't require any level of technicality but basic knowledge of computing is a must.

You should be able to work with a computer at least before venturing into this space.

1. Become a Product Manager.

Product management is an organizational function tasked with overseeing the development lifecycles of a company’s products.

Everything a Product Manager does is related to delivering a successful product. That means they are responsible for defining and coordinating all activities needed to bring a product to market.

This can include customer and user research, identifying market opportunities, revenue and pricing modelling, road mapping, and more.
PMs have an intimate understanding of both consumer desires and business goals.

The truth is that someone needs to oversee the software developers in a company; not all software developers understand the business side of things, less alone the customers.

However, a product manager must identify these difficulties and try as much as possible to bridge the gap to enable a unique workflow for the company.

Most product managers were previously web developers and had an understanding of sales.

You don't need to learn code to become a product manager; you need to understand the business and the logical side of things to become one.

2. Digital Marketing.

Digital marketing is selling products and services through channels such as social media, SEO and Email marketing.

Some people say digital marketing involves electronic devices; I'm afraid I have to disagree because electronic devices such as TV and Radio do not provide you with insights and data about how your campaign fared.

One reason why it is called digital marketing is that advertisers have access to data and insights.

Digital marketing is one hot skill in Tech that will continue to be around as long as the tech industry continues to flourish.

The good news is that acquiring a digital marketing skill does not require you to learn to code.

As long as I am concerned, anyone can pick up digital marketing in less than three weeks, with hands-on, real-life experience in six months, you are ready to start building a career in Tech.

Anyone can kick start a career in digital marketing using free resources on YouTube and free resources available online.

One of these resources I recommend anyone access is Google Digital skills garage.

The Google digital skills garage is a free hosted course by Google, which teaches you all you need to know in digital marketing and certifies you in the end.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on kickstarting your career in digital marketing; click the link below to the article to get started.

- How To Become a Digital Marketer and Make Money

3. UI/UX Designers.

UX and UI design are two different elements of a single consumer experience. UX refers to the user experience, which focuses on how something works and how people interact. UI, or user interface, focuses on the look and layout. So put, a UI/UX designer is someone who designs how a web application works and looks.

Look at those apps and software products you use in your day to day life; someone designed the workflow and design of that app on software before it was handed over to the software development team to complete.

You do not need coding knowledge to become a UI/UX designer; you need a basic understanding of how users feel and interact with your proposed web platform.

Lastly, you need to get familiar with tools that help you sketch these things out, and one of them is the use of Adobe XD and many others.

2. Get The necessary certifications.

The next thing you need to do as someone looking to kickstart a career in Tech is to try as much as possible to acquire certifications to back up what you have learnt yourself.

Earning an IT certification is a fantastic way to build up and showcase your tech skills on a resume as you work to break into the field.

It helps provide validation of your technical proficiency to hiring managers and recruiters and can prove that you are helpful as you aim to be.

This can be acquired for free; you even have to pay a small fee to get certified.

There are free certification programmes anchored by big techs such as Google, LinkedIn and Amazon, to mention a few.

Getting a certification should not stop you from kickstarting a career in tech certification is not essential; competence is most important, so you should have a hosted portfolio of some of your works, leading us to the next section.

3. Get a mentor.

Mentors are people that have done what you intend to do and have seen it all.

In an age where instant gratification is glorified, it's unsurprising that many entrepreneurs and young people do not seek out a mentor.

Like I always say, you need to meetups with someone who has done what you intend to do; having a mentor helps you plot a road map so that you don't get confused as you get started.

Information gets obsolete as fast as possible; it is an ever-evolving industry. So you can be shocked about how technology turns out tomorrow, and people make moves only for you to be left behind.

Back in the early days of web development, software developers used a protocol called SOAP to communicate API, but over the years, we had REST API, and as we speak now, GraphQL is mainstream.

Imagine when you decide to go fire all of this by yourself, it will become an ever long journey. There are many ways to find a mentor in Tech; you can find one in communities, on social media, in workspaces, and even in the university.

4. Build a Portfolio.

A portfolio is a website that shows your skills, abilities, and the quality of your work for prospective employers to see.

When getting hired as a web developer, a portfolio of your best project would help you get past various screen hurdles.

A resume has its time and place, but a portfolio is where you show (not tell) what you can do; most times, having a hosted portfolio as a techie enables you to show off your resume and your work profile.

Having a hosted portfolio website can help you stand out. It demonstrates your commitment and dedication to showcasing your work.
It’s also an opportunity for you to represent your work in the best light possible and show your personality.

Anyone can create a portfolio, even no-coders can utilize the help of website builders, and if you have some coding skills under your belt, you can get a free hosting platform like Vercel to help you get started.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on this blog on some of the best website builders alive; check it out in the article below.

- 13+ Best Website Builder For Business

5. Apply For Jobs.

Now that you have acquired specific skills and some mentorship, it's time to start testing the waters.

One mistake I see people make is trying to be perfect before applying for a job; bro, you should chill out; that is why we have entry-level tech jobs.

Most people best learn under pressure; you are good to go with essential knowledge, to sharpen further the skills you need to get an entry-level development job.

There are many ways to get a job as a developer, one of the most effective is via tech job listing websites like Stack Overflow, LinkedIn and many more.

Just make sure to do your research because there are many more tech job listing websites popping up here and there.

I know you can't be on all of them, but using the search engines would help you in your search; finally, make sure you get signed to as much as possible.

Getting a job in Tech is not easy, but you have to ignore naysayers; in the beginning, there will be many rejections, but you have to keep trying.

6. Monetize Your career.

The flexibility you get from being in Tech is because there are various opportunities to build a side income that can eventually become a full-time business.

The majority working full-time in Tech would not be in that space in the next decade because they are likely to build their start-ups or venture into a tech business.

The same goes for you as a newbie; not everyone would work in Tech, the majority acquire these skills to start a business of their own, and they do so well; it all depends on where you stand.

There are various tech side-businesses that you can be built by anyone who just acquired a tech skill, and they are;

1. Become a Freelancer.

Freelancing is a contract-based profession where instead of being recruited by an organisation, the person uses his skills and experience to provide services to several clients.

Freelancing is when you use your skills, education, and experience to work with multiple clients without committing to a single employer.

Freelancing is one way to start a business in Tech because many companies and individuals would not consult a tech organization because of the cost. Instead, they turn to individuals with the same skill for help because they will pay less and get the job done faster.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on becoming a freelancer on this blog; click the link to the article below.

- How To Become a Freelancer And Make Money

2. Start a YouTube Channel.

YouTube's assault on traditional forms of television shows no signs of declining.

The most recent data available shows that the time spent on YouTube has been enjoying double-digit percentage growth. At the same time, time spent watching TV is seeing a double-digit decline.

In the United States, YouTube reaches more 18 to 49-year-olds than any broadcast or cable TV network.

There are upcoming web developers who lean on free resources to get better at what they do, and one source that they usually go to is YouTube.

I was able to switch to a career in Tech with the help of YouTube. Popular Coding and digital marketing channels like The New Boston, Freecodecamp, and NetNinja were amongst the few tracks that I was able to leverage to enable me to get to where I am today.

Starting a YouTube channel does not mean you are working and dishing out helpful content for free; there are many ways you get rewarded, either via the platform or using your monetization technique.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on how to get started with a YouTube channel and make money with it.

- How To Start a YouTube Channel and Make Money

3. Start a Blog.

Blogging allows you to reach the billions of people that use the Internet. Blogging can help you promote yourself or your business.

Having a blog and writing about important topics relevant to your audience establishes yourself as an authority and enhances your professional image.

Blogging can lead to other business/traffic generating opportunities, such as speaking engagements, press, or tech jobs.

Blogging enables anyone with something interesting or valuable to say to be identified as an expert.

Blogging is another avenue to monetize your tech career. As said earlier, many more people turn to the Internet when they need help, and the very first place they look out for is search engines such as Google.

Google has more than 6 billion queries per day. So imagine having to answer the question of more than 300 million people in a day and see how far it takes you.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on starting a blog and making money; click the link to the article below to get started.

- How To Start a Blog and Make Money

4. Start a Podcast.

Podcasting is one of the best methods to talk about something you enjoy or are passionate about. Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury of intelligence to shoot videos and edit them; most are even camera shy.

You can talk freely and engage with your audience on a personal level. This is an effective way to teach your audience or share your understanding, but it also makes the experience more enjoyable for you.

Not only are you maintaining the personal connection to your audience, but you’re also minimizing the amount of equipment required to start and the overall skill set needed in creating content.

As a new techie, you've probably learnt a lot, and you want people to spread the good news without much hassle, then starting a podcast would be the best bet for you.

Podcasting also brings in massive commissions when you understand how to market it; good money is also made.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on how you can start a podcast; read the article below.

- How To Start a Podcast and Make Money

FAQ About getting started in Tech With No Experience.

1. What is the easiest tech job to get?

For me, I recommend no-code tech jobs, because all they require is logical thinking and creativity.

2. Where to start if you want to get into tech?

Do your research, on what Field is the easiest for you, do you like coding or not, once you are done with this, then you can choose a Field for what you just discovered.

3. Is it possible to get into the tech field with no experience how do you do it?

Yes, it is, and you don't need a certification whatsoever. Freelance work is a quick way to practice your skills while adding experience to your resume. Use sites like Upwork, and, to find people hiring temporary workers.

4. Can I start my IT career at 30?

Yes Definitely. If you are from an IT then it will be easy for you but you need to work very hard to get an opportunity if you are not, then you may have to do some underground work.

5. Is it too late to start a career in tech?

I don't think there is a word like "Late" when it comes to starting something new. You might think that only a 17-year-old can be successful in a start-up. But it's never too late to get a career in tech.


Switching jobs can be challenging enough, but It’s happening for more and more people these days, as the economy is short 9.4 million jobs due to the pandemic.

Also, know that it comes with more sacrifices than you think,
be prepared to spend long days and nights studying, even more so if you don't have a STEM background.

Tech jobs are competitive, even as so many companies are hiring; I recommend you make a career shift because information and communications jobs are expected to reach more than 62 million in 2023.

Take note of your strengths and transferable skills as you explore roles that will let you combine existing knowledge with new experiences and concepts.

People who have held managerial positions would do well as product managers, including any administrative role in Tech.

Do some research online and network with working professionals to figure out the general path you want to pursue.

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