Frappe Docker Development Setup Guide for Custom Apps

Dhruv Kumar - Apr 5 - - Dev Community

This guide outlines the steps to set up a development environment using Frappe Docker, which will enable you to develop and debug Frappe and Frappe-based applications efficiently.


Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  1. Docker: A containerization platform.
  2. Docker Compose: A tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.
  3. Git: A version control system.
  4. Visual Studio Code (VSCode): A source-code editor that supports the DevContainer extension.

Setup Instructions

Clone the Repository

Start by cloning the frappe_docker repository and navigate into the directory:

git clone
cd frappe_docker
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Configure Development Container

Copy the example development container configuration:

cp -R devcontainer-example .devcontainer
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Copy the VSCode configuration for the development container to set up basic debugging capabilities:

cp -R development/vscode-example development/.vscode
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Open in VSCode

Open the project in VSCode. If the Remote Containers extension is installed, you should see a prompt to reopen the project in a container. If not, reload the window or press Ctrl + Shift + P, then search for and select "Rebuild and Reopen in Container".

Modify Application Configuration

Edit apps-example.json to point to the correct repository and branch for your application:

    "url": "https://{{PAT}}",
    "branch": "main"  // can change according
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Replace {{PAT}} with your GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT).

Reference Link :

Install Dependencies and Setup Application

Run the Python installer script with the appropriate repository and tag:

python -r {{your_forked_frappe_repo}} -t {{forked_repo_branch_name}} -p {{python-version}}
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Reference Link :

Activate the Python virtual environment:

source env/bin/activate
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Navigate to the application directory, and install the required Python packages:

cd apps/{{you_app_name}}/
pip install -r requirements.txt
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Set the default site in Bench:

bench use development.localhost
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Start the Development Server

Navigate back to the frappe-bench directory and start the development server using either of the following commands:

cd ../frappe-bench
bench start
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honcho start web socketio watch schedule worker
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Following these steps will set up your Frappe Docker development environment, allowing you to develop and debug applications within a containerized environment seamlessly.

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