ES5 Class based React Components

CitronBrick - Jun 13 '22 - - Dev Community

Most tutorials show how to make React components with either hooks or ES6 classes, but I haven't found one that uses ES5 classes. Now you may ask "Why bother with ES5 ?", but I still have to support IE11 & its 2 predecessor at work (at the time of writing).

I'm going to show you a Number Spinner. Here's the basic skeleton of an ES5 React component.

// The constructor cum class declaration
function NumberSpinner(props) {
    // equivalent to super(props),props);

// These 2 lines together form the equivalent of
// extends React.Component
NumberSpinner.prototype = Object.create(React.Component.prototype);
NumberSpinner.prototype.constructor = NumberSpinner;

NumberSpinner.prototype.render = function() {

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A spinner has only 3 use cases.
Spinner Use case)

The spinner's state has only 1 property num that is added to the constructor.

this.state = {num: 0};
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For the user to be able to assign an initial value to the spinner, there needs to be a prop initNum. Unlike Vue, it isn't advisable in React to initialize state with props directly like this.state = {num: this.props.initNum};. Instead the static getDerviedStateFromProps should be used.

NumberSpinner.getDerivedStateFromProps = function(props, state) {
    return {num: props.initNum};
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Increment value

NumberSpinner.prototype.increment = function() {
    this.setState(function(state, props) {
        return {num: state.num + 1};
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Decrement Value

NumberSpinner.prototype.decrement = function() {
    this.setState(function(state, props) {
        return {num: state.num - 1};
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To render the spinner, 3 elements are needed: 1 to show the current value 2 increment & decrement buttons.

NumberSpinner.prototype.render = function() {
    var ce = React.createElement;
    var current = ce('div',{key:'current'}, this.state.num);
    var increment = ce('button',{key:'increment', onClick: this.increment}, '+');
    var decrement = ce('button',{key:'decrement', onClick: this.increment}, '-');
    return ce('div',{className:'spinner'}, [current,increment,decrement]);
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It's been months I drafted my 1st Dev article, and Internet Explorer will be gone in 2 days. So any feedback is welcome :)

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