From Static to Stunning: Animate with GSAP

Dhruv Kumar - Sep 29 - - Dev Community

When it comes to building engaging, visually appealing websites, animations play a critical role in enhancing user experience. While there are several animation libraries available, one that stands out is the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP). GSAP is a robust JavaScript library that allows you to create fast, fluid, and cross-browser animations with minimal code.

In this blog, we’ll cover the basics of using GSAP to create stunning animations, even if you’re just getting started. Let's dive into how to animate with GSAP.


Here are some reasons GSAP is the go-to tool for many developers:

  1. Performance: GSAP is known for being incredibly fast and optimized for high-performance animation, even on complex UIs.
  2. Compatibility: It works seamlessly across all major browsers, including Internet Explorer (for legacy projects).
  3. Ease of Use: Its API is straightforward, making it accessible even for developers new to animation.
  4. Advanced Features: From timeline-based animations to scroll-based effects, GSAP offers a wealth of features for both simple and complex animations.

Getting Started

1. Setting Up GSAP

To begin, you'll need to include GSAP in your project. You can either use a CDN or install it via npm if you're using a bundler like Webpack or Parcel.

Using a CDN:

<script src=""></script>
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Or, install via npm:

npm install gsap
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Now, GSAP is ready to be used in your project.

2. Basic GSAP Animation

At its core, GSAP animates any property of a DOM element. Here’s a simple example of animating a box element from point A to point B.


<div class="box"></div>
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.box {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: red;
  position: absolute;
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GSAP JavaScript:".box", {
  x: 300,
  duration: 2
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, GSAP moves the .box element 300 pixels along the x-axis over 2 seconds. The method is used to animate properties from their current value to a new value.

3. Common GSAP Methods

  • Animates properties from their current value to the specified target values.".box", { x: 300, duration: 1 });
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  • gsap.from(): Animates properties from a specified value to the current value.
  gsap.from(".box", { opacity: 0, duration: 1 });
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  • gsap.fromTo(): Defines both the starting and ending values of the animation.
  gsap.fromTo(".box", { opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1, duration: 1 });
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4. Creating Sequential Animations with Timeline

Often, you’ll want to create a sequence of animations that happen one after the other. GSAP provides the gsap.timeline() feature, allowing you to create complex animations in a series.

const tl = gsap.timeline();".box", { x: 300, duration: 1 })
  .to(".box", { y: 200, duration: 1 })
  .to(".box", { rotation: 360, duration: 1 });
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Here, the .box will first move horizontally to 300 pixels, then vertically to 200 pixels, and finally, rotate by 360 degrees. Each action happens sequentially with the timeline managing the order.

5. Easing Effects

GSAP provides a variety of easing functions that control how the animation progresses over time, making animations more natural. The default easing is power1.out, but you can change it to a different easing function for different effects.".box", {
  x: 300,
  duration: 2,
  ease: "bounce.out"
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Popular easing functions include:

  • power1, power2, power3, power4
  • bounce
  • elastic
  • back
  • expo

These allow you to create bouncy, elastic, or easing-in/out effects that bring life to your animations.

6. Animating Multiple Elements

You can target multiple elements at once using GSAP by specifying the class or element selector. The library will animate all matching elements simultaneously.".box", { x: 300, duration: 2 });".circle", { y: 200, duration: 1 });
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You can also pass an array of elements:[ ".box", ".circle" ], { rotation: 180, duration: 2 });
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7. Scroll Animations with ScrollTrigger

GSAP also provides a powerful plugin called ScrollTrigger, which allows you to create scroll-based animations effortlessly. This feature lets you trigger animations as you scroll down the page.

To use it, first include the plugin:

<script src=""></script>
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Basic example:".box", {
  scrollTrigger: ".box", // trigger animation when ".box" enters the viewport
  x: 500,
  duration: 3
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here, the .box element will animate when it enters the viewport as the user scrolls.


GSAP is an extremely versatile and powerful library for creating web animations. Whether you’re animating a button, building complex scroll-based effects, or creating a full-blown animation-driven experience, GSAP makes it straightforward with its intuitive syntax and rich set of features.

If you’re just starting out, don’t feel overwhelmed! Try out some basic animations and gradually explore more advanced concepts like timelines and scroll triggers. GSAP has excellent documentation that will guide you through everything from beginner to advanced animations.

Start experimenting, and you’ll quickly see how GSAP can transform your web projects into engaging, interactive experiences!

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