DevSecOps with AWS - Multi Environment deployments - Part 2

Alejandro Velez - Oct 10 '22 - - Dev Community

Level 300

According to the first part in this delivery you can verify the deployment using unique credentials and central account. Suppose that the goal is create a simple stack, for demo purpose an s3 bucket, but in the next sessions the goal is create an end-to-end DevSecOps pipeline for serverless applications, containers and more use cases based on this pattern.

Hands On


  • cdk >= 2.43.0
  • AWS CLI >= 2.7.0
  • Python >= 3.10.4

AWS Services

  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK): is an open-source software development framework to define your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages.
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): Securely manage identities and access to AWS services and resources.
  • AWS IAM Identity Center (Successor to AWS Single Sign-On): helps you securely create or connect your workforce identities and manage their access centrally across AWS accounts and applications.
  • AWS CodeBuild: fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy.
  • AWS CodeCommit: secure, highly scalable, managed source control service that hosts private Git repositories.
  • AWS CodePipeline: fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
  • AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS): lets you create, manage, and control cryptographic keys across your applications and more than 100 AWS services.
  • AWS CloudFormation: Speed up cloud provisioning with infrastructure as code

Solution Overview

Solution Overview - Simple CDK Pipeline
Figure 1. Solution Overview – Simple CDK Pipeline

The Figure 1 shows the steps to accomplish this task. Also, it shows a cross account pipeline using AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeCommit, AWS Codebuild and AWS CloudFormation. But, how can you construct this pipeline secure and with the minimum effort? The answer CDK Pipelines.

This pipeline is a default pipeline composed by next steps:

1.The changes are detected and activate de pipeline. For this demo the branch master is the default branch.
2.The CDK project is synthesized.
3.The pipeline run self-update action.
4.The Cloudformation stack is prepared for developer environment.
5.The Cloudformation stack is deployed for developer environment.
6.To move between environments a manual approval step is added.
7.The Cloudformation stack is prepared for staging environment.
8.The Cloudformation stack is deployed for staging environment.

Step by Step

  1. Setup AWS cli profile using aws configure command for DevSecOps Account.
aws configure sso --profile labxl-devsecops
SSO start URL [None]:
SSO region [None]:us-east-1
Using a browser, open the following URL:
    and enter the following code:
        There are 3 AWS accounts available to you.
    Using the account ID 123456789012
    The only role available to you is: AWSAdministratorAccess
    Using the role name "AWSAdministratorAccess"
    CLI default client Region [None]: us-east-2
    CLI default output format [None]: json

    To use this profile, specify the profile name using --profile, as shown:

    aws s3 ls --profile labxl-devsecops 

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  1. Create and deploy CDK projects.

If you are new using CDK you can visit for more information.

First, create the project folder and init CDK app.

$ mkdir cdk_pipeline_multienvironment
$ cdk init --language python
$ tree
├── cdk.json
├── cdk_pipeline_multienvironment
│   ├──
│   └──
├── requirements-dev.txt
├── requirements.txt
├── source.bat
└── tests
    └── unit

3 directories, 11 files

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This structure is good but if you prefer can apply changes and customization based on best practices. For example:

  • A good practice is to separate declarative definitions from code, in this case in a folder project_configurations and logic will be in src folder.
  • For other hand, is recommended separate the stack from constructs and stateful services such databases, object storages and files systems **from stales services **as containers, lambdas, Api Gateways and others. For this purpose, the folder stacks and constructs are created.
  • The main idea is creating a pipeline with de infrastructure definitions the folder pipeline will be contains the definitions and stages.

Finally, the project looks like:

├── cdk.json
├── project_configs
│   ├── environment_options
│   │   ├── environment_options_template.yaml
│   │   └── environment_options.yaml
│   ├── helpers
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── __pycache__
│   ├──
│   └── __pycache__
│       └── __init__.cpython-310.pyc
├── requirements-dev.txt
├── requirements.txt
├── source.bat
├── src
│   ├── constructs
│   ├──
│   ├── pipeline
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── __pycache__
│   │   └── stages
│   ├── __pycache__
│   │   └── __init__.cpython-310.pyc
│   └── stacks
│       ├──
│       ├── __pycache__
│       └──
└── tests
    └── unit

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Some Code in Deep

Please visit github for downloading the template.

GitHub logo velez94 / cdkv2_pipeline_multienvironment

Repository for cdk pipelines for multiaccount environment

CDK Pipelines Multi Environment Devployment

This is a project for CDK development with Python for creating multi AWS account deployment.

Solution Overview

Solution Overview - Enhanced CDK Pipeline Solution Overview – Enhanced CDK Pipeline

The Figure shows the steps to accomplish this task. Also, it shows a cross account pipeline using AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeCommit, AWS Codebuild and AWS CloudFormation. But, how can you construct this pipeline secure and with the minimum effort? The answer [CDK Pipelines](

This pipeline is a default pipeline composed by next steps 1.The changes are detected and activate de pipeline. For this demo the branch master is the default branch. 2.The CDK project is synthesized if is aligned with AWS Security Best practices. 3.The pipeline run self-update action. 4.The unit test runs, and its report is published in codebuild reports group. 5.The SAST…

Project parameters

All project definitions are in project_configs/environment_options/environment_options.yaml

project_name: "multiDev"
# Repository definitions
  repository_name: "cdk_pipeline_multienvironment"
  create_repository: "true"
  description: "Repository for pipeline multiaccount demo"
  branch: "master"

# Multi Environment setup
devsecops_account: "123456789012"
devsecops_region: "us-east-2"

deployment_account: "123456789013"
deployment_region: "us-east-2"

stg_account: "123456789014"
stg_region: "us-east-2"

    - bucket_name: "multi-env-demo"
      versioned: "enable"

# Tags definitions align with corporation instructions
  - key: "Project"
    value: "multiDev"
  - key: "Environment"
    value: "dev"
  - key: "Owner"
    value: "DevSecOpsAdm"

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The infrastructure

The file src/stacks/ has the infrastructure based on project parameters:

from aws_cdk import (
    aws_s3 as s3,
from constructs import Construct

class SimpleS3Stack(Stack):

    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, construct_id: str, props: dict = None, **kwargs) -> None:
        super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs)

        # The code that defines your stack goes here

        bucket = s3.Bucket(self, id=props["bucket_name"],
                           versioned=True if props["versioned"] == "enable" else None,
                           removal_policy= RemovalPolicy.DESTROY
        # Define outputs
        CfnOutput(self, id="S3ARNOutput", value=bucket.bucket_arn, description="Bucket ARN")

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The Pipeline

The file src/pipeline/ defines the pipelien with CDK pipelines construct.

Suppose that the repository also will be created.

from aws_cdk import (
    # Duration,
    aws_codecommit as codecommit,

from constructs import Construct
from .stages.deploy_app_stage import PipelineStageDeployApp

class CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack(Stack):

    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, construct_id: str,
                 props: dict = None, **kwargs) -> None:
        super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs)

        # The code that defines your stack goes here
        # Create repository

        rep = codecommit.Repository(


        # Create pipeline source based on codecommit repository
        source = pipelines.CodePipelineSource.code_commit(

        # Create pipeline
        pipeline = pipelines.CodePipeline(
                                          "npm install -g aws-cdk",
                                          "pip install -r requirements.txt",
                                          "npx cdk synth"

        # Modify properties, bucket name

        # Create stages
        deploy_dev = PipelineStageDeployApp(self, "DeployDev",
                                            props=props["storage_resources"]["s3"][0], env=dev_env)
        # Add Stage
        deploy_dev_stg= pipeline.add_stage(deploy_dev)

        # Add manual approval to promote staging
        manual_approval = pipelines.ManualApprovalStep("PromoteToStg", comment="Promote to Staging Gate")
        # Define Dependency

        # Create Stage for Staging Environment
        # Modify properties, bucket name
        props["storage_resources"]["s3"][0]["environment"] = 'stg'

        # Create stages
        deploy_stg = PipelineStageDeployApp(self, "DeployStg", props=props["storage_resources"]["s3"][0], env=stg_env)
        # Add Stage

        # Build Pipeline

        # Define Outputs
        CfnOutput(self, "GRCRepoUrl", value=rep.repository_clone_url_grc, description="GRC Repository Url")
        CfnOutput(self, "PipelineArn", value=pipeline.pipeline.pipeline_arn, description="Pipeline ARN")
        CfnOutput(self, "StageDev", value=deploy_dev.stage_name, description="Stage Dev Name")

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If you don’t pass a codepipeline to construct pipelines.CodePipeline(... a new underlying pipeline is created. This is a good option if you want to experiment but in production environments to manage limits and have more control over resources is recommended create custom CodePipeline with an artifact bucket and pass to cdk Pipelines construct.

The app

The CDK app is defined in file:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os

import aws_cdk as cdk

from src.stacks.simple_s3_stack import SimpleS3Stack
from src.pipeline.cdk_pipeline_multienvironment_stack import CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack
from project_configs.helpers.project_configs import props, env_client_deployment_account, env_devsecops_account, env_client_stg_account
from project_configs.helpers.helper import set_tags

app = cdk.App()
pipeline_stack = CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack(
    dev_env= env_client_deployment_account,
set_tags(pipeline_stack, tags=props["tags"])

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Use CDK command to verify and deploy. Now, you can see the stacks.

$ cdk ls 

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These 3 stacks are:

  1. Main stack CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack create the codepipeline Pipeline with stages and codecommit repository.
  2. Deployment stack for development account CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack/DeployDev/SimpleS3Stack.
  3. Deployment stack for Staging account CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack/DeployStg/SimpleS3Stack

Finally, you can deploy using the following command:

$ cdk deploy -e CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack --profile labxl-devsecops 
Do you wish to deploy these changes (y/n)? y

✨  Synthesis time: 13.01s

CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack: building assets...

[0%] start: Building 9e7ae300d6878e9ed61c1139167fb9b5edde5d66b34eb6dfb3a0519c95375328:105171185823-us-east-2
[100%] success: Built 9e7ae300d6878e9ed61c1139167fb9b5edde5d66b34eb6dfb3a0519c95375328:105171185823-us-east-2

CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack: assets built

CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack: deploying...
[0%] start: Publishing 9e7ae300d6878e9ed61c1139167fb9b5edde5d66b34eb6dfb3a0519c95375328:105171185823-us-east-2
[100%] success: Published 9e7ae300d6878e9ed61c1139167fb9b5edde5d66b34eb6dfb3a0519c95375328:105171185823-us-east-2
CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...

 ✅  CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack

CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack.GRCRepoUrl = codecommit::us-east-2://cdk_pipeline_multienvironment
CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack.PipelineArn = arn:aws:codepipeline:us-east-2:123456789012:PipelinemultiDev
CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack.StageDev = DeployDev

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You can verify the resources into DevSecOps Account in Developer Tools >> CodePipeline

Pipeline Multi Environment
Figure 2. Pipeline Multi Environment- AWS Console

The first pipeline execution will fail, you need to add code to repository using git add command with grc url with your devsecops profile, labxl-devsecops for demo:

git remote add origin codecommit::us-east-2://labxl-devsecops@cdk_pipeline_multienvironment
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Push the changes with:

 git push --set-upstream origin master
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Now the pipeline will deploy the infrastructure stack for each environment.

Pipeline Multi Environment- AWS Console Codepipeline running
Figure 3. Pipeline Multi Environment- AWS Console Codepipeline running

Now you must approve to promote to Staging environment. The Figure 4 shows the result

Pipeline Multi Environment- AWS Console Codepipeline and Cloudformation in Dev Account
Figure 4. Pipeline Multi Environment- AWS Console Codepipeline and Cloudformation in Dev Account

Clean up

Destroy the stacks individually from you IDE using cdk destroycommand.
You should run something like this:

cdk destroy -e CdkPipelineMultienvironmentStack --profile labxl-devsecops
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In the next post you will see how add some practices such SAST, unit test and create reports for you infrastructure.

Enjoy and thanks for reading!

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