day dreaming of v5

Rob Crouch - Aug 23 - - Dev Community

I'm elbows deep in a refactor of my project. It relies on django, postgresql, a bunch of math/science/statistics libraries, interfaces with discord, and collects data from a 3rd party API. All running old school style on a debian vps.

Every part of this was due for a refresh, as I'd version pinned all the key parts.

This required refactor had been started and burned out on a few times, but with a deadline on the introduction of this new 3rd party API. The current production system scrapes from a different data source. The schema has dramatically changed.

So I'm working towards what I refer to as Version 4 of the project.

Because of this I'm day dreaming about what I'd do if I was going to do a complete rewrite rather than this refactor.

I'm dumping these intrusive thoughts out here so I can focus on the immediate task to hand and return to these notes when I've got V4 out the door, all bedded in and "done".

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1. 3rd party data requests should be cached

Compress the "seldom used" json files, leave the test/dev data raw. This way if required the entire database can be rebuilt from this collection of data rather than having to make all the API calls again.

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2. output generated in response to a user request should be cached

For some percentage (subquest: calculate the ballpark) of content that is generated in response to user requests won't change over time. All of these should returned cached output.

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3. split more things out into single function process, feed these from a job queue

Currently my system has a few large "apps" that do a complete process from start to finish. This slows down testing and debugging.

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4. raw SQL queries as much as possible

Use a framework and it's ORM where it makes sense (model definition, migrations, external API endpoints, user settings, etc), but for the core data store/retrieve; just do SQL. Obviously with a nice connection/cursor -> data structure wrapper.

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5. a fast and efficient test harness is crucial

Many of the points above also combine into improving testing. For example, once the outputs of user commands are cached; it's simple to replay a command and compare outputs as a simple automated regression test process. Similarly, splitting out the functions of the current large "self contained" processes makes testing far simpler.

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6. automate monitoring of key "steps" in the flow from user to the system and back to user

Set up appropriate calls to action when these have errors.

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7. monitor the incoming data from the 3rd party API for schema changes

Gracefully deal with as many edge cases you can think of.

So yeah, tl;dr is: I want to use Elixir and Phoenix so much for Version 5 :)

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