Demystifying Kafka Message Consuming Styles and Essential Consumer Configurations

amaendeepm - Jun 14 '23 - - Dev Community

Apache Kafka's true power lies not only in its ability to produce messages but also in its robust message consumption capabilities. Choosing the right consuming style and understanding the impact of essential consumer configurations are critical for building reliable and scalable Kafka-based systems. This article explores the differences between at-least-once, at-most-once, and exactly-once consuming styles, along with key consumer configurations, to help you make informed decisions when designing your Kafka applications.

Understanding Kafka Message Consuming Styles:

1. At-Least-Once Consumption:   At-least-once consumption ensures that no data is lost during processing. This approach involves disabling auto-committing offsets ( and manually committing offsets once the processing is complete. It guarantees reliable message processing but may introduce potential duplicates if processing fails after committing offsets but before acknowledging the successful completion of the message.

2. At-Most-Once Consumption:   At-most-once consumption focuses on avoiding duplicate message processing at the expense of possible message loss. With auto-commit enabled (, offsets are automatically committed after each message is consumed. This approach is suitable for scenarios where duplicate processing is highly undesirable, such as charging customers or deducting inventory.

3. Exactly-Once Consumption:   Achieving true exactly-once consumption in Kafka is a complex endeavor. It requires a combination of idempotent producers, transactional writes, and idempotent consumers. This consuming style ensures that each message is processed exactly once, guaranteeing strict data integrity. Implementing exactly-once semantics involves careful offset management and leveraging transactional processing capabilities within Kafka.

Consumer Configurations and Their Significance:

  1.  The configuration specifies the consumer group to which the consumer belongs. Kafka uses consumer groups to parallelize message consumption. Each consumer within a group is assigned a set of partitions to read from. Consumer groups enable load balancing and allow multiple consumers to work together efficiently.

  2. auto.offset.reset   The auto.offset.reset configuration defines the consumer's behavior when it starts consuming a partition for the first time or when it has no committed offsets. Setting auto.offset.reset=earliest instructs the consumer to start consuming from the earliest available offset in the partition, while auto.offset.reset=latest causes it to begin consuming from the latest offset, especially if consuming side is like a a job running in background which does not need historic messages fetch but act upon new arrivals of message as soon as it can

  3. max.poll.records   The max.poll.records configuration controls the maximum number of records the consumer fetches in a single poll request to Kafka brokers. Adjusting this value allows you to control the batch size of records consumed per request. Larger batch sizes can increase throughput but may also increase processing latency.

  4. fetch.min.bytes and   These configurations, fetch.min.bytes and, work together to control the behavior of the consumer's fetch requests. The consumer waits for either fetch.min.bytes of data to accumulate or time to elapse before returning records to the application. Fine-tuning these values balances latency and throughput based on your specific requirements.

  5. and :   The configuration defines the maximum time a consumer can be inactive before it is considered dead and removed from the consumer group. The configuration determines the frequency at which the consumer sends heartbeat requests to Kafka brokers to signal its liveliness. These configurations assist in detecting failures and ensuring rebalancing within the consumer group.

  6. Requesting an Idempotent Producer:   On the consuming side, requesting an idempotent producer further enhances
    reliability and ensures message integrity. An idempotent producer helps ignore duplicate messages in certain situations, reducing the chances of duplicates being processed on the consuming side. This combination of consuming style and idempotent producer can further enhance reliability and ensure message integrity. Point to be noted that not all Kafka libraries support idempotent producer ( at time of writing python kafka library did not support it, while confluent's python kafka library does support) and this can also be evaludated if duplicate messages at consuming side can be big issue for your setup.


In the realm of Kafka message consumption, understanding the nuances of at-least-once, at-most-once, and exactly-once consuming styles is crucial. Each style offers different trade-offs in terms of reliability and processing guarantees. Furthermore, essential consumer configurations, such as, auto.offset.reset, max.poll.records, fetch.min.bytes,,, and, provide fine-grained control over performance, scalability, fault tolerance, and processing guarantees.

By selecting the appropriate consuming style and configuring consumer parameters to align with your use case requirements, you can unlock the full potential of Kafka for building robust and scalable distributed systems. It's worth noting that the consuming side can also request an idempotent producer, which helps ignore duplicate messages in certain situations. This combination of consuming style and idempotent producer can further enhance reliability and ensure message integrity.

Remember to weigh the advantages and considerations of each approach, experiment with different configurations, and consider leveraging an idempotent producer to minimize duplicate message processing. By carefully designing your Kafka applications and aligning the consuming and producing sides, you can harness the power of Kafka's message processing capabilities while maintaining the scalability and fault tolerance required in modern distributed systems.

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