Using Linux Full-Time 2 years later

Daffa Haj Tsaqif - Dec 28 '23 - - Dev Community

This is just me gonna expose how addicted I am with Automation

So I've been using Linux for nearly 2 years now, and I love it, I love it so much, so much so that I've been addicted to bash scripting and automation in general.

Why did I use Linux anyway? Doesn't Windows have WSL if you need one?

Compared to YouTubers or other tech bros my reasoning is kinda of more pragmatic, some YouTubers I saw use privacy and security as the reasons, or because it is "Open Source" something that many software engineers love. me? simply because the HDD that I still used started to act up and Linux is gentler.

It's not always sunshine and rainbows

Back when I first started to commit myself to "full-time Linux" I experienced stuff that many others had which was Decision Fatigue due to the amount, I mean the AMOUNT of choices of distros that I can use is nuts, and I stick to the so-called "gamer OS" which is Pop!_OS and my experience isn't really nice, especially with the experience of updates that sometimes a bit...outdated, also the software I use is limited that is just sudo apt install <STUFF> and I don't even know Flatpak back then so its kinda skill issue in my part, is it the correct word, so I left for a few months back to Windows, BRUH!

The No-Turning Back Moment

In 2022 I joined Bangkit Academy which is a sort of free bootcamp sponsored by Google Indonesia and GoTo(Unicorn in ID) and there I learned about Bash Scripting, SSH-ing remote PC, and other Linux stuff which made me try to dive again but not in Ubuntu based and instead Fedora 36, because it updates more frequent than Ubuntu, and I learn about zsh, oh-my-zsh which oh my god I love it carried my work in the terminal, and version manager like pyenv(I don't really like conda okay, I'm sorry), and I LIKE IT!! I LIKE MY EXPERIENCE and the bash scripting course I took in Coursera which is part of Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate teaches me more about bash scripting, something that I never touched before.

My Journey Towards Automation

My first love of automation began when I saw a video from Fireship about dotfiles.

and I was like "Oh my god why did I never know this" coz I remember the pain of migration, login, setting up, etc, then I tried the tutorial there, but I wasn't really comfortable with Symlink simply because I was not familiar, so I search for an alternative method, like stow and others then I found Chezmoi.

by the time I was using Chezmoi, I was starting to tired repetition of adding files, moving to the git repo, adding files on git, commit the git, and push to remote. The next step is to let robots take our jobs of course.

Then I applied my learning from the Google IT course to my own needs.

after automating my dotfiles, I want to automate my installations, after that I want to make my terminal easier to use so I add OMZ with many plugins, after that, I try to automate the backup of my setting on my Gnome but failed, then try using git-lfs for my big files but it turned out to be idiotic moves, bla bla bla many try and fail.

I was happy, but as life goes on, and human nature has dissatisfaction, I want more.

I Use Arch, BTW

That word, oh my god that word! TBH Arch was on my wanna try list back when I still learning Fedora but I was scared, due to the installation, and I know I had to follow the manual, but I'm lazy, that's the main point I want something like Arch, but easy to install.

Choices are there, but I narrowed it down to 4 popular option

  • Manjaro
  • Garuda Linux
  • EndeavourOS
  • Arco Linux

And I ended up picking EndeavourOS, Why? Manjaro had a bad reputation at the time of my research and the package holding back, Garuda has too much eye candy in the fresh install that bugs me, Arco... has 4 ISO choices which confused me and the website sort of turns me off.

so I picked EOS, with KDE Plasma because I found something called Konsave and they said KDE Plasma is the most customized DE, so I'm sold.

Why Arch-based distro you might ask

simple, AUR, it amazed me, simple as that.

Fast Forward >>

Now, I'm addicted, how bad you ask? well see by yourself

GitHub logo dhupee / dotfiles

My personal dotfiles on my linux machine, managed with


Repository containing my config files, scripts, and bunch of stuffs. Not fancy by any means it's just stuffs I used mostly.

This dotfiles used Chezmoi as it's manager.

Since I use EndeavourOS with KDE I can say that "I use Arch, btw". Pretty sure it will work with any Arch-based install, not sure about Manjaro though since they holding back Pacman iirc.

I also use Parrot sometimes so I made versions for debian, but I plan to deprecate it since I decided to use distrobox instead of VMs

Table of Contents

Installation For My Arch

to use this dotfile, simply copy this to terminal and run

curl -fsSL | bash
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

or, if you just need the essential stuff

curl -fsSL | bash
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

check the…

Well, I'm still not like your Luke Smith level guy, I'm still using VScode, I'm still using Desktop Environment, etc. But I won't deny that using Linux elevates my knowledge in computing and programming as a whole.

and I don't have trouble in gaming, and this is my current rice if you interested

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EDIT: Grammar me sucks, nggak bisa bahasa enggres

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