JavaScript's GlobalThis: The Universal Object You Didn’t Know You Needed

Dipak Ahirav - Aug 27 - - Dev Community

As JavaScript continues to evolve, new features are introduced to make coding more efficient and accessible. One of the more recent additions is the globalThis object, a universal solution for accessing the global object in any JavaScript environment. Whether you're working in the browser, Node.js, or another JavaScript runtime, globalThis ensures you have a reliable reference to the global object.

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In this blog, we'll dive into what globalThis is, why it was introduced, and how you can use it in your projects.

Understanding the Global Object in JavaScript

Before globalThis, accessing the global object was not consistent across different environments. The global object is the top-level object that provides variables and functions available throughout your code. However, the way to access it varied:

  • In Browsers: The global object is window.
  • In Node.js: The global object is global.
  • In Web Workers: The global object is self.

This inconsistency made writing cross-environment code cumbersome, as developers had to check the environment and use the appropriate global object reference.

The Problem with Environment-Specific Global Objects

Consider a scenario where you want to write a library that works both in the browser and in Node.js. You might end up with code like this:

(function () {
    var global = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window :
                 typeof global !== "undefined" ? global :
                 typeof self !== "undefined" ? self :

    console.log(global); // Outputs the global object based on the environment
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While this works, it’s verbose and can be error-prone. Each time a new environment is introduced (like a new JavaScript runtime), this pattern needs updating.

Enter globalThis: A Universal Solution

To solve this inconsistency, JavaScript introduced the globalThis object in ECMAScript 2020. The globalThis object is a standard way to access the global object, no matter where your code is running.

How to Use globalThis

Using globalThis is straightforward—just reference it directly:

console.log(globalThis); // Outputs the global object, no matter the environment
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Whether you're in the browser, Node.js, or another environment, globalThis will always point to the global object.

Example: A Cross-Environment Function

Let’s say you’re writing a function that needs to access a global variable. Using globalThis, your function can be truly cross-environment:

globalThis.myGlobalVar = "Hello, World!";

function greet() {

greet(); // Outputs "Hello, World!" in any environment
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Here, myGlobalVar is set on globalThis, ensuring that it’s accessible no matter where the code runs.

Why globalThis Matters

Consistency Across Environments

The most significant benefit of globalThis is consistency. You no longer need to worry about environment-specific global objects. This makes your code cleaner, easier to maintain, and more robust across different JavaScript runtimes.

Simplifying Library and Framework Development

For developers creating libraries or frameworks intended to run in multiple environments, globalThis is a game-changer. It reduces the boilerplate code required to manage different global objects and allows you to focus on the core functionality of your code.

Improved Code Portability

By using globalThis, your code becomes more portable. You can write once and run anywhere without modification, making it easier to share and reuse code across different projects and environments.

Future-Proofing Your Code

As JavaScript continues to evolve, new environments may emerge. With globalThis, your code is future-proofed against these changes, as it provides a single, reliable way to access the global object in any environment.

Advanced Use Cases

Using globalThis in Modules

In JavaScript modules, variables and functions are scoped to the module by default, not to the global object. However, there may be cases where you need to expose something globally, even from a module:

globalThis.myModuleGlobal = "Accessible globally!";
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This line makes myModuleGlobal available across your entire environment, even if it's declared inside a module.

Polyfilling for Older Environments

While globalThis is widely supported in modern environments, older environments may not support it. In such cases, you can polyfill globalThis:

if (typeof globalThis === 'undefined') {
    (function() {
        Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, '__globalThis__', {
            get: function() {
                return this;
            configurable: true
        __globalThis__.globalThis = __globalThis__;
        delete Object.prototype.__globalThis__;
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This polyfill ensures that globalThis is available, even in environments that don’t natively support it.


globalThis is a small but powerful addition to JavaScript that simplifies the way we interact with the global object across different environments. By providing a consistent and reliable reference, it makes your code more portable, maintainable, and future-proof.

Whether you’re developing a library, working on cross-environment applications, or just writing everyday JavaScript, globalThis is a tool you’ll want to incorporate into your toolkit.

This draft covers the concept of globalThis with examples and explanations to ensure a clear understanding of its importance and use in modern JavaScript. Feel free to customize the content further to suit your style and audience.

🔍 For more detailed information about this topic, check out the full blog on my GitHub:📝.

GitHub - JavaScript's GlobalThis: The Universal Object You Didn’t Know You Needed

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