5 Ways to Enhance Your TypeScript Code Quality

Ahmet Erkan Paşahan - Oct 8 - - Dev Community

Writing code is not just about providing functionality; it also requires ensuring that the code you write is maintainable, reliable, and sustainable. Although TypeScript is a powerful language that offers developers more control and security during the software development process, situations often arise where productivity decreases due to things that should or shouldn’t be done, leading to unmanageable complex code structures.

In general, when working in a software process, it’s important not only to get the project up and running but also to make your code more professional and free from common pitfalls, ensuring it is understandable, reusable, extendable, and flexible to changes.

Let’s explore five ways to write more professional and efficient code with TypeScript!

1- Defining Exact Types Instead of Using Any

Many of us use the any type in many places and as much as possible in order to be quick at the beginning. However, knowing what kind of data a variable holds allows the compiler to perform type checks and anticipate errors before runtime, which is not possible with the use of any.

For example, let’s assume we have a boolean variable named isAdmin. If we try to print the length of this variable to the console, it won't throw a compile-time error, but it will result in a runtime error.

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Using any reduces type safety and readability, which are among the most important advantages of TypeScript, so exact types should be preferred whenever possible.

2- Using Type Guards for Null and Undefined Checks

Again, many of us try to control the situation with an if statement when there is a possibility that a variable or function's return value may be null or undefined. This is because values like null or undefined can lead to serious potential errors in our code. However, performing extensive checks with if can sometimes lead to incorrect comparisons or result in repeating the same check multiple times. Fortunately, with TypeScript’s Optional Chaining feature, we can check whether an expression is null or undefined simply by using ?.

Let’s consider a scenario where we perform an operation with a user’s name information;

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Optional Chaining is a great alternative for writing more sustainable and clean code.

3- Using the Spread Operator Instead of Object.assign

Sometimes we may encounter various scenarios for copying or merging objects. A common method is to combine existing objects under a new object using Object.assign. However, in detailed situations like nested objects, instead of copying, references to these objects are shared. In this case, any changes made to the new object will also affect the nested objects of the original object.

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Using the operator is much more efficient for both spreading the properties of existing objects into a new object and performing the assignment in a cleaner and easier way.

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4- Using Partial Instead of Default Parameters

Writing functions with default parameters is one of the common usages we often need. However, when we want to use the same code for similar purposes in different situations, the necessity to adhere to default parameters can be a disadvantage that reduces efficiency.

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Using the Partial<T> type instead allows all properties of an object to become optional. This way, it makes the usage more flexible by only providing the necessary properties as parameters, resulting in a more efficient implementation without the need to modify the existing function.

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5- Using Union Types Instead of Enums

In many scenarios, such as user roles, colors, error states, or order statuses, we define constant values to create groupings and aim to enhance code readability. However, in more comprehensive scenarios, these constant values can become quite complex and abstract, turning into a disadvantage that reduces efficiency. At this point, using Union Types which is another practical solution to simplify the code, is a more effective method.

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Although they may seem like small details at first, once you start implementing these methods in your projects, you will notice that you are writing cleaner, error-free, and future-proof code. I consider these suggestions only as a starting point. Always exploring new ways to improve your code quality and applying better methods will take you one or several steps further on your software development journey.

There is no end to learning! Every new piece of information can be the key to another. Especially in the field of software, the ability to learn and develop oneself is of vital importance. Remember, may your hunger for knowledge never cease!

I wish you enjoyable reading and discoveries.

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