Still Using SQL, Python, & Excel for Data Deduplication? Here's Why You Need Better Tools.

Farah Kim - Oct 17 - - Dev Community

I'm a member of several data and dev communities, and I'm blown away by the struggles of data scientists and developers trying to resolve massive data duplication challenges. They either lack leadership support to invest in automated tools or have been limited to Excel, Python, or SQL. While these are undeniably powerful tools, they can be overly complex and time-consuming for solving data deduplication issues at scale.

As a result, developers and data analysts are caught in an endless loop of iterations and fixes, often spending hours on fixing a single line of code to treat a duplication problem.

And mind you - I'm not talking about the regular duplicates. We all know it's super easy to detect exact duplicates like *Mary Jane & Mary Jane * but how do you fix duplicates like these 👇

multiple names of a record

One person with three different variations of a name, stored across three different systems within the same organization. Mary Jane has varied phone numbers, emails, and social handles. When it's time to consolidate organizational data for reports or analytics, you, the developer will have a time of your life trying to sort this mess!

digital manifestation of an entity

This was just one example.

What would you do if it were tens of thousands of rows across multiple data sets?

How would you reasonably solve a table like the one below at scale?

multiple duplicates

Clearly, custom codes and scripts will not do the job with efficiency and accuracy - and definitely - not at the speed your organization would require.

That's when you would need to take a step back and start analyzing if a no-code deduplication software can help you do a better job.

But before we talk more about no-code, we need to address a challenge:

Devs and data analysts are reluctant to try no-code tools for fear of being perceived as lacking in skills **

Yep, that's a key challenge my team and I always hear about when talking with customers. Most data analysts feel they shouldn't be using no-code tools or even AI-powered data match tools as somehow it would render them....(no better way to say this)....useless.

But that is far from being the case.

No-code tools don’t diminish your expertise or analysis skills. Even with no-code tools, manual review and fine-tuning are essential. Developers are responsible for setting up data pipelines, ensuring accuracy, and handling edge cases that automation tools might miss. This oversight ensures that no-code tools function optimally within complex workflows.

Then how does no-code help?

By eliminating the manual work involved in cleaning and deduplicating data. Instead of spending hours tweaking a Python fuzzy library to match data, a no-code tool will let you do the same in seconds, often with 10X more accurate results!

Let's talk about this more.

How does no-code tools improve accuracy and speed for deduplication processes? **

Most no-code data deduplication tools incorporate fuzzy match algorithms and proprietary algorithms to match data on the basis of string similarity (some also have phonetic matches). This means they use popular algorithms like Levenshtein Distance to measure the number of changes needed to turn one string into another, or Jaccard Similarity to compare sets of words within strings.

Some tools also leverage algorithms like Soundex or Metaphone for phonetic matches, allowing them to find similarities in names or words that are spelled differently but sound alike. This combination of methods enables these tools to accurately match and deduplicate records even when the data contains inconsistencies.

These algorithms form the software's engine. On the front end, an easy-to-use GUI interface allows the user to simply drag and drop data sets for cleaning and matching.

No hassles with coding, no testing or tweaking required. And you get far more accurate results as compared to custom coding. If mistakes happen during pre-processing, you can also always revert back to the original state.

But other than accuracy and speed, here are three more crucial benefits to using a no-code deduplication tool.

1). You're improving operational efficiency by nearly 60%!**

Sounds crazy? Not quite. I've worked directly with customers who say a no-code deduplication tool drastically improved their efficiency. When repetitive and manual tasks like data deduplication are automated, developers get more time to focus on more strategic work, such as system architecture, performance optimization, and building custom features. Instead of being bogged down by manual processes, they can contribute to the business's long-term technical vision.

2). You improve scalability without additional coding **

As mentioned above, Excel and SQL work great when you have manageable datasets. But when you have nearly a million records or more, you cannot rely on these legacy tools to get the job done on time because they become cumbersome and resource-intensive. With no-code tools, developers can easily scale their data deduplication processes to handle larger datasets without writing additional code or constantly updating scripts.

3). No maintenance overhead or constant management needed **

Traditional custom-built solutions require ongoing maintenance and support, especially when processes change or systems are updated. No-code tools often handle this through their user-friendly interfaces and automated updates, reducing the maintenance burden on developers. This allows them to avoid spending valuable time troubleshooting or updating scripts and instead focus on innovation and scaling the product.

So to boil it down....

Stop fearing no-code tools. Use them as an accelerator for your current processes and be more strategic with your development skills. You did spend years learning programming to have to spend hours fixing Mary Jane's hundreds of duplicate IDs!

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