Adding Angular Components to your static site

Alex Patterson - Aug 30 '22 - - Dev Community

Why Angular Components

Because the people want it!


I plan to share a more in depth course on how to build all of this! For now I thought it would be cool just to see it all in action. Notice how after the site loads Firebase kicks in and checks to see if you are a pro member then dynamically hides items using a webcomponent that understands user state. The great part here is that I have many of the Angular items that access firebase already created and I don't have to reinvent the wheel!


Who do I have to thank for teaching all of this to me? Jeff Delaney at

Allowing User

It is as easy as using <ajonp-allow-if> to wrap around any element and then use display none within that component.

No more ads

An example of this is when a user registers and becomes a Pro member of AJonP, they will no longer see ads.For this I can just wrap my Hugo Go Partial:

<ajonp-allow-if level="not-user">
        <ion-col text-center>
            <div class="ajonp-hide-lg-down">
                <!-- /21838128745/ajonp_new -->
                <div id="div-gpt-ad-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-0" style="width: 970px; height: 90px; margin: auto;">
                    <script> googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-0'); }); </script>

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Angular Parts

The template is pretty straight forward, Angular either shows the component or removes it based on the *ngIf.

<div *ngIf="allowed">
<div *ngIf="!allowed">
    <slot name="falsey"></slot>

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Angular Component

Some things to note are the code>@Input</code decorations. This allows for you to pass in all of these different items as attributes on the ajonp-allow-if component. In our example above I pass in level="not-user" to the @Input level decorator.What is wonderful about using Angular is that you get all the nice dependency injection that you would normally get with a standard Angular component!

import { Component, ViewEncapsulation, ChangeDetectorRef, Input, AfterViewInit, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthService } from '../../core/services/auth.service';

@Component({ templateUrl: './allow-if.component.html', encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom })

export class AllowIfComponent implements AfterViewInit {
    @Input() selector;
    @Input() level: 'pro' | 'user' | 'not-pro' | 'not-user' | 'not-user-not-pro';
    @Input() reverse = false;
    @Input() product; constructor( private cd: ChangeDetectorRef, public auth: AuthService, private el: ElementRef, ) {

    ngAfterViewInit() { = 'visible';
    allowed() {
        const u = this.auth.userDoc;
        const products = u && u.products && Object.keys(u.products);

        // Handle Product
        if (products && products.includes(this.product)) {
            return true;
        // Handle Level
        switch (this.level) {
            case 'user':
                return u;
            case 'pro':
                return u && u.is_pro;
            case 'not-pro':
                return u && !u.is_pro;
            case 'not-user':
                return !u;
            case 'not-user-not-pro': return !u || !u.is_pro;
            default: return false;

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Here you can see I am utilizing the full firebase library for authentication, which is sweet!

import { Injectable, ApplicationRef } from '@angular/core';
import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';
import { user } from 'rxfire/auth';
import { docData } from 'rxfire/firestore';

import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { switchMap, take, tap, isEmpty } from 'rxjs/operators';

import { AjonpUser } from '../models/ajonp-user';
import { AngularfirebaseService } from './angularfirebase.service';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class AuthService {

  authClient = firebase.auth();

  user$: Observable<any>;
  userDoc$: Observable<any>;


  constructor(private app: ApplicationRef, private db: AngularfirebaseService) {
    // Why service subsciptions? Maintain state between route changes with change detection.
    this.user$ = user(this.authClient)
      .pipe(tap(u => {
        this.user = u;;

    this.userDoc$ = this.getUserDoc$('users').pipe(tap(u => {
      this.userDoc = u;;

    this.userDoc$.pipe(take(1)).subscribe((u: AjonpUser) => {
      if (u && Object.keys(u).length) {
        const ajonpUser: AjonpUser = { uid: u.uid };
        this.updateUserData(ajonpUser).catch(error => {
      } else {
        if (this.user && Object.keys(this.user).length) {
          const data: AjonpUser = {
            uid: this.user.uid,
            emailVerified: this.user.emailVerified,
            displayName: this.user.displayName || || this.user.phoneNumber,
            phoneNumber: this.user.phoneNumber,
            photoURL: this.user.photoURL,
            roles: {
              subscriber: true
          this.setUserData(data).catch(error => {


  getUserDoc$(col) {
    return user(this.authClient).pipe(
      switchMap(u => {
        return u ? docData(firebase.firestore().doc(${col}/${(u as any).uid})) : of(null);

  ///// Role-based Authorization //////

  canCreate(u: AjonpUser): boolean {
    const allowed = ['admin', 'editor'];
    return this.checkAuthorization(u, allowed);

  canDelete(u: AjonpUser): boolean {
    const allowed = ['admin'];
    return this.checkAuthorization(u, allowed);

  canEdit(u: AjonpUser): boolean {
    const allowed = ['admin', 'editor'];
    return this.checkAuthorization(u, allowed);

  canRead(u: AjonpUser): boolean {
    const allowed = ['admin', 'editor', 'subscriber'];
    return this.checkAuthorization(u, allowed);

  // determines if user has matching role
  private checkAuthorization(u: AjonpUser, allowedRoles: string[]): boolean {
    if (!u) {
      return false;
    for (const role of allowedRoles) {
      if (u.roles[role]) {
        return true;
    return false;

  public setUserData(u: AjonpUser) {
    return this.db.set(users/${u.uid}, u);

  // Sets user data to firestore after succesful signin
  private updateUserData(u: AjonpUser) {
    return this.db.update(users/${u.uid}, u);
  signOut() {
    location.href = '/pro';

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