🚀 Mastering JavaScript ArrayBuffer: A Comprehensive Guide

Dharmendra Kumar - Jun 3 - - Dev Community


The ArrayBuffer is a core part of JavaScript's low-level binary data manipulation capabilities. It represents a fixed-length raw binary data buffer. This buffer can then be manipulated using views like TypedArray or DataView to handle different types of data.

Why Use ArrayBuffer?

  • Performance: Handling binary data directly can be more efficient than processing strings or other high-level objects.
  • Interoperability: Facilitates communication with other APIs and systems that require binary formats.
  • File Handling: Essential for operations involving file I/O, such as reading and writing binary files.
  • Network Operations: Useful for WebSockets and other network protocols that deal with binary data.

Where to Use ArrayBuffer

  • WebAssembly: ArrayBuffer is used for interacting with WebAssembly modules, which often require binary data for performance-critical tasks.
  • Image Processing: Manipulating pixel data for images, such as applying filters or transformations.
  • Audio Processing: Handling raw audio data for playback, analysis, or manipulation.
  • Data Storage: Storing and processing binary data, such as in databases or for caching purposes.
  • Cryptography: Managing binary data for encryption and decryption processes.
  • Scientific Computing: Working with large datasets and complex numerical computations that require efficient binary data handling.


The ArrayBuffer constructor creates a new ArrayBuffer object.

let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
console.log(buffer.byteLength); // 8
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  • Syntax: new ArrayBuffer(length)
  • Parameters:
    • length: The size of the buffer in bytes.

Static Properties

  • ArrayBuffer.length: Always 1 (the number of arguments the constructor accepts).
console.log(ArrayBuffer.length); // 1
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Static Methods

  • ArrayBuffer.isView(arg): Returns true if arg is one of the TypedArray or DataView objects.
let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
let view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
console.log(ArrayBuffer.isView(view)); // true
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  • ArrayBuffer.transfer(oldBuffer, newByteLength): Creates a new ArrayBuffer with the specified size and copies the contents from the old buffer to the new one (experimental).
let buffer1 = new ArrayBuffer(8);
let buffer2 = ArrayBuffer.transfer(buffer1, 16);
console.log(buffer2.byteLength); // 16
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Instance Properties

  • ArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength: Returns the length of the ArrayBuffer in bytes.
let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
console.log(buffer.byteLength); // 8
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Instance Methods

  • ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice(begin, end): Returns a new ArrayBuffer that is a copy of this buffer from begin to end.
let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
let slicedBuffer = buffer.slice(2, 6);
console.log(slicedBuffer.byteLength); // 4
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  • Parameters:
    • begin: The beginning index of the slice.
    • end: The end index of the slice (not included).


Example 1: Creating an ArrayBuffer and a TypedArray view

let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
let view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
view[0] = 255;
console.log(view[0]); // 255
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Example 2: Using DataView to manipulate data

let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
let view = new DataView(buffer);
view.setUint8(0, 255);
view.setFloat32(4, 42.42, true);
console.log(view.getUint8(0)); // 255
console.log(view.getFloat32(4, true)); // 42.42
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The ArrayBuffer is defined in the ECMAScript (ECMA-262) specification, ensuring a consistent standard across different JavaScript engines.

Browser Compatibility

The ArrayBuffer is widely supported across all modern browsers, including:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Internet Explorer (from version 10)
  • Node.js


Understanding and utilizing ArrayBuffer is crucial for efficient binary data manipulation in JavaScript. Whether you're dealing with file I/O, network communication, or performance-critical applications, ArrayBuffer provides a powerful toolset for handling raw binary data.

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