Was the #100DaysOfCode a Great Challenge for you?

Anita Olsen - Nov 19 '23 - - Dev Community

After been learning Python on Codecademy for a little while, I came over Alex Kallaway's #100DaysOfCode challenge (https://www.100daysofcode.com/) on Twitter (now X) and immediately decided to join it! My objective was to learn to code (mostly) in Python.

I'm publicly committing to the 100DaysOfCode Challenge starting today! Learn More and Join me! hey @ka11away https://t.co/gcZbXbyWkQ #100DaysOfCode

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 2, 2023

Day 1 of #100DaysOfCode Wrote a letter to my future self by using the #Python print() function on #Codedex Python arguments, basic syntax, strings & loops in multiplayer on #CodeCombat Accessed, added & removed items from a list in #JS on #CodeCademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/2Pg9QjO5b8

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 2, 2023

Day 2 of #100DaysOfCode #Python datatypes on #Codedex Python arguments & basic syntax and loops in multiplayer on #CodeCombat #JS loops on #Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/Lf0JohHvWE

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 3, 2023

Day 3 of #100DaysOfCode
Operators on #Codedex Python 2 on #Codecademy
Arguments, basic syntax, strings & reading the docs
and multiplayer on #CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/m7r0Njn8xM

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 4, 2023

Day 4 of #100DaysOfCode Calculated my BMI by using exponents on #Codedex Completed lesson on Python 2 syntax on #Codecademy Practiced basic syntax and multiplayer on #CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/Pu9qk0jDIl

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 5, 2023

Day 5 of #100DaysOfCode Variables on #Codecademy Completed the COMBO challenge level by using the programming skills I have learned so far + played multiplayer arena instances against other clan members on #CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 6, 2023

Day 6 of #100DaysOfCode Learned about control flow on @Codedex and wrote a coin flip program. Learned about functions on @Codecademy Practiced arguments, basic syntax & strings and did multiplayer on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/3X4qX7ajM1

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 7, 2023

Day 7 of #100DaysOfCode Loops on @codedex_io and wrote a demo using a bank's ATM + another ATM program I found on @pythondex While loops, for loops & for-each loops on @Codecademy Practiced arguments, basic syntax, strings & reading the docs on @CodeCombat pic.twitter.com/pU83mPeKrS

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 8, 2023

Day 8 of #100DaysOfCode If statements on @codedex_io and created a https://t.co/zAGRP6xib7 program that checks whether a grade is above or below 55. If statements on @Codecademy Practiced arguments, basic syntax & strings on @CodeCombat pic.twitter.com/daPLXtNHkh

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 9, 2023

Day 9 of #100DaysOfCode Relational operators on @codedex_io and created a ph_levels.py program that checks whether a pH level is basic, acidic, or neutral. Lists on @Codecademy Basic syntax & while loops on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/qwmh9IPkGg

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 10, 2023

Day 10 of #100DaysOfCode Random on @codedex_io and created a Magic 8 Ball program that can respond to Yes or No questions. Practiced arguments & basic syntax on #CodeCombat Completed the Choosing a Programming Language course on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/HMDUDcXWlu

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 11, 2023

Day 11 of #100DaysOfCode Wrote a https://t.co/75Muki41Lb program which uses if-elif-else statements, relational operators & the int() function on @codedex_io Basic syntax & while loops on @CodeCombat Welcome to Codecademy course completed on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/nPbnfeZuKG

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 12, 2023

Day 12 of #100DaysOfCode Created a program that asks the user for three numbers and calculates by using the quadratic formula on @codedex_io Basic syntax, while loops & reading the doc on @CodeCombat Started Choosing a Career in Tech course on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/jILoCbQiUb

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 13, 2023

Day 13 of #100DaysOfCode Completed 2 lessons on the Learn Python tutorial & completed 47 of 95 exercises on https://t.co/0X7LvrPRIk Basic syntax & while loops on @CodeCombat Completed the Choosing a Career in Tech course on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/Z6Y3swPAaX

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 14, 2023

Day 14 of #100DaysOfCode Loops on @codedex_io and created a guess the number game. Made a simple calculator that determines the price of a meal after tax and tip in Python 2 on @Codecademy Arguments, basic syntax & while loops on @Codecombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/0t4l2bTJrG

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 15, 2023

Day 15 of #100DaysOfCode #Python 2 strings on @Codecademy Variables on @codedex_io Arguments, basic syntax & while loops on @CodeCombat and played Frozen Fortress where I battled against my teammates and others by using my best programming skills #100daysofcodechallenge

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 16, 2023

Day 16 of #100DaysOfCode Currency @codedex_io created a program that asks the user for the amount they have in yuan, yen & won and calculates the total in USD. Completed strings lesson @Codecademy Arguments, basic syntax, strings & while loops @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/mGGl96B6kF

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 17, 2023

Day 17 of #100DaysOfCode Print and Replit Workspace on @Replit Wrote a program that asks the user for the amount they have in crypto & calculates the total in USD on @codedex_io Lesson: Date and Time on @Codecademy Basic syntax & while loops on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/9kXFK98fe4

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 18, 2023

Day 18 of #100DaysOfCode Input & Variables on @Replit wrote interactive code which takes inputs from the user. Wrote a Mad Libs word game on @Codecademy in Python 2 and in Python 3. Practiced arguments, basic syntax, strings & while loops on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/JEfUiYc70s

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 19, 2023

Day 19 of #100DaysOfCode Concatenating on @Replit and wrote The Ultimate Wacky Recipe Maker program. Conditionals & Control Flow on @Codecademy Practiced arguments, basic syntax & while loops on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/USsmD4k4K0

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 20, 2023

Day 20 of #100DaysOfCode Created a program which takes input from the user and puts it into a story on @Replit Try out my story: https://t.co/44DSFybAq3 Conditionals & Control Flow on @Codecademy Arguments, basic syntax, strings & while loops @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/nbu5BtT4WM

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 21, 2023

Day 21 of #100DaysOfCode Q&As with 'if' statements on @Replit and built my very first Akinator style game. Try it out here: https://t.co/6d4pXdOt6k Conditionals & Control Flow on @Codecademy Arguments, basic syntax, strings & while loops on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/3ulynrvkYe

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 22, 2023

Day 22 of #100DaysOfCode Learned elif statements on @Replit and created a login system which asks for username and password: https://t.co/CTi1NPfcVY Conditionals & Control Flow on @Codecademy Arguments, basic syntax, strings & while loops on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/yZyp5DrhAP

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 23, 2023

Day 23 of #100DaysOfCode Nested if statements within if statements on @Replit & created a game to find true fans of my favourite show: https://t.co/jG57jy76mj Conditionals & Control Flow @Codecademy Arguments, basic syntax, strings & variables @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/pEpXRuyFLc

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 24, 2023

Day 24 of #100DaysOfCode I made a custom affirmation generator on @Replit range() on @codedex_io & made a https://t.co/ED2hKYRAJl program Completed lesson Conditionals & Control Flow on @Codecademy Arguments, basic syntax, strings & while loops @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/kyO9gRZvFa

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 25, 2023

Day 25 of #100DaysOfCode Casting on @Replit and wrote a Generation Generator program. Try it here: https://t.co/JAzLEIhA24 Continued on the Learn Python 2 course on @Codecademy Arguments, basic syntax & variables on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/NInhLlOjKV

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 26, 2023

Day 26 of #100DaysOfCode Basic math principles (+, -, *, /) @Replit & built my own tip calculator! Here: https://t.co/BbArTGdQmC I made a Pig Latin translator program @Codecademy Here: https://t.co/jm0uoddZZv Arguments, basic syntax & variables @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/YRSnz1Q9mQ

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 27, 2023

Day 27 of #100DaysOfCode Used my math skills to determine how many seconds are in a year on @Replit & wrote a program to calculate it. I used the coding skills I have learned so far to solve a special Challenge Level on @CodeCombat Functions on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/8FH3dUiJN9

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 28, 2023

Day 28 of #100DaysOfCode Errors and debugging on @Replit Functions on @Codecademy Arguments, basic syntax & variables on @CodeCombat Refreshing on loops on @codedex_io #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/wtBfrqftht

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 29, 2023

Day 29 of #100DaysOfCode Started on a new big project on @Replit and made an Exam Grade Calculator! Try it here: https://t.co/lOetw4xbk6 Completed lesson: Functions on @Codecademy Arguments, basic syntax, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge #Python pic.twitter.com/WfYOM4Lsyu

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 30, 2023

Day 30 of #100DaysOfCode I wrote a rock, paper and scissors game on @Replit Functions on @Codecademy Basic syntax & variables on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/Hu1UF2MJ5b

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) January 31, 2023

Day 31 of #100DaysOfCode Loops on @Replit and wrote an Animal Sound Generator! Completed lesson: Taking a Vacation & module: Functions on @Codecademy Completed 3 #Python lessons on @Sololearn Arguments, basic syntax, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/DfRFHFcRh6

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 1, 2023

Day 32 of #100DaysOfCode while True loops on @Replit and wrote a Name the Lyrics game. Wrote a Pig Latin Translator & completed my daily #Python lessons on @Sololearn Python Lists and dictionaries @Codecademy Arguments, basic syntax & variables @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/NhjtrRf9aL

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 2, 2023

Day 33 of #100DaysOfCode The "continue" command on @Replit and improved my rock, paper and scissors game. Completed lesson #Python Lists and Dictionaries on @Codecademy Completed my daily Python lessons on @Sololearn Arguments, basic syntax, strings & while loops on @CodeCombat pic.twitter.com/QNKCf7NRMg

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 3, 2023

Day 34 of #100DaysOfCode Made a guess the number game @Replit Made a program that prints out the verses of 99 Bottles of Beer @codedex_io lists & dictionaries on @Codecademy Completed my daily Python lessons @Sololearn Arguments, basic syntax, variables & while loops @CodeCombat pic.twitter.com/TPNUtvNuKU

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 4, 2023

Day 35 of #100DaysOfCode The "for" loop on @Replit and made a loan calculator. "for" loops in Lists & Dictionaries on @Codecademy Completed my daily #Python lessons on @Sololearn Arguments, basic syntax, variables & while loop on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/2MxGXiv581

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 5, 2023

Day 36 of #100DaysOfCode Range on @Replit and made a List Generator. "for" loops in Lists & Dictionaries on @Codecademy Completed my daily #Python lessons on @Sololearn Arguments, basic syntax, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/va186SgBmi

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 6, 2023

Day 37 of #100DaysOfCode Created a game to test my friends' math facts knowledge on @Replit "for" loops in Lists & Dictionaries @Codecademy Completed my daily lessons @Sololearn Basic syntax, while loops, strings, variables & reading the docs @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/9DBxgDfjSr

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 7, 2023

Day 38 of #100DaysOfCode Libraries on @Replit and added randomness to my guess the number game. "for" loops and completed module Lists & Dictionaries on @Codecademy Completed my daily lessons on @Sololearn Basic syntax on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/3jFyyWroRH

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 8, 2023

Day 39 of #100DaysOfCode Subroutines on @Replit and made a login program. Dictionaries on @Codecademy Completed daily lessons on @Sololearn Arguments, basic syntax & strings on @CodeCombat and completed the level island of Kithguard Dungeon. #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/bfqQpr1kce

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 9, 2023

Day 40 of #100DaysOfCode Parameters on @Replit and made an Infinity Dice game. Completed my daily lessons on @Sololearn Functions on @Codecademy HTML on @codedex_io Web Development: Basic HTML on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/1UDAkUBULl

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 10, 2023

Day 41 of #100DaysOfCode The "return" command on @Replit and made a Character Stats Generator. Functions on @Codecademy Completed my daily lessons on @Sololearn Basic HTML on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/nQLcuTmWM7

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 11, 2023

Day 42 of #100DaysOfCode Libraries on @Replit Functions on @Codecademy Lists, operations & loops on @Sololearn and I completed my daily #Python lessons. Basic HTML on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/7BALpYH8vv

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 12, 2023

Day 43 of #100DaysOfCode Lists and functions on @Codecademy List operations & for Loops on @Sololearn and I completed my daily #Python lessons. Basic HTML on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/UQUpnyuxiG

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 13, 2023

Day 44 of #100DaysOfCode Functions: List manipulation, printing out a list item by item, modifying each element in a list & passing a range on @Codecademy Ranges and list slices on @Sololearn <img> on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/0d4Ey3BX8M

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 14, 2023

Day 45 of #100DaysOfCode Lists and Functions: Iterating over a list, using strings in lists & using two lists as two arguments on @Codecademy List slices on @Sololearn & started on the Introduction to HTML course. Basic HTML on CodeCombat HTML elements on @codedex_io pic.twitter.com/jrUguA2J39

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 15, 2023

Day 46 of #100DaysOfCode HTML: Commenting Code, Standards & Best Practices, Text Formatting, HyperText, Lists, Attributes, Website Navigation, Forms @Sololearn Lists and Functions: Using a list of lists in a function @Codecademy Basic HTML: <ol> & <ul> @CodeCombat pic.twitter.com/Lo6zOeXjug

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 16, 2023

Day 47 of #100DaysOfCode Page layout, the style attribute, inline and block elements on @Sololearn Started on Project Battleship on @Codecademy Basic HTML & Basic CSS on @CodeCombat pic.twitter.com/NDOWjgMYZW

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 17, 2023

Day 48 of #100DaysOfCode Inline and block elements & tables on @Sololearn I made progress on project Battleship on @Codecademy Basic HTML & Basic CSS on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/zbObzEHlD1

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 18, 2023

Day 49 of #100DaysOfCode I completed project Battleship on @Codecademy Basic HTML: I made a numbered list on @CodeCombat Dictionaries, dictionary functions, tuples, module 5, tuple unpacking, sets & list comprehensions on @Sololearn #Python #HTML pic.twitter.com/fzqNsQmw6C

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 19, 2023

Day 50 of #100DaysOfCode Loops on @Codecademy #Python functions, queue management, list functions & CSS selectors on @Sololearn Basic HTML & Basic CSS: The class attribute on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/AhCnThErP9

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 20, 2023

Day 51 of #100DaysOfCode Infinite loops, break & while/else on @Codecademy Basic HTML & Basic CSS on @CodeCombat Headings and paragraphs on @codedex_io Ranges, list slices, sets, list comprehensions, string functions, making my own functions & using attributes on @Sololearn pic.twitter.com/BCgI3aB3iU

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 21, 2023

Day 52 of #100DaysOfCode I created a wanted poster with HTML and CSS on @CodeCombat Have a look: https://t.co/QhkyiuJtqJ Decorators, recursion, *args and **kwargs, classes & inheritance on @Sololearn For loops & string manipulation on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/7DxrkNlPu4

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 22, 2023

Day 53 of #100DaysOfCode Game Development: Arguments, basic syntax & strings @CodeCombat Logical Operators @codedex_io Magic methods & operator overloading, data hiding, class & static methods, properties, exception handling & finally, else @Sololearn is_even & is_int @Codecademy pic.twitter.com/VmQ2lfGLcF

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 23, 2023

Day 54 of #100DaysOfCode digit_sum, factorial, reverse & anti_vowel on @Codecademy Writing & working with files, data structures, accessing strings, HTML basics, attributes & images & game development with JS on @Sololearn and I am making Anita Olsen's Bouncing Ball Game! ✨ pic.twitter.com/IMDm1fQzxL

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 24, 2023

Day 55 of #100DaysOfCode Spawned a player and sat a destination on @CodeCombat HTML5 canvas, created my own canvas, drawing shapes, rectangles & circles & string operations on @Sololearn and I am making progress on my game! String function challenges on @Codecademy pic.twitter.com/MYXkymatE0

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 25, 2023

Day 56 of #100DaysOfCode Made a maze for heroes to navigate through @CodeCombat Manipulating strings, lists #JS Applying styles, colors, drawing text, adding images, animations, game loops, frame rate, collision detection, user input #SQL Sorting, limit, databases @Sololearn pic.twitter.com/i5EXFAbDsw

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 26, 2023

Day 57 of #100DaysOfCode Created a forest of gems for the player to navigate through on @CodeCademy String function challenges on @Codecademy #Python list operations and #CSS selectors, class & ID selectors #SQL filter data on @Sololearn #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/900uV1jxez

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 27, 2023

Day 58 of #100DaysOfCode Functions, lists, and translating mathematical formulae into programming statements on @Codecademy #SQL logical conditions on @Sololearn #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/MYhrBUX3RX

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) February 28, 2023

Day 59 of #100DaysOfCode Added a hero for the player to control, added goals and spawned enemies for a simple fighting-game on @CodeCombat Functions, lists, and translating mathematical formulae into programming statements on @Codecademy #SQL Logical conditions on @Sololearn pic.twitter.com/4RVrSbX7KD

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 1, 2023

Day 60 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, strings and spawned a few objects for a game on @CodeCombat Functions & iterators for dictionaries on @Codecademy List functions & list comprehension on @Sololearn pic.twitter.com/y7uBkNrzOm

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 2, 2023

Day 61 of #100DaysOfCode Spawned units for a game on @CodeCombat Functions & iterators for dictionaries on @Codecademy #Python dictionaries, dictionary functions, tuples #SQL aggregation, grouping & functions on @Sololearn #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/TqVOoworOE

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 3, 2023

Day 62 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, strings and added some archers and removed some soldiers on @CodeCombat Text formatting on @codedex_io #HTML Inline and block elements & tables #CSS text color & size on @Sololearn #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/l3n6yULodI

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 4, 2023

Day 63 of #100DaysOfCode Spawned a maze by changing one number, some traps, a hero, added a goal and beat my own game on @CodeCombat Functions & iterators for dictionaries & list comprehensionon @Codecademy #CSS font styles & the box model on @Sololearn pic.twitter.com/588xWgUtRI

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 5, 2023

Day 64 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, assigning properties, strings & variables on @CodeCombat List comprehension syntax on @Codecademy #CSS box-size, borders & backgrounds #SQL grouping, inserting and updating, removing data, alter & drop on @Sololearn pic.twitter.com/AYHNYqBnoD

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 6, 2023

Day 65 of #100DaysOfCode Configured some game objects by setting their properties on @CodeCombat Loops on @codedex_io Omitting indices, reversing a list, stride length, lambda syntax, filter() & iterating over a dict on @Codecademy #CSS links & styling tables on @Sololearn pic.twitter.com/3mEbbjYmPt

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 7, 2023

Day 66 of #100DaysOfCode Placed game objects & worked on a playable game @CodeCombat List comprehensions, list slicing & lambda @Codecademy #PythonDataStructures Queue, linked list & graphs #CSS layout, positioning, transforms, transitions, keyframes & animation @Sololearn pic.twitter.com/AUvuykRgfp

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 8, 2023

Day 67 of #100DaysOfCode #Python basic syntax & placed game objects & worked on a playable game on @CodeCombat Bitwise operators on @Codecademy #SQL Data manipulations on @Sololearn #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/wAAxmL9Lpa

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 9, 2023

Day 68 of #100DaysOfCode Basic syntax & placed game objects and worked on a playable game on @CodeCombat Bitwise operators on @Codecademy Lists on @codedex_io #SQL table constraints & working with data on @Sololearn #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/S2i2FSTdLG

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 10, 2023

Day 69 of #100DaysOfCode Used user-interface elements to display high scores in a game on @CodeCombat Bitwise operators on @Codecademy #SQL working with data & #JS operators and strings on @Sololearn #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/OGVfwiAgDT

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 11, 2023

Day 70 of #100DaysOfCode Placed game objects, worked on a playable game & stored game info in a database on @CodeCombat Classes on @Codecademy #JS decision making, booleans, comparisons, if, else & swift statemens, ternary operator, loops, break, continue & functions @Sololearn pic.twitter.com/MfSW7vRXZq

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 12, 2023

Day 71 of #100DaysOfCode Basic syntax, placed game objects, constructed mazes, created a playable, sharable game project & basic HTML on @CodeCombat Play my game here: https://t.co/areo8mZIJ3 Classes on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 13, 2023

Day 72 of #100DaysOfCode I created another playable, sharable game on @CodeCombat Play my game here: https://t.co/pNpuXEn4MA Classes on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge #Python pic.twitter.com/2tQlmjA3Jc

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 14, 2023

Day 73 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax & strings and loops in a new multiplayer arena on @CodeCombat Classes on @Codecademy HTML Structure on @codedex_io #100daysofcodechallenge #pythonprogramming #HTML pic.twitter.com/xpMtFcfMer

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 15, 2023

Day 74 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, strings & coordinate pairs on @CodeCombat Classes on @Codecademy #JS objects & core objects and all the lessons in Introduction to #cpp on @Sololearn #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/oC8N8BfobG

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 16, 2023

Day 75 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments & basic syntax and corrected the hero's path by the use of XY coordinates on @CodeCombat Classes: overriding methods and representation on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/nqn4Ucy2Ro

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 17, 2023

Day 76 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax & strings and stayed alive while navigating through the forest on @CodeCombat File input/output: the open() function & writing on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge #python #programming pic.twitter.com/kQEDpkRRWE

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 18, 2023

Day 77 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax & while loops on @CodeCombat File input/output: the read() function & the .readline() method on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/jXOAemuTdR

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 19, 2023

Day 78 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, if statements & variables on @CodeCombat The 'with' and 'as' keywords & the closed attribute, control flow & lists on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/DowaS4Xa7s

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 20, 2023

Day 79 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, if statements, strings & variables on @CodeCombat Loops & functions on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/vHUKWPO6kM

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 21, 2023

Day 80 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, if statements, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat Python Code Challenges involving Control Flow on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/zTOVPBV5eh

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 22, 2023

Day 81 of #100DaysOfCode Basic syntax, reading the docs and I solved a puzzle on @CodeCombat Python Code Challenges involving Control Flow on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/iJ5Eho2RSW

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 23, 2023

Day 82 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, if statements, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat Strings on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/shxsVPMEBc

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 24, 2023

Day 83 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, if/else statements, if statements, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat Dictionaries: make a dictionary & invalid keys on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/bRZ01peNef

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 25, 2023

Day 84 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, arithmetic, basic syntax, boolean equality, boolean greater/less, if statements, variables & strings on @CodeCombat Files: reading a file, iterating through lines & reading a line on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/fDryOdkaGG

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 26, 2023

Day 85 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, if statements, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat Classes on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/lR4M46RRpO

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 27, 2023

Day 86 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax and I beat the Burl's Boolean quiz on @CodeCombat Python Code Challenges involving Strings on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/wpPkG9wcSQ

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 28, 2023

Day 87 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, if/else statements, if statements, strings, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat Python Code Challenges involving Strings on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/DROrtOMIPA

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 29, 2023

Day 88 of #100DaysOfCode Basic syntax, boolean greater/less, if/else statements, if statements, nested if statements, strings, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat Python Code Challenges involving Strings on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/9qbYDuTJTJ

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 30, 2023

Day 89 of #100DaysOfCode If/else statements, if statements, nested if statements, accessing properties, variables, arguments, functions & while loops on @CodeCombat Python Code Challenges involving Strings on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge #learningPython pic.twitter.com/rbyabWmnV5

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) March 31, 2023

Day 90 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, functions, if statements, variables & while loops and I stayed alive for one minute in the tranquil forest. It gets harder (and more lucrative) each time I win. I won 5 times in a row on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/cMy0DKxGKO

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 1, 2023

Day 91 of #100DaysOfCode Basic syntax, arguments, arithmetic, if/else statements, if statements, nested if statements, strings, variables, while loops & accessing properties on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/QLvk4cHihA

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 2, 2023

Day 92 of #100DaysOfCode If statements, nested if statements, accessing properties, strings, variables, while loops, arguments, basic syntax & functions and I survived waves of enemies that get tougher each time I win on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/seZnBeangV

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 3, 2023

Day 93 of #100DaysOfCode Basic syntax, if/else statements, if statements, strings, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat I made an Area Calculator on @Codecademy #HTML Lesson Family Tree on @codedex_io #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/qmsOxtYLN3

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 4, 2023

Day 94 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax & strings on @CodeCombat I made a number guess game on @Codecademy I made a lost pet website in #HTML on Codédex #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/HNoz6MB1tA

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 5, 2023

Day 95 of #100DaysOfCode Basic syntax, if/else statements, if statements, strings, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat I made a paper, rock, scissors game on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/WpDZUeaUOc

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 6, 2023

Day 96 of #100DaysOfCode Basic syntax, arguments, strings, variables, if statements, accessing properties & while loops on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/dcU7lipqNv

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 7, 2023

Day 97 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, functions, strings, arithmetic & variables on @CodeCombat I am halfway done making a command line calendar on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/ISW2QZJTo3

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 8, 2023

Day 98 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, arithmetic, basic syntax, functions, if statements, strings, variables & while loops on @CodeCombat I am done coding a command line calendar (just need to debug it) on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/GEPa5TLajz

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 9, 2023

Day 99 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, basic syntax, functions & strings on @CodeCombat I completed my command line calendar and the debugging on @Codecademy #100daysofcodechallenge pic.twitter.com/DJLsvsLm72

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 10, 2023

Day 100 of #100DaysOfCode Arguments, arithmetic, if statements, basic syntax, strings, variables, functions, & while loops on @CodeCombat #100daysofcodechallenge #python #pythonprogramming pic.twitter.com/pC7PjhKhg6

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 11, 2023

I have completed the 100DaysOfCode Challenge! 🎉 @ka11away https://t.co/gcZbXbyWkQ #100DaysOfCode #100daysofcodechallenge

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) April 11, 2023

My number one favourite thing which I made during the challenge was my game, Game Grove! play it here!
Game Grove the game

My other favourite things which I also made:

  1. Totally Random One Million to One, check it out here!

  2. Name The Lyrics, here!

  3. Septerra Core Character Creator, here!

  4. My Adventure Story, here!

A badge I received which is my favourite badge of all time:
Sololearn Intergalactic Chamption badge

After several attempts due to my struggle with the so-called "imposter syndrome", I finally managed to complete the challenge on my last try! I have tried so many times to finish this challenge over the years so when I had finally managed to completed it, I could hardly believe it! I got filled with relief as well as longing as now it was all over!

Did you join the #100DaysOfCode challenge? How did it go and was it a great challenge for you as well?

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