The Essential Guide to Building and Deploying Pay-per-Use ML APIs on AWS

Mursal Furqan Kumbhar - Mar 7 - - Dev Community

Whenever you create a machine-learning model, you always do your best! But how do you share its potential with the world and potentially earn from its use? This guide will show you how to create a pay-per-use API on the AWS cloud platform, allowing others to leverage your model's capabilities for a fee seamlessly.

We'll explore three popular deployment approaches, each with its own advantages and considerations:

1. SageMaker: Your Guided Machine Learning Journey

Think of SageMaker as a comprehensive machine learning workbench in the cloud. It assists you throughout the entire process, from building and training your model to deploying it in various ways:

  • Real-time Endpoints: Imagine a service where users receive predictions instantly, just like responding to a query in a search engine. This is ideal for low latency scenarios, like real-time fraud detection or spam filtering in emails.
  • Batch Transform Jobs: Have a massive dataset that needs offline processing for tasks like customer churn prediction or image analysis? SageMaker efficiently handles these bulk prediction jobs, saving you time and effort.
  • Model Registry: Keep track of different versions of your model, monitor their performance, and manage them effectively. This ensures you're always serving the best possible version to your users, constantly improving your model's accuracy and reliability.

SageMaker offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, making it a cost-effective choice for many projects. You only pay for the resources your model uses, whether for training, storage, or inference (making predictions).

How to Deploy with SageMaker:

a. Prerequisites:

  • An AWS account with proper permissions
  • Your trained machine learning model saved in a compatible format (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch)
  • An S3 bucket for storing your model artefacts

b. Steps:

  1. Create a SageMaker Model: Upload your model artefacts to your S3 bucket and create a SageMaker model by specifying the model's source, container image (if applicable), and execution role.

  2. Create an Endpoint Configuration: Define the resources required for your model to run, such as instance type and memory allocation.

  3. Deploy a SageMaker Endpoint: Combine your model and endpoint configuration to create a real-time endpoint for inference.

  4. Integrate with API Gateway: Use API Gateway to create a public API endpoint that interacts with your SageMaker endpoint. Users can then send requests through this API to receive predictions from your model.


  • User-friendly interface with pre-built functionalities
  • Pay-per-use pricing for resources used
  • Integrated model management and monitoring


  • Less control over the underlying infrastructure compared to containers


2. Serverless Simplicity with AWS Lambda: Cost-Effective and Scalable

For cost-conscious projects with low expected traffic, consider AWS Lambda. This serverless technology allows you to run your model code only when someone interacts with your API, significantly reducing costs. It's like renting a tiny server that springs to life only when needed, saving you from managing and paying for idle resources.

How to Deploy with Lambda:

a. Prerequisites:

  • An AWS account with proper permissions
  • Your trained machine learning model packaged as a Python function (including dependencies)

b. Steps:

  1. Create a Lambda Function: Define a Python function that encapsulates your model's inference logic. Upload this function along with its dependencies to AWS Lambda.

  2. Configure the Lambda Function:

    • Set the memory and timeout limits for your function based on your model's requirements.
    • Choose an appropriate execution role that grants your function access to necessary resources (e.g., S3 bucket for model artefacts).
  3. Create an API Gateway: Create a public API endpoint that triggers your Lambda function when a request is received. Define the API method (e.g., GET, POST) and the data format for requests and responses.

  4. Test and Deploy: Test your API endpoint by sending requests and ensuring it functions as expected. Once satisfied, deploy your API to make it publicly accessible.


  • Highly cost-effective for low-traffic APIs
  • Serverless architecture eliminates infrastructure management
  • Easy to scale automatically based on demand


  • Limited to Python runtime environment
  • May not be suitable for complex models or real-time requirements with stringent latency needs


3. Containerized Power with ECS or EKS: For Advanced Users

Containerization offers greater control and flexibility for deploying complex models or those requiring specific runtime environments. However, it also involves managing the underlying infrastructure. Consider using services like Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) for container orchestration.

How to Deploy with Containers (general overview):

  1. Containerize your Model: Package your model and its dependencies into a Docker container image. This ensures consistent execution across different environments.

  2. Deploy the Container Image: Push your container image to a registry like Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

  3. Create a Container Service: Choose between ECS or EKS depending on your needs and expertise. Both offer ways to define and manage containerized applications.

  4. Configure the Service: Specify the container image, desired resources (CPU, memory), and scaling policies for your service.

  5. Expose the Service: Configure your service to be accessible through a public endpoint (e.g., using a load balancer).

  6. Integrate with API Gateway: Similar to Lambda, create an API Gateway endpoint that interacts with your containerized service. This allows users to send requests and receive predictions through the API.

Note: This is a high-level overview, and the specific steps involved will vary depending on the chosen container orchestration service and your specific use case. Refer to the respective documentation for detailed instructions.


  • Greater control over the underlying infrastructure
  • Supports various programming languages and frameworks
  • Suitable for complex models and real-time applications


  • Requires more setup and management compared to serverless options
  • Steeper learning curve for container orchestration


Choosing the Right Champion:

The ideal option for you depends on several factors, including:

  • Model complexity: More complex models might benefit from the flexibility of containers.
  • Cost considerations: If budget is a major concern, Lambda's pay-per-use model can be highly cost-effective.
  • Performance requirements: Real-time applications might necessitate the lower latency offered by containers.

I hope this guide provides a helpful overview of deploying your machine learning model as a pay-per-use API on AWS. By understanding the available options and their unique characteristics, you can make an informed decision and unlock the full potential of your creation!

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