Why Building IOS App With Swift - Pros and Cons in 2022

Duomly - Mar 10 '22 - - Dev Community

This article was originally published at: https://www.blog.duomly.com/why-building-ios-app-with-swift/

As the world progresses, new programming languages are created to make development easier and more efficient. Swift is one of those languages that has been increasing in popularity in recent years. 

Here, we'll explore the pros and cons of using Swift for iOS app development in 2022.

1. What is Swift, and what are its advantages over other programming languages?

Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. It was introduced in 2014 and supports all Apple platforms. It is intended to work with various Cocoa frameworks for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Swift has been fully open-sourced. Here are some features that make it easier to use when developing an app:

  • Type inference means you don't need to explicitly specify the type of a variable or constant in most cases. That makes your code cleaner and faster. You won't have to remember what data type each variable should be when manually writing it in your source code. 
  • Automatic memory management means you don't have to manually allocate and use memory for variables. Memory is allocated in the stack or in a heap depending on when they are declared, and collection occurs when it's no longer in use. 
  • Type safety ensures that a variable is always of a single data type throughout its lifetime. 
  • Swift has several features that prevent common errors, such as null pointer exceptions.

2. What are some disadvantages of using Swift? 

While there aren't many disadvantages with this programming language, you must keep in mind that with great power comes great responsibility. In other words, advanced coding capabilities will require advanced knowledge from developers to work seamlessly within iOS apps, especially those with very complex features. 

3. How would you use Swift in iOS app development?

To create an iOS app with Swift, you can use Xcode, software for developers that takes the task of coding and testing your apps away from you by providing a platform to develop, build and test apps on macOS. Many ready-to-use templates are available that allow new users to quickly start creating their own applications if they don't want to start from scratch. 

4. When should you consider learning Swift?

Swift is already a useful and widely used programming language, so if your career goal is to build iOS apps for Apple products like iPhone or Mac devices, then learning swift makes sense when you want to advance in your tech career or when you're looking for the best tools to accomplish particular tasks within projects efficiently. 

5. How easy is it to learn Swift, and how quickly can you start developing iOS apps?

Swift is an easy-to-learn programming language that even new iOS developers can pick up. Swift's syntax is very similar to Python, another popular programming language, so it may be less challenging than other languages out there, making the transition smoother. 

6. The pros and cons of using Swift for iOS app development in 2022


  • Easy to learn 
  • Multi-paradigm 
  • Open-source community supports it 
  • Supports all Apple platforms 


  • Relatively new compared to Objective C, the predecessor of Swift on which many apps are still created. So older libraries or frameworks may not be compatible with Swift. 
  • Some advanced capabilities in Swift can pose challenges when developing iOS apps. 

So, in principle, there are no cons to using Swift for building iOS apps. 

Still, you have to be aware of the fact that some disadvantages may arise when it is time to start working on more complex iOS projects, so try to familiarize yourself with this programming language during your early career stages before involving yourself in more difficult app development tasks which are incompatible with Swift.

7. Whether or not Swift will still be popular in 2022

iOS app developers are increasingly using swift to develop apps on the iOS platform. 

Swift is one of the most popular programming languages in use today. It will continue to be used until Apple releases a new language that will replace it. 

8. How to get started with learning Swift

The best way to learn Swift is through online courses like Udemy. You can also look at the documentation and books on Amazon or Apple's official website for more information about swift development, iOS programming, or developing iOS apps in general. 

To develop iOS apps with Swift, you will need Xcode and macOS. Xcode is a software development environment that contains everything you need to create macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps. It includes a code editor, a debugger, and utilities for building user interfaces. You can download it for free from the App Store. macOS is the operating system that powers Apple's desktop and laptop computers.

9. Cost of building a mobile app with Swift

Swift developers typically charge around $50-$70 per hour. However, rates may vary depending on the developer's experience, location, and project scope. 

Developers specializing in Swift development can charge a premium for their services because the language is still relatively new. It's important to keep in mind that developing an iOS app with Swift can be more expensive than using Objective C, the predecessor of Swift.

10. Is it difficult to find Swift developers?

Suppose you're looking for a Swift developer to work on your iOS app. In that case, you may find it challenging to find someone familiar with the language. Most iOS apps were created with Objective C yet, so there aren't that many experienced developers in Swift. However, as the language continues to grow in popularity, more developers will become familiar with it, and you'll be able to find someone who can work on your project.

If you're looking for a Swift developer to work on your iOS app, please contact us. We have a team of experienced developers who can help you with your project.

11. Examples of companies using Swift?

Apple, Uber, Slack, Accenture, Linkedin, Whatsapp, Facebook, Firefox, and Microsoft are just a few examples of companies using Swift for their development. Swift has become a popular choice among these companies because it's an easy language to learn, multi-paradigm, and a large open-source community.

12. Is it possible to create Android apps with Swift? 

No, it is not yet possible to build Android apps using Swift programming language because Google has its own development platform and language for Android mobile apps. 

Some frameworks allow you to develop cross-platform applications like React Native, which enables developers to use one codebase instead of two (iOS + Android) while building native mobile applications, but if you're looking for Android compatibility, then better hire an Android developer or make sure you select a mobile app development company that has expertise in both platforms. That way, you will get a more holistic service, and the final product will be of a higher quality.

If you're interested in learning more about React Native, please click What Is React Native? Guide for Business Owners
to read our article about it.

13. Additional thoughts

Swift is an easy-to-use, powerful programming language that can allow people to create high-quality applications with fewer lines of code which results in relatively fast development times compared to other languages. It's also open-source, which means that anyone can contribute new features, fix bugs, or improve existing projects, so any issues with Swift will get fixed quickly by professionals who work on this task voluntarily. 

As a result, there are no clear disadvantages with iOS apps in Swift, so if you're looking for a programming language that can help you build mobile apps that are powerful and easy to use, then you should consider swift development.

If you're looking for a Swift developer to work on your iOS app, please contact us. We have a team of experienced developers who can help you with your project.


Thank you for reading,
Radek from Duomly

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