Understanding Hashing Algorithms: A Beginner's Guide

Deepak Gupta - Apr 25 '23 - - Dev Community


Understanding Hashing Algorithms: A Beginner's Guide

A hashing algorithm is a mathematical function that takes an input (like a piece of text or a file) and converts it into a fixed-length string of characters, usually numbers or letters. This string called a "hash," is like a unique fingerprint for the input.

Hashing algorithms are designed to be fast and produce unique hashes for different inputs. They are used in various applications, such as checking data integrity, securing passwords, and organizing data.

A good hashing algorithm should:

  1. Create a fixed-length output, no matter the input size.
  2. Always produce the same hash for the same input.
  3. Make it very hard to figure out the original input from the hash.
  4. Rarely create the same hash for two different inputs.
  5. Be efficient and fast in calculating the hash for an input.

Popular hashing algorithms

Here are some common types of hashing algorithms:

  1. MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm 5)


  • Fast computing hashes, making it suitable for performance-sensitive applications.
  • Widely supported and easy to implement.


  • No longer considered secure due to vulnerabilities and susceptibility to collision attacks.
  • Not recommended for cryptographic purposes.
  1. SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) Pros:
  • Faster than some other secure hashing algorithms, like SHA-256.
  • It was once widely used and supported.


  • No longer considered secure due to vulnerabilities and susceptibility to collision attacks.
  • Not recommended for cryptographic purposes or data integrity.
  1. SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit) Pros:
  • More secure than MD5 and SHA-1, due to a larger hash size and resistance to collision attacks.
  • Widely used and supported for cryptographic purposes.


  • Slower computing hashes compared to MD5 and SHA-1 so that it might concern performance-sensitive applications.
  1. bcrypt Pros:
  • Explicitly designed for password hashing and is considered secure.
  • Automatically incorporates a salt (random data) to protect against rainbow table attacks.
  • It can be configured to increase its computational complexity over time, making it more resistant to brute-force attacks as computer hardware improves.


  • Slower than other hashing algorithms can be both an advantage (making brute-force attacks more difficult) and a disadvantage (increased processing time for legitimate users).
  • It may not be as widely supported or easily implemented as other algorithms like MD5 or SHA-256.
  1. Argon2 Pros:
  • Winner of the Password Hashing Competition in 2015, Argon2 is considered a state-of-the-art hashing algorithm for password security.
  • Highly configurable with options for memory usage, processing time, and parallelism, allowing for fine-tuning of security vs. performance trade-offs.
  • Designed to be resistant to both time-memory trade-off (TMTO) and side-channel attacks.


  • Slower and more resource-intensive than simpler hashing algorithms, which can be a disadvantage for some use cases.
  • It may have less widespread support and implementation than older, more established algorithms.

The choice of hashing algorithm depends on the specific use case, security requirements, and performance considerations. Modern algorithms like bcrypt or Argon2 are recommended for critical applications such as password security. For general-purpose hashing, where security is less of a concern, faster algorithms like SHA-256.

How do hashing algorithms work

Here's a high-level overview of how hashing algorithms work:

  1. Initialization: The hashing algorithm initializes its internal state and variables based on predefined initial values.
  2. Preprocessing : The input data goes through a preprocessing step, which may involve padding the data to ensure it is the correct size for processing. This step may also divide the input into smaller blocks for further processing.
  3. Processing : The hashing algorithm processes the input data iteratively or block by block, updating its internal state and variables after each iteration or block. This step typically involves a series of mathematical operations, such as bitwise operations, modular arithmetic, and logical functions. The processing step is designed to "mix" the input data thoroughly, ensuring that even a tiny change in the input results in a significant change in the output hash.
  4. Finalization : The algorithm enters the finalization phase once the entire input data has been processed. In this step, the internal state and variables are combined and transformed to produce the final fixed-size hash. This may involve further mathematical operations to ensure that the hash is uniformly distributed and has the desired properties (e.g., one-way function, collision resistance).
  5. Output : The fixed-size hash is returned as the output of the algorithm. This hash serves as a unique fingerprint for the input data, and any change in the input data (even a single character) should result in a completely different hash.

Some fundamental properties of a good hashing algorithm include the following:

  1. It should produce a fixed-size output (hash) regardless of the input size.
  2. It should be deterministic, meaning the same input will always produce the same hash.
  3. It should be difficult to reverse-engineer the input from the hash (one-way function).
  4. It should have a low probability of producing the same hash for two different inputs (collision resistance).
  5. It should be computationally efficient and fast to compute the hash for an input.

Applications of hashing algorithms

Hashing algorithms have several critical use cases across various domains, including:

Password Storage and Verification: Hashing algorithms commonly securely store and verify user passwords. When a user creates a password, the password is hashed, and the hash is stored in the database. When the user attempts to log in, the entered password is hashed again, and the resulting hash is compared to the stored hash. This ensures that the actual password is never stored in plain text.

Data Integrity : Hashing algorithms can verify data integrity by generating a unique hash for a given piece of data. When the data is transferred or stored, the hash can be recalculated and compared to the original to ensure the data has not been altered or corrupted.

Data Indexing and Lookup: Hashing algorithms are used in data structures like hash tables to index and look up data quickly. By generating unique hashes for input data, the data can be efficiently stored and retrieved using the hash as the key.

Proof-of-Work Systems: In blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies, hashing algorithms are used in proof-of-work (PoW) systems to validate new blocks and maintain consensus in the network. Miners must find a hash that meets certain conditions, which requires significant computational effort to ensure the security and stability of the blockchain.

Cryptographic Applications: Hashing algorithms are used in various cryptographic applications, such as digital signatures, message authentication codes (MACs), and key derivation functions. In these scenarios, hashing provides a unique and secure input data representation.

Deduplication and Data Compression : Hashing algorithms can identify duplicate data and perform data compression by comparing the hashes of different data elements. If two data elements have the same hash, they are considered identical, allowing the system to store only one copy and save storage space.

Digital Forensics and Malware Detection : In digital forensics and cybersecurity, hashing algorithms can identify known malicious files or detect changes in system files by comparing their hashes to known good or bad hashes in a database.

The versatility and unique properties of hashing algorithms make them an essential tool in various security applications.

Security of hashing algorithms

Hashing algorithms are considered secure when they possess specific properties that make them resistant to attacks and ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of the data they process.

Here are some fundamental properties that contribute to the security of hashing algorithms:

One-Way Function : A secure hashing algorithm should be a one-way function, meaning it's computationally infeasible to reverse-engineer the input data from its hash. This property ensures that even if attackers gain access to the hash, they cannot easily determine the original data or password.

Collision Resistance : A secure hashing algorithm should have a low probability of producing the same hash for two different inputs. This property, called collision resistance, makes it extremely difficult for an attacker to find two distinct inputs that produce the same hash, potentially compromising the data's integrity or authenticity.

Avalanche Effect : A secure hashing algorithm should exhibit the avalanche effect, which means that a slight change in the input results in a significant change in the output hash. This property ensures that similar input data will produce vastly different hashes, making it harder for an attacker to guess the input based on the hash.

Fast and Efficient : A secure hashing algorithm should be fast and efficient to compute for legitimate users and applications but slow enough to deter brute-force attacks where an attacker attempts to guess the input by trying numerous possibilities.

Resistance to Preimage Attacks : A secure hashing algorithm should resist preimage attacks, where an attacker tries to find an input that produces a specific target hash. Given only its hash, this property ensures that it's computationally infeasible to find the original input data by brute force or other means.

Resistance to Length Extension Attacks : A secure hashing algorithm should resist attacks. An attacker can append additional data to the input and compute the new hash without knowing the original input. This property is crucial for maintaining data integrity and preventing unauthorized modifications.

When a hashing algorithm possesses these properties, it is considered secure and can be used for various applications such as data integrity, password storage, and cryptographic purposes. The latest developments are always happening in cryptography and hashing algorithms, as new weaknesses or vulnerabilities in existing algorithms may be discovered over time, and more secure alternatives may become available.


In conclusion, hashing algorithms are essential in cyber security and cryptography, providing unique fingerprints for input data through mathematical functions. They play a crucial role in various applications, such as ensuring data integrity, securely storing passwords, digital signatures, and data indexing.

A secure hashing algorithm possesses properties like one-way functionality, collision resistance, and the avalanche effect, making it resistant to attacks and suitable for sensitive applications. As the field of cryptography evolves, it's vital to stay informed about the latest developments and choose the appropriate hashing algorithm based on the specific use case, security requirements, and performance considerations.

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