How I got Vue-certified

Alois Sečkár - Feb 10 - - Dev Community

If you are about to take or thinking of taking this exam too, I hope this article will reach you in time to help you prepare for or decide whether you want to do it. And shall you have not heard about the Vue certification yet, it might also come in handy.

In the last two years I got involved in Vue.js frontend development, mainly using Nuxt framework on top of it. I jumped on the train right about time when Vue 3 was out, so unlike many devs used for Vue 2/Nuxt 2, who decided not to adapt for ground-breaking changes and bailed out, I like the ecosystem more and more. I am also trying to get involved – answering questions, translating Vue.js docs into Czech and recently we even have started thinking about having the first Vue conference in Prague!

I am also subscribed to whatever Vue news available, not talking about maintaining my own list. So when the information about Vue.js certification first came out, it didn’t take long before I subscribed for it. That was nearly a year ago, a long time before it was actually made available for real.

A lot of things have happened since then. First it got postponed several times, so I nearly started to lose hope and questioned my decision to pay in advance. Then it came out, but we were about to finish our Nuxt project at work and I was rushing to complete my Vue.js docs translation efforts in spare time. Weeks have passed and I remained uncertified. Then two weeks ago I finally decided “Now it’s the time!”

I tried to get some info about what I should expect. And got a bit scared by a Reddit comment. Being online monitored all the time? And being forced to look into the monitor all the time? Eww! That sounded quite unpleasant and uncomfortable. But yea, it is a test. And when I was doing my Java OCP certs, I also got monitored by a tutor via a camera. So, whatever? Let’s do it!

It turned out that the hardest and most tedious part of the exam is the preparation. They are using some dedicated software for that monitoring. Once it runs, it works quite well, I think. The problem is you have to allow access to a camera, microphone and share your screen. For some reason I was struggling in accomplishing that. Despite my best efforts, I finally gave up trying to make it work on my home computer. I always kept stuck on the screen, where the system checks whether it has access to everything it wants. Fortunately, all I needed to do was to switch to my work laptop. Here everything just worked. Could have saved some time and a lot of frustration if I knew that earlier…

The last challenge before the test itself was the requirement to “do a 360° around your room with your camera”. While I was elaborating how to quickly unplug all the cables attached to my laptop to do that, and only managed to do a few swings here and there, the application proceeded, and the test started.

The Level 1 test (currently the only one available, the senior one should come out later this year) is divided into two parts. The first block is 30 A-B-C-D choice questions. Only one answer is correct, which makes it easier. Some questions I found ridiculously easy; some were a bit more challenging. But if you read the docs correctly, you will find all the answers here. The general level is rather easy if you are hanging around the framework as I do. The given time is more than enough for this part, I double-checked and submitted my answers even before middle of the countdown.

The second part consists of two coding challenges – first is to actually implement something, second is a “fix the bug” task. You have to use StackBlitz IDE inside your browser, which some find inconvenient, but I was more than used to it from playing around with Nuxt and other ecosystem tools. Even in the coding challenge you don’t start from scratch, but you have already a lot of code prepared, so you only have to care about the requirements. You also have access to Vue.js docs at this point (not in the questions part ofc), so there is no need to memorize everything, you “just” need to know what to use to achieve required tasks. I also like the way the authors provide a checklist and softly push you to double-check if you have really covered everything. There are number of points to do, but it is really just about picking appropriate Vue.js basic principles and apply the correctly. So, if you can code in Vue, you can pass this part of the exam.

Full of confidence in myself I moved to last quest. The funny thing is that the flaw in the given code can be fixed in just a few moments. But as well as with the bugfixing in real life, spotting the right place is the tricky part. And thus, although it was really an obvious one, and you will encounter the root of the problem in any of those “common mistakes in Vue.js development” articles and videos, I nearly failed there, only a few steps from reaching the end. It wasn’t like in the movies where the countdown stops like a second before detonation, but mine was about to enter the last minute, when I finally got the right idea after series of weird and useless JavaScript gymnastics. And yep, it was really that easy…

So, I got through to the end. The test is not evaluated immediately, so I got plenty of time for being worried about failing the exam because technical reasons. Like “What if I failed the initial 360° with a webcam and they will say I was cheating?” or ”What if they say my room was too dark?” (because I started in the late afternoon and finished in the evening without turning lights on). But apparently, that was just me. The next day I found good news in my email – my brand new and shiny Vue.js certificate is here. Great success!

And that kids, is how I got certified as Vue.js Developer Level 1.

Now, if you are still with me, there is a little FAQ to wrap it up:

Does the exam prove you know Vue.js?
It covers all the basic principles you may encounter in Vue.js applications. However, it only covers junior level of using Vue. We’ll have to wait for the senior exam.

Is it easy to pass it?
If you work with Vue on a daily basis, rather yes.

Is it convenient to pass it?
You might have some setting the environment up. But then during the exam itself, I didn’t feel constrained or spied on. After all, I was deeply focusing on trying to complete the tasks, I don’t have any urge to get distracted. I only got officially “warned” once when I accidentally clicked WIN key instead of CTRL and lost focus on the browser tab for a blink. They even let me mumble and comment in a low voice as I am used to while coding, although the official rules say “no talking”. But finding ways to cheat might give you harder times, I recommend not to do so.

Is it worth it?
That depends. For you personally the learning process might be useful, the exam itself probably won’t move you that much forward. But from the job market perspective – it is something you can show, and I don’t see why it should be less relevant for Vue.js world as for instance OCA exams for Java developers. Also, you can haggle with it next time you go to ask for a rise and your manager will ask, what new skills you have gained since you two last talked about it.

Is it worth the price?
It is not the cheapest, that’s right. But many “real” certifications aren’t cheap either. They also offer some regional discounts; I was able to purchase it notably cheaper. Also, they keep offering various “sales” and “special offers”. I bought the exam myself initially, but then I made a deal with my employer that I’d get the costs covered (that’s one of my pretty cool job benefits). This might also be an option.

However, if you are really short on your budget, then I would probably recommend not to buy it. Rather invest your limited funds into VueSchool access. Because they will really teach you how to tame Vue and associated technologies. They have tons of content on various topics from absolute beginners’ to very advanced ones. And they keep up with the latest development in the ecosystem

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