A Comprehensive Guide on How to Use Git and GitHub for Beginners

Abdulrazaq Salihu - Nov 2 '23 - - Dev Community


Git and GitHub are indispensable tools in the world of software development. Git, as a distributed version control system, empowers developers to track changes in their codebase, while GitHub, a web-based platform, simplifies collaboration and code management. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the process of using Git and GitHub, from installation to basic commands and collaborative workflows.

Git and GitHub Benefits:


Version Control: Tracks code changes, aiding troubleshooting and project history.

Collaboration: Supports parallel development and easy merging of code.

Branching: for working on different parts and versions of a project

Offline Work: Permits work without internet access.


Code Hosting: Provides a central, web-based repository for code.

Collaboration: Facilitates communication, code review, and issue tracking.

Code Review: Enhances code quality through peer review.

Community Building: Connects developers and promotes open-source contributions.

Integration and Automation: Integrates with various development tools, streamlining processes.

Part 1: Getting Started with Git

1. Installing Git

Git is a version control system that tracks changes in your code. To get started, you'll need to install Git on your computer.

Windows: Download the installer from git-scm.com and run it.

Mac: If you have Xcode or Homebrew installed, Git may already be available. If not, you can download it from git-scm.com.

Linux: Use your package manager to install Git. For example, on Debian-based systems, run sudo apt-get install git

2. Configuring Git

To begin using Git, open your command shell. Here's how to do it on different operating systems:

Windows: You can use Git Bash, included with Git for Windows.

Mac and Linux: You can use your system's built-in terminal.

Once you have your command shell ready, configure your identity using these commands:

git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "youremail@example.com"

Configuring your identity in Git by setting your name and email is essential before you start using Git. Here's why it's necessary:

Authorship Identification: It attributes your commitment to you, maintaining accountability.

Communication: Helps others recognize and communicate with you about your contributions.

Consistency: Ensures uniform identification across projects for easy tracking.

Open Source: Vital for contributing to open source projects and getting recognized.

Security: Protects your Git history and contributions from unauthorized access.

Documentation: Adds context to commit messages and project history.

In summary, configuring your identity is essential for effective and accountable collaboration in software development.

3. Creating a New Git Repository

To use Git with a project, you need to initialize a Git repository in that project's directory. Open your terminal and navigate to your project folder:

cd /path/to/your/project

If you already have a folder/directory you would like to use for Git, Navigate to it in the command line, or open it in your file explorer, right-click, and select "Git Bash here"

Then, initiate a new Git repository with:

git init

4. Creating and Committing Changes

You've just created your first local Git repository, but as of now, it's empty. To start tracking your code changes, you need to add files to your repository and then commit those changes.

1. Adding Files to the Staging Area:

Before you can commit your changes, you must first add the modified files to the staging area. The staging area is a crucial part of Git, as it allows you to select which changes you want to include in your next commit. Here's how to add files to the staging area:

To add a specific file to the staging area, you can use the following command:

git add filename

Replace filename with the name of the file you want to stage.

To add all the modified files in your repository to the staging area, use:

git add .

The dot . represents the current directory, and it will stage all changes within your project.

To unstage a file that you've previously added, you can use:

git reset filename

This action will remove the file from the staging area, keeping your changes in your working directory.

2. Committing Changes:

Once you've staged your changes, it's time to commit them. A commit in Git is a snapshot of your project at a particular point in time, with a meaningful message describing the changes you made. This message helps you and your collaborators understand what each commit represents. Here's how to make a commit:

git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message here"

Replace "Your descriptive commit message here" with a concise and informative message that describes the changes made in this commit.

Commit messages are crucial for project history and collaboration. Good commit messages provide context, help with debugging, and make it easier to understand what each change does.

After committing your changes, Git records them in your project's history, and you can always refer back to any previous commit if needed.

3. Checking the Status:

To check the status of your repository, including what's staged for commit and what's not, you can use:

git status

This command will provide you with a summary of the current state of your Git repository.

5. Viewing the Commit History

Once you've started making commits, you can view the commit history to understand what changes were made and when they were made. The git log command provides a detailed list of commits in your repository. Here's how to use it:

git log

The git log command displays a list of commits with the following information for each commit:

A unique commit hash (SHA-1 checksum)

Author name and email

Commit date and time

Commit message

To see a compact version of the commit history, use git log --oneline

Part 2: Collaborating with GitHub

1. Creating a GitHub Account

GitHub is a platform for hosting and collaborating on code. To get started with GitHub, you'll need an account:

If you don't already have one, sign up at github.com

2. Creating a Remote Repository on GitHub:

Navigate to Your GitHub Dashboard:
After logging in, you'll be on your GitHub dashboard. This is your personal space on GitHub where you can manage your repositories

Create a New Repository:
To create a new repository, click on the "+" sign at the upper right corner of your dashboard and select "New repository" from the dropdown menu.

Fill in Repository Details:
You'll be taken to a page where you can set up your new repository. Here are the key details you need to provide:

Repository Name: Choose a descriptive name for your repository. This name should reflect the project you're working on.

Description (optional): Add a brief description of your project to help others understand its purpose.

Visibility: You can choose to make your repository public or private. If it's public, anyone can view the code. If it's private, only people you invite will have access.

Once you've filled in the necessary details, click the "Create repository" button at the bottom. Your remote repository will be created on GitHub, and you'll be taken to the repository's page.

3. Linking the Local and Remote Repositories:

To link your local repository with the remote one on GitHub, you need to add a remote URL. GitHub provides you with the URL, which you can find on your repository's page under the "Code" tab. It looks something like this:


To add this remote URL to your local repository, use the following command:

git remote add origin

Replace the URL with the one from your GitHub repository.

4. Pushing Your Code to the Remote Repository:

Once the local and remote repositories are linked, you can push your code to the remote repository on GitHub using the following command:

git push -u origin main

This command pushes your local code to the "main" branch of the remote repository.

5. Pulling Changes from GitHub

When working as a team on a project, it is important that everyone stays up to date. To keep your local repository up to date with changes made by others on GitHub, you can use the git pull command. This command fetches changes from the remote repository and merges them into your local branch. Here's how to do it:

git pull origin main

By regularly pulling changes, you can keep your local codebase in sync with the latest updates made by your collaborators. This is essential for maintaining an accurate and up-to-date version of the project.

6. Working with Branches in Git:

In the world of version control systems like Git, branches are a fundamental concept that plays a pivotal role in managing and organizing your codebase. Branches allow you to work on different aspects of a project in isolation, acting like parallel universes for your code where changes in one branch do not affect others until you decide to merge them.

Here's how to work with branches effectively in Git:

Creating a New Branch:
To create a new branch, use the following command:

git branch new-branch-name

This command creates a new branch but doesn't switch to it. To switch to the new branch, use:

git checkout new-branch-name

Alternatively, you can combine branch creation and switching with:

git checkout -b new-branch-name

Viewing Branches:
To see a list of all branches in your repository, use:

git branch

The current branch will be highlighted with an asterisk.

Committing Changes:
Make changes to your code in the new branch and commit them as usual using git commit. These commits are specific to the branch you're on.

Switching Between Branches:
To switch between branches, use:

git checkout branch-name

Merging Branches:
To combine the changes from one branch into another (e.g., merging a feature branch into the main branch), use:

git checkout main
git merge feature-branch

This integrates the changes from the feature branch into the main branch.

Deleting Branches:
Once a branch is no longer needed, you can delete it. Use:

git branch -d branch-name

Be cautious when deleting branches, as this action cannot be undone, and you may lose work.

Pushing Branches to Remote:
To share a branch on a remote repository (e.g., GitHub), use:

git push origin branch-name

This makes your branch available for collaboration with others.

Branches are a powerful feature in version control, providing flexibility, isolation, and a structured approach to software development. They are essential for managing complex projects and collaborating with teams effectively. Whether you're working on new features, bug fixes, or experiments, branches allow you to stay organized and maintain a stable main codebase.

7. Collaborating with Pull Requests:

If you're working with a team on a GitHub-hosted project, one of the most valuable collaboration features is the use of pull requests. Pull requests (PRs) allow team members to propose changes to the project's codebase, initiate discussions, and eventually merge the changes into the main branch. Here's how to collaborate using pull requests:

Create a Pull Request:

After making changes in your local repository, you can push those changes to your GitHub repository.

On your GitHub repository page, you'll see a button that says "New Pull Request." Click on it.

Choose the Branches:

In the pull request creation page, you'll be prompted to choose the base and compare branches. The base branch is typically the main branch you want to merge changes into (e.g., main), and the compare branch is the branch where your changes are (e.g., a feature branch).

Add a Title and Description:

Provide a clear and concise title and description for your pull request. This information helps reviewers understand the purpose of your changes.
Reviewers and Assignees:

You can assign reviewers and assignees to the pull request. Reviewers will provide feedback on your changes, and assignees are responsible for taking action on the PR.
Create the Pull Request:

Click the "Create Pull Request" button to initiate the review process.
Review and Discussion:

Reviewers can view the changes, add comments, and discuss the proposed changes using the GitHub interface.
Merge the Pull Request:

Once the changes have been reviewed, tested, and approved, a collaborator can merge the pull request into the main branch by clicking the "Merge" button.

Delete Branch (optional):

After merging, you can choose to delete the branch associated with the pull request, as it's no longer needed.
Using pull requests streamlines the collaborative development process, enabling a systematic approach to reviewing, testing, and integrating code changes. It's a powerful tool for maintaining code quality and ensuring that only well-tested and approved changes make their way into the main project branch.


Git and GitHub are indispensable tools for modern software development, and mastering these tools can significantly enhance your coding journey. While the initial learning curve may seem daunting, remember that practice makes perfect. As you become more comfortable with the basic commands and concepts, you'll gain confidence in your ability to track changes, collaborate effectively with others, and build high-quality software.

To truly grasp the power of Git and GitHub, I'd encourage you to put your knowledge into action. Start with a small project, collaborate with others, and embrace the iterative and collaborative nature of software development. As you work on real-world projects, you'll experience firsthand how Git and GitHub streamline your workflow, improve code quality, and facilitate collaboration.

Remember that practice makes perfect, and the more you use these tools, the more confident you'll become in your coding journey.

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