Create a URL shortener API using FastAPI and Python.

Free Python Code - Sep 10 '23 - - Dev Community

Hi πŸ™‚πŸ–

Today i will share with you how to Create a URL shortener API using FastAPI and Python.

I will use simple ways as much as I can.

I will use JSON as a database file; you can use anything else if you want; it's up to you. I prefer using JSON because it's very easy to use and setup.

Now lit's create a JOSN file

    "urls" : [

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We didn't add the number of clicks because I wanted to make it simple and easy, and counting the number of clicks requires more advanced things, like adding admins, users, and API keys.

Now i will create the API 😎

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
from secrets import token_urlsafe
from pydantic import BaseModel

import json
import validators

app = FastAPI()

database = json.load(open('database.json', 'r'))

class Url(BaseModel):
    url : str

def home():
    return {'msg': 'Welcome in My API :)'}'/short_url')
def short_url(url : Url):
    if validators.url(url.url):
        url_id = token_urlsafe(5)
        shorted_url = f'{url_id}'
            'url_id': url_id,
            'short_url': shorted_url,
            'target_url': url.url

        json.dump(database, open('database.json', 'w'), indent = 4)

        return {'msg': 'done', 'url': shorted_url}

    return {'msg': 'Invalled url'}

def get_target_url(_id: str):
    for url in database['urls']:
        if url['url_id'] == _id:
            return RedirectResponse(url['target_url'])

    return {'msg': 'Url not found :('}
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Test the API

import requests

data = {
    'url': ''

res ='', json=data)

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{'msg': 'done', 'url': ''}
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Open this url :


Image description

Now we're done πŸ€—

Don't forget to like and follow πŸ™‚

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