Prototype vs. MVP: Definition, Differences, and Use Cases

Chidera Nwankwagu - Sep 18 - - Dev Community

In product development, the terms MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and prototype are commonly used interchangeably; however, they relate to separate phases in the product lifecycle. Both have diverse uses, fit different aspects of growth, and are critical in enabling teams to realize their ideas.

Understanding the distinction between a prototype and an MVP will enable you to decide on the appropriate strategy at certain phases of your product's life.

In this article, we'll break down the two notions, explain their purposes, and help you determine when to use each.

Definition of Prototype

A prototype can be defined as a rough draft of a product. It helps you test out ideas and see how the final product might look and work. Stakeholders, developers, and designers use it to find problems, check ease of use, and get early feedback on a proposed product. Prototypes are usually built in the early stages of product development, so you can refine the product before devoting major resources to full-scale development.

Types of Prototypes

There are two major types of prototypes in product development:

  • Low-fidelity prototypes: These are basic, simplified versions of a product used primarily for early-stage design and brainstorming. They often consist of rough sketches, wireframes, or simple digital mockups that focus on layout and structure rather than detailed design or functionality. These prototypes are quick and easy to build, allowing designers to explore different ideas and make changes rapidly without investing too much time or resources. Their main purpose is to communicate the general concept and flow of a product to stakeholders, team members, or even users.

Image: Low-fidelity prototypes

Because low-fidelity prototypes are not meant to be functional, they help identify and address fundamental design issues early in the development process. They offer a clear, cost-effective way to test usability and gather initial feedback before committing to more detailed and costly prototypes. This approach ensures that major design problems are addressed before moving on to high-fidelity prototypes, which are more polished and closer to the final product.

  • High-fidelity prototypes: While low-fidelity prototypes focus on simple layouts and basic structures, high-fidelity prototypes are detailed versions of a product that look and work almost like the final product, both in appearance and functionality. They show exactly how the design will appear and include clickable or interactive features that let users test how it will work. These prototypes use polished visuals and layouts, making them look more realistic. Designers use high-fidelity prototypes to check how everything works before making the actual product.

Image: High-fidelity prototypes

Since high-fidelity prototypes are very close to the real thing, they help find small problems with design or usability. They give designers, users, and stakeholders a chance to see how the final product will feel and ensure it works well. Feedback from these prototypes helps fix any issues before the product is fully built. This step ensures that everything is right before investing more time and money into making the final version.

Characteristics of a Prototype

  • Non-functional: Prototypes don't work as the main product would. They might have some interactions, but they aren’t meant for real use.
  • Exploratory: The goal of a prototype is to try out and improve ideas, not to create a final product.
  • Short-lived: Prototypes are no longer needed once the product moves into the development phase.
  • Focus on design: They are mainly used to test the look and feel (UI/UX), not the core features or business goals.

Reasons to Use a Prototype

  • Testing a concept: If you're in the brainstorming phase and need to envision an idea quickly.
  • Design feedback: To get user input on design, navigation, or interface.
  • Usability testing: Before committing to full development, evaluating a high-fidelity prototype helps enhance user interactions.

Definition of MVP

An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) can be defined as a streamlined version of the product that has just the basic functionality required to address an issue for consumers.

Image: MVP

The MVP is meant to verify the product’s market fit, confirm assumptions, and receive input from actual consumers in a live setting. Unlike a prototype, the MVP is a functioning product—it's live, operating, and utilized by consumers, but with limited features.

Characteristics of an MVP

  • Fully functional: An MVP is an operating product, though it may lack advanced features. It is used in the real world.
  • Market-ready: Unlike a prototype, an MVP is introduced to a real audience to measure interest, receive input, and iterate.
  • Iterative: The purpose of an MVP is to release, learn, and improve based on user input.
  • Focus on value: MVPs focus on addressing the main issue for consumers while reducing development time and expense.

Reasons to Use an MVP

  • Testing market demand: If you want to assess if there is a demand for your product before investing in a complete edition.
  • Validating essential features: To confirm that the primary functionality of your solution addresses the user’s concern.
  • Reducing time to market: Launching an MVP helps you reach the market fast with a basic, usable product.

When Should You Use a Prototype?

Prototypes are great during the early phases of product development when your aim is to:

  • Validate ideas: Use a low-fidelity prototype to test the core concept of your product.
  • Explore design: A high-fidelity prototype is great for developing the visual design and user experience.
  • Gather first feedback: Prototypes help engage early testers or stakeholders and offer them something concrete to respond to.

By employing a prototype, you can avoid spending money on designing a comprehensive product that may not connect with users or meet their needs.

When Should You Use an MVP?

MVP comes into play when your product concept is proven and you're ready to test your core product functionality in the actual market. Use an MVP when you:

  • Want to evaluate market fit: Launching an MVP allows you to test the waters and assess if people find your product worthwhile.
  • Need speedy market entry: Instead of investing time constructing a fully-featured solution, release an MVP to receive feedback, make adjustments, and iterate.
  • Want to lessen risk: By designing just the critical features, you reduce the risk of spending excessively on a product that may not succeed.

Combining Prototypes and MVPs in Product Development

While prototypes and MVPs serve distinct objectives, they complement one another in the product development process. Here’s how you can mix both:

  1. Start with a prototype: Use a low- or high-fidelity prototype to test your ideas, receive input, and enhance your design. This helps ensure that your product’s design resonates with users.
  2. Go to an MVP: Once you've verified your design and established that the user experience is robust, you can move on to constructing an MVP. The MVP should concentrate on tackling the fundamental issue with critical features.
  3. Iterate: After releasing the MVP, collect feedback, and continue to polish and add features in successive iterations.


A prototype, as explained in this article, is used to test and improve a product's user interface, while an MVP is used to check if the product is fit and functional in a live setting. By carefully assessing the stage of your product and the objectives you want to accomplish, you can determine whether to prototype for fast iteration and feedback or launch an MVP to test the product's feasibility with actual consumers.

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