Open Source Licensing 101: Everything You Need to Know

Deepak Gupta - Jul 22 - - Dev Community

Open Source Licensing 101: Everything You Need to Know

Open-source software has revolutionized the tech industry, fostering collaboration, innovation, and accessibility. At the heart of this movement lies open-sourcelicensing – a legal framework that governs the use, modification, and distribution of software code. Understanding these licenses is crucial for both developers creating open-source projects and users incorporating them into their own work.

Why Open Source Licensing Matters

Open-source licenses aren't just legal jargon; they are the backbone of the open-source ecosystem. They define the rights and obligations of both creators and users, ensuring that the software remains accessible, collaborative, and aligned with the principles of openness and sharing.

  • For developers , choosing the right license is essential to protecting their work, defining how it can be used, and encouraging or restricting certain activities.
  • For users , understanding licenses is crucial to ensure compliance, avoid legal pitfalls, and make informed decisions about which software to use.

Types of Open Source Licenses

Open source licenses can be broadly categorized into two main types:

  1. Permissive Licenses

Permissive licenses offer the most freedom to users. They allow the software to be used, modified, and distributed for any purpose, including commercial use, with minimal restrictions. The main requirement is usually to give credit to the original authors.

  • Common Permissive Licenses:
    • MIT License: This license is widely used for its simplicity and permissiveness. It requires only the inclusion of the original copyright and license notice.
    • Apache License 2.0: Similar to MIT but includes a patent license grant, providing additional protection against patent infringement claims.
    • BSD Licenses: (Simplified BSD, FreeBSD, etc.) Similar to MIT but with additional clauses regarding advertising and redistribution.
  • Use Cases: Permissive licenses are ideal for projects that aim to encourage widespread adoption and commercial use, such as libraries, frameworks, and tools.
  1. Copyleft Licenses

Copyleft licenses impose stricter conditions on the use and distribution of open-source software. They require that any modified versions of the software be released under the same license, thus preserving the open-source nature of the work.

  • Common Copyleft Licenses:
    • GNU General Public License (GPL): The most well-known copyleft license, ensuring that the software and its derivatives remain free and open source.
    • GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL): This is a less restrictive copyleft license that allows linking to non-GPL software. It is often used for libraries.
    • Mozilla Public License (MPL): A balanced license that allows for commercial use but requires that modifications to the original code be shared under the same license.
  • Use Cases: Copyleft licenses are often used for projects where maintaining the open-source nature of the work is a priority, such as operating systems, applications, and platforms.

Understanding Key License Terms

Let's break down some essential terms you'll encounter in open-source licenses:

  • Attribution: Most licenses require you to give credit to the original authors of the software. This typically involves including a copyright notice and a copy of the license in your project.
  • Commercial Use: Permissive licenses generally allow commercial use, while copyleft licenses may have restrictions or require that modified versions be released under the same license.
  • Distribution: Refers to how you can share the software. Some licenses allow unrestricted distribution, while others may require you to share the source code if you distribute modifications.
  • Modification: Defines how you can change the software. Permissive licenses typically allow modifications without restrictions, while copyleft licenses may require you to share the modified code under the same license.
  • Patent Grant: Some licenses, like the Apache License 2.0, include a patent license grant, allowing you to use any patents that may be infringed by using the software.
  • Warranty Disclaimer: Most open-source licenses disclaim any warranty or liability for the software. This means you use the software at your own risk.

Most Popular Open-source Licenses

1. MIT License:

The MIT License is one of the most straightforward and permissive open-source licenses. It grants users broad rights to use, modify, and distribute the software, even for commercial purposes.

How to Use: Since the MIT License allows for commercial use, you can incorporate the software into your own product or service and sell it without any restrictions. You only need to include the original copyright and license notice with your distribution.

2. Apache License 2.0:

The Apache License 2.0 is another popular permissive license that offers similar freedoms as the MIT License. It also includes a patent grant, providing additional protection against patent infringement claims.

How to Use: You can use Apache-licensed software in your commercial products or services without any restrictions. You need to include the original copyright and license notice, as well as any modifications you've made.

3. GNU General Public License (GPL) :

The GNU General Public License (GPL) is a strong copyleft license that protects users' freedom to use, study, share, and modify software.

How to Use: If you use GPL-licensed software, you must make the source code available to anyone who receives it, even if you sell it. You must also allow them to modify and redistribute the software under the same GPL terms.

4. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 3.0:

The LGPL 3.0 is a "weaker" copyleft license compared to the GPL. It allows you to link your proprietary software to LGPL-licensed libraries without having to release your entire codebase under the LGPL.

How to Use: You can incorporate LGPL-licensed libraries into your proprietary software and sell it. However, you must make the library's source code available to your customers and allow them to modify it. You also need to ensure that any changes you make to the library are released under the LGPL.

5. Mozilla Public License (MPL) 2.0:

The MPL 2.0 is a balanced license that allows for commercial use but requires that modifications to the original source code be shared under the same license.

How to Use: You can use MPL-licensed software in your commercial product, but you must make the source code of any files you modify available under the MPL. This allows other developers to benefit from your changes.

6. Eclipse Public License 2.0 (EPL 2.0)

The Eclipse Public License 2.0 (EPL 2.0) is a business-friendly open-source license designed to facilitate commercial adoption while still promoting collaboration and contribution to the open-source community.

How to Use: If you modify an EPL-licensed module and distribute that modified module, you must make the source code of your modifications available under EPL 2.0.

7. AGPL V3

The GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3) is a strong copyleft license designed for software offered over a network.

How to Use: If you modify AGPLv3 software and make it available to others over a network, you must also make your source code modifications available to those users.

8. BSD 3 License

BSD (Berkeley Source Distribution) licenses are a family of permissive free software licenses. It allows you to freely use, modify, and distribute software, even for commercial purposes, with minimal restrictions.

How to Use: The main requirement is to include the original copyright notice and the license text in your distribution. You are not obligated to share modifications or source code.

Key Considerations When Selling Open Source Software:

  • Dual Licensing: Some projects offer dual licensing, allowing you to choose between a free, open-source license and a commercial license. This gives you the flexibility to cater to different customer needs.
  • Value-Added Services: Instead of selling the software itself, you can offer value-added services like support, training, or customization. This is a standard model for open-source companies.
  • Open Core: This model involves offering a core open-source product with additional proprietary features or modules that you can sell.
  • Subscriptions: You can offer subscriptions for premium features, updates, or support services related to the open-source software.

By understanding the nuances of different open-source licenses and exploring various business models, you can leverage open-source software to create profitable products and services while contributing to the open-source community.

Choosing the Right License

Selecting the proper open-source license is a critical decision that depends on your project's goals and the level of control you want to maintain over its use. Consider the following factors:

  • Project Goals: What are your objectives for the project? Do you want to encourage widespread adoption, commercial use, or community contributions?
  • Target Audience: Who will be using your software? Are they individuals, businesses, or other developers?
  • License Compatibility: If you are integrating with other open-source software, ensure that the licenses are compatible.

Use Cases and Requirements

Let's explore some common scenarios and the suitable licenses for each:

  • Open-Source Project: If you are creating an open-source project that you want others to use, modify, and distribute freely, a permissive license like MIT or Apache 2.0 is a good choice.
  • Library or Framework: For libraries or frameworks that you want to be integrated into other projects, including proprietary ones, consider the LGPL or MPL. These licenses allow for integration without requiring the entire project to be open source.
  • Protecting Community Contributions: If you want to ensure that any modifications to your software are also shared with the community, a copyleft license like GPL is suitable.
  • Commercial Product: If you are creating a commercial product based on open-source software, a permissive license like MIT or Apache 2.0 gives you the flexibility to sell your product without restrictions.

Additional Considerations

  • Dual Licensing: Some projects offer dual licensing, where the software can be used under multiple licenses (e.g., GPL or a commercial license). This gives users more flexibility in how they use the software.
  • Compatibility: If your project integrates with other open-source software, ensure that the licenses are compatible. Some licenses, like GPL, have stricter requirements than others.
  • Legal Counsel: For complex projects or commercial use cases, seek legal advice to ensure proper compliance with the chosen license.

Things to Watch for When Using Open Source Projects

When incorporating open-source software into your own project, be mindful of the following:

  • License Compatibility: Ensure that the licenses of all the open-source components you use are compatible with each other.
  • Attribution Requirements: Carefully follow the attribution requirements of each license, including providing copyright notices and license texts.
  • Modified Code: If you modify open-source code, understand the license's requirements regarding the distribution of the modified code.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure that your use of open-source software complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

Example: Choosing a License for a Security Software

You've created an innovative open-source software solution for securing back-end infrastructure. It includes tools for vulnerability scanning, intrusion detection, and threat intelligence. Your goal is to make it widely adopted by businesses and organizations of all sizes while also allowing for potential commercial opportunities.

License Considerations:

  • Widespread Adoption: You want the open-source to be easily integrated into various environments, including proprietary software stacks. A permissive license is preferable, as it won't restrict its use in commercial products.
  • Community Contributions: You encourage collaboration and want other developers to contribute to the project, enhancing its functionality and security. A license that allows modifications and redistribution is beneficial.
  • Commercial Opportunities: You want to leave the door open for potential commercial offerings, such as premium support, advanced features, or consulting services.

License Choice:

Based on these considerations, Apache License 2.0 emerges as a strong contender. Here's why:

  • Permissive Nature: It allows for free use, modification, and distribution, even in commercial products. This encourages wide adoption and integration into different environments.
  • Collaboration: It encourages contributions by allowing others to modify and redistribute the software as long as they attribute the original creators.
  • Patent Protection: It includes a patent license grant, providing additional protection for users and contributors against patent infringement claims.
  • Commercial Flexibility: It doesn't impose copyleft restrictions, giving you the freedom to develop commercial offerings based on the project without having to open-source your proprietary code.


Another option could be the MIT License. It offers similar permissiveness to Apache 2.0 but lacks the explicit patent grant. This might be a simpler choice if patent concerns are not a major factor for your project.

By choosing the right license, you can foster a thriving community, encourage its widespread adoption, and create a sustainable model for both open-source collaboration and commercial success.


Open-source licensing is a vital aspect of the open-source ecosystem. By understanding the different types of licenses, their use cases, and the key terms involved, you can make informed decisions about which software to use and how to license your own projects. Remember, choosing the proper license can foster collaboration, protect your work, and ensure that your software is used in a way that aligns with your goals and values.

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