How to Structure Vue Projects

Alexander Opalic - May 12 - - Dev Community

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Some General Rules
  3. Flat Approach
  4. Atomic Design
  5. Modules
  6. Feature Sliced Design
  7. Microfrontends
  8. Conclusion


When initiating a Vue project, it's crucial to think about its structure. The primary consideration is the anticipated scale of the project. In this blog post, I will explore various structures suited to Vue projects of differing sizes. This consideration aligns well with Conway's Law:

"Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations." - Mel Conway

In essence, Conway's Law suggests that the architecture of your Vue application will inherently reflect the architecture of your organization, influencing how you should plan your project's structure.

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Some General Rules

Before we start with differnt strucutres for your Projects. I want to highlight some general Rules that you can apply for every Strucutre this mostly come from the offical Vue Styleguide.

Base Component Names

Use a Prefix for your UI Components


|- MyButton.vue
|- VueTable.vue
|- Icon.vue
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|- BaseButton.vue
|- BaseTable.vue
|- BaseIcon.vue
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Tightly coupled component names

Group Tightly coupled component Names Together


|- TodoList.vue
|- TodoItem.vue
|- TodoButton.vue
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|- TodoList.vue
|- TodoListItem.vue
|- TodoListItemButton.vue
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Order of words in component names

Component names should start with the highest-level (often most general) words and end with descriptive modifying words.


|- ClearSearchButton.vue
|- ExcludeFromSearchInput.vue
|- LaunchOnStartupCheckbox.vue
|- RunSearchButton.vue
|- SearchInput.vue
|- TermsCheckbox.vue
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|- SearchButtonClear.vue
|- SearchButtonRun.vue
|- SearchInputQuery.vue
|- SearchInputExcludeGlob.vue
|- SettingsCheckboxTerms.vue
|- SettingsCheckboxLaunchOnStartup.vue
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Deciding how to structure your tests and where to place them could be a topic for its own blog post. In this article, we will explore having a separate folder for tests, where each test file reflects the source code. Alternatively, you could place the test files next to the files they test. Both approaches are valid.

Approach 1: Separate Test Folder

|-- /src
|   |-- /components
|   |   |-- MyComponent.vue
|   |-- /views
|   |   |-- HomeView.vue
|-- /tests
|   |-- /components
|   |   |-- MyComponent.spec.js
|   |-- /views
|   |   |-- HomeView.spec.js
|-- package.json
|-- ...
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Approach 2: Inline Test Files

|-- /src
|   |-- /components
|   |   |-- MyComponent.vue
|   |   |-- MyComponent.spec.js
|   |-- /views
|   |   |-- HomeView.vue
|   |   |-- HomeView.spec.js
|-- package.json
|-- ...
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Flat Approach

When launching a small-scale Vue project such as a Proof of Concept, you might prefer a straightforward folder structure to avoid complexity:

|-- /components
|   |-- BaseButton.vue
|   |-- BaseCard.vue
|   |-- PokemonList.vue
|   |-- PokemonCard.vue
|-- /composables
|   |-- usePokemon.js
|-- /utils
|   |-- validators.js
|-- /layout
|   |-- DefaultLayout.vue
|   |-- AdminLayout.vue
|-- /plugins
|   |-- translate.js
|-- /views
|   |-- Home.vue
|   |-- PokemonDetail.vue
|-- /router
|   |-- index.js
|-- /store
|   |-- index.js
|-- /assets
|   |-- /images
|   |-- /styles
|-- /tests
|   |-- ...
|-- App.vue
|-- main.js
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Atomic Design

For larger Vue applications, employing the Atomic Design methodology can be advantageous. This approach organizes components into a hierarchy from simplest to most complex:

  • Atoms: Basic elements (e.g., buttons, icons)
  • Molecules: Groups of atoms (e.g., search bars)
  • Organisms: Complex components (e.g., navigation bars)
  • Templates: Layouts displaying component structure
  • Pages: Actual UI screens with real data

This method ensures scalability and maintainability, facilitating the transition between simple and complex components smoothly.

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|-- /components
|   |-- /atoms
|   |   |-- AtomButton.vue
|   |   |-- AtomIcon.vue
|   |-- /molecules
|   |   |-- MoleculeSearchInput.vue
|   |   |-- MoleculePokemonThumbnail.vue
|   |-- /organisms
|   |   |-- OrganismPokemonCard.vue
|   |   |-- OrganismHeader.vue
|   |-- /templates
|   |   |-- TemplatePokemonList.vue
|   |   |-- TemplatePokemonDetail.vue
|-- /pages
|   |-- PageHome.vue
|   |-- PagePokemonDetail.vue
|-- /composables
|   |-- usePokemon.js
|-- /utils
|   |-- validators.js
|-- /layout
|   |-- LayoutDefault.vue
|   |-- LayoutAdmin.vue
|-- /plugins
|   |-- translate.js
|-- /router
|   |-- index.js
|-- /store
|   |-- index.js
|-- /assets
|   |-- /images
|   |-- /styles
|-- /tests
|   |-- ...
|-- App.vue
|-- main.js
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As your project scales, consider a modular monolithic architecture. This structure encapsulates each feature or domain, enhancing maintainability and preparing for potential evolution towards microservices:

|-- /core
|   |-- /components
|   |   |-- BaseButton.vue
|   |   |-- BaseIcon.vue
|   |-- /models
|   |-- /store
|   |-- /services
|   |-- /views
|   |   |-- DefaultLayout.vue
|   |   |-- AdminLayout.vue
|   |-- /utils
|   |   |-- validators.js
|-- /modules
|   |-- /pokemon
|   |   |-- /components
|   |   |   |-- PokemonThumbnail.vue
|   |   |   |-- PokemonCard.vue
|   |   |   |-- PokemonListTemplate.vue
|   |   |   |-- PokemonDetailTemplate.vue
|   |   |-- /models
|   |   |-- /store
|   |   |   |-- pokemonStore.js
|   |   |-- /services
|   |   |-- /views
|   |   |   |-- PokemonDetailPage.vue
|   |   |-- /tests
|   |   |   |-- pokemonTests.spec.js
|   |-- /search
|   |   |-- /components
|   |   |   |-- SearchInput.vue
|   |   |-- /models
|   |   |-- /store
|   |   |   |-- searchStore.js
|   |   |-- /services
|   |   |-- /views
|   |   |-- /tests
|   |   |   |-- searchTests.spec.js
|-- /assets
|   |-- /images
|   |-- /styles
|-- /scss
|-- App.vue
|-- main.ts
|-- router.ts
|-- store.ts
|-- /tests
|   |-- ...
|-- /plugins
|   |-- translate.js

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Feature Sliced Design

Feature-Sliced Design is a way to organize big and long-term projects so they are easier to manage and grow. This approach breaks the application into different layers, each with a specific role:

  • App: Global settings, styles, and providers.
  • Pages: Builds full pages using entities, features, and widgets.
  • Widgets: Combines entities and features into cohesive UI blocks, like IssueList or UserProfile.
  • Features: Handles user interactions that add value, such as sending comments, adding to cart, or searching users.
  • Entities: Represents core business models like User, Product, and Order.
  • Shared: Provides reusable utilities and components unrelated to specific business logic, like UIKit, libraries, and APIs.
|-- /app
|   |-- App.vue
|   |-- main.js
|   |-- app.scss
|-- /processes
|-- /pages
|   |-- Home.vue
|   |-- PokemonDetailPage.vue
|-- /widgets
|   |-- UserProfile.vue
|   |-- PokemonStatsWidget.vue
|-- /features
|   |-- pokemon
|   |   |-- CatchPokemon.vue
|   |   |-- PokemonList.vue
|   |-- user
|   |   |-- Login.vue
|   |   |-- Register.vue
|-- /entities
|   |-- user
|   |   |-- userService.js
|   |   |-- userModel.js
|   |-- pokemon
|   |   |-- pokemonService.js
|   |   |-- pokemonModel.js
|-- /shared
|   |-- ui
|   |   |-- BaseButton.vue
|   |   |-- BaseInput.vue
|   |   |-- Loader.vue
|   |-- lib
|   |   |-- api.js
|   |   |-- helpers.js
|-- /assets
|   |-- /images
|   |-- /styles
|-- /router
|   |-- index.js
|-- /store
|   |-- index.js
|-- /tests
|   |-- featureTests.spec.js
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This setup is great for large projects because it makes them easier to scale up and keep tidy. For more details on how these layers work, check out the official Feature-Sliced Design documentation.

Feature Sliced Design Diagram


Microfrontends take the idea of Microservices and apply it to the front-end part of web apps. This means different teams can work on different sections of a web app without interfering with each other. Each section, or "Microfrontend," works on its own and can change independently. Here's a basic overview for an SPA. Please note that I won't delve into the details of how Microfrontends actually work in this blog post.

  • Application Shell: This is the main controller that handles the basic layout and routing for the site. It connects all the Microfrontends together.
  • Decomposed UIs: Each Microfrontend focuses on a specific part of the application. They can be developed with different technologies and updated separately.

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The main advantage is that Microfrontends let teams update parts of the app without waiting for others, which can speed up development. However, this setup can make the app more complex to manage and keep consistent.

Useful Resources:

This strategy is ideal for large, complex projects with multiple development teams. Each team can focus on specific business requirements without affecting the work of others, potentially using the technology that best suits their part of the application.


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I hope it's now clear that you should select a structure that reflects your organization's size and complexity. Additionally, more advanced structures would be worth their own blog post; I just wanted to provide you with a good overview. In general, the larger and more complex your team—or the more teams you have—the more you should aim for a structure that better separates these concepts. Essentially, the structure of your team will guide you in determining the best project structure for your needs.

Approach Description Pros Cons
Flat Approach Simple structure, ideal for small projects or proof of concept. - Easy to implement
- Minimal setup
- Not scalable
- Clutters as project grows
Atomic Design Hierarchical structure based on component complexity. - Scalable
- Organized
- Reusable components
- Overhead in managing layers
- Complex setup
Modules Modular structure that encapsulates features. - Scalable
- Encapsulated features
- Potential duplication
- Can become complex
Feature-Sliced Design Organizes project into functional layers and slices. - High cohesion
- Clear feature separation
- Initial complexity
- Requires thorough planning
Microfrontends Each part of the application is deployed separately. - Independent deployments
- Scalable
- High complexity
- Coordination needed between teams

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