Building a Multi-Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform: A Complete Project Guide

Ophélie - Sep 29 - - Dev Community
  1. Prerequisites
  2. Setting Up Your Environment
  3. Creating a Terraform Project
  4. Provisioning Resources in AWS
  5. Provisioning Resources in GCP
  6. Provisioning Resources in Azure
  7. Deploying a Simple Application
  8. Managing Multi-Cloud with Terraform
  9. Conclusion


Ensure you have the following:

  • Terraform installed on your machine.
  • Accounts for each cloud provider: AWS, GCP, and Azure.
  • Basic knowledge of Terraform and Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
  • Configured CLI tools for each cloud provider.

Setting Up Your Environment

  1. Install Terraform: Follow the instructions on the Terraform website.
  2. Configure Cloud Provider Credentials for AWS, GCP, and Azure as previously described.
  3. Create a Working Directory: Create a new directory for your project.
   mkdir multi-cloud-terraform
   cd multi-cloud-terraform
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Creating a Terraform Project

  1. Create a Terraform Configuration File: Create a file named
   terraform {
     required_providers {
       aws = {
         source  = "hashicorp/aws"
         version = "~> 3.0"
       google = {
         source  = "hashicorp/google"
         version = "~> 3.0"
       azurerm = {
         source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
         version = "~> 2.0"
     required_version = ">= 0.12"

   provider "aws" {
     region = "us-west-1"

   provider "google" {
     project = "your-gcp-project-id"
     region  = "us-central1"

   provider "azurerm" {
     features {}
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Provisioning Resources in AWS

EC2 Instance

resource "aws_instance" "web" {
  ami           = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0" # Amazon Linux 2
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

  tags = {
    Name = "AWS-Web-Instance"
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resource "aws_s3_bucket" "storage" {
  bucket = "my-unique-bucket-name"
  acl    = "private"
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Web Application Firewall (WAF)

resource "aws_wafv2_web_acl" "web_acl" {
  name        = "my-web-acl"
  scope       = "REGIONAL" # or "CLOUDFRONT"
  default_action {
    allow {}

  rule {
    name     = "RateLimitRule"
    priority = 1
    action {
      block {}
    statement {
      rate_based_statement {
        limit              = 2000
        aggregate_key_type = "IP"
        scope_down_statement {
          byte_match_statement {
            search_string = "bad-bot"
            field_to_match {
              uri_path {}
            positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
            text_transformation  = "NONE"
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Private Endpoints

resource "aws_vpc_endpoint" "s3" {
  vpc_id       =
  service_name = ""
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Provisioning Resources in GCP

Compute Engine Instance

resource "google_compute_instance" "web" {
  name         = "gcp-web-instance"
  machine_type = "f1-micro"
  zone         = "us-central1-a"

  boot_disk {
    initialize_params {
      image = "debian-cloud/debian-9"

  network_interface {
    network = "default"
    access_config {}

  metadata_startup_script = "apt-get update; apt-get install -y nginx"
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resource "google_storage_bucket" "storage" {
  name     = "my-gcp-unique-bucket"
  location = "US"
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Web Application Firewall (WAF)

GCP uses Cloud Armor for WAF functionality. Here's a basic setup:

resource "google_compute_security_policy" "waf_policy" {
  name     = "my-waf-policy"
  project  = "your-gcp-project-id"

  rule {
    action = "deny(403)"
    priority = 1000

    match {
      versioned_expr = "SRC_IPS_V1"
      config {
        src_ip_ranges = [""]
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Private Endpoints

resource "google_compute_vpc_access_connector" "private_endpoint" {
  name       = "my-private-endpoint"
  region     = "us-central1"
  network    = "default"
  min_throughput = 200
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Provisioning Resources in Azure

Virtual Machine

resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine" "example" {
  name                = "example-vm"
  resource_group_name =
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
  size                = "Standard_B1s"
  admin_username      = "adminuser"
  admin_password      = "Password1234!"
  network_interface_ids = [,

  os_disk {
    caching        = "ReadWrite"
    create_option = "FromImage"

  source_image_reference {
    publisher = "Canonical"
    offer     = "UbuntuServer"
    sku       = "18.04-LTS"
    version   = "latest"
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resource "azurerm_storage_account" "example" {
  name                     = "examplestoracc"
  resource_group_name      =
  location                 = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
  account_tier            = "Standard"
  account_replication_type = "LRS"
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Web Application Firewall (WAF)

resource "azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy" "waf_policy" {
  name                = "my-waf-policy"
  resource_group_name =
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.example.location

  custom_block_response_status_code = 403

  rule_set {
    name = "OWASP"
    type = "OWASP"
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Private Endpoints

resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "example" {
  name                = "example-private-endpoint"
  resource_group_name =
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.example.location

  subnet_id =

  private_service_connection {
    name                          = "example-connection"
    private_connection_resource_id =
    is_manual_connection          = false
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Service Principal

resource "azurerm_ad_service_principal" "example" {
  application_id = azurerm_ad_application.example.application_id
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Deploying a Simple Application

Now that we have our instances provisioned, let’s deploy a simple web application on each of them.

  1. On AWS EC2, install Nginx:
   ssh -i your-key.pem ec2-user@your-aws-instance-ip
   sudo yum update -y
   sudo amazon-linux-extras install nginx1
   sudo systemctl start nginx
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  1. On GCP, the startup script we added will automatically install Nginx.

  2. On Azure, install Nginx:

   ssh adminuser@your-azure-vm-ip
   sudo apt update
   sudo apt install nginx -y
   sudo systemctl start nginx
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Managing Multi-Cloud with Terraform

Use the following Terraform commands to manage your multi-cloud infrastructure:

  • Initialize Terraform:
   terraform init
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  • Plan Your Infrastructure:
   terraform plan
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  • Apply Changes:
   terraform apply
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  • Destroy Infrastructure:
   terraform destroy
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With the addition of storage solutions, WAFs, private endpoints, and service principals, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to build a robust multi-cloud infrastructure using Terraform. Modify the configurations to meet your specific requirements, and ensure security best practices are followed.

Feel free to customize and expand upon these configurations as needed! If you have further specifications or questions, let me know!

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