6-Month Rule: Unmasking the Lux Academy 6-Month #MonkMode Rule.

Mwenda Harun Mbaabu - Apr 4 - - Dev Community

The 6-months rule is a slogan or tagline we use at Lux to maintain consistency among hackathon participants and community members.

As stated in the tweet below, we believe that "6 months of focus and hard work can put you 5 years ahead in life."

6-Month Rule Tweet Screenshot From @HarunMbaabu

How it works.

We encourage participants to dedicate at least 2 hours every day to learn a new skill or perfect their craft for at least 6 months. Additionally, we encourage them to set realistic and achievable goals to accomplish by the end.

6 Months Rule❗ Screenshot

How to Join.

To join other peers in this journey of bettering themselves, Join the Lux Slack Workspace, and check the #6monthsrulestories channel in the workspace.

Invite the the slack channel : https://join.slack.com/t/luxdevcommunity/shared_invite/zt-2gceqad9t-A~o1jr~ILxU0Iy2kQFZOQw

When you start is entirely up to you, but there are support groups where you can connect with peers who are also working towards a goal for a period of 6 months.

  • When you begin, please keep your peers informed about your progress. This will help you find accountability partners who will support you in staying committed to your craft for the specific time you intend to dedicate to honing it.

Check out Lux Academy and Data Science East Africa to stay up to date with when our next free bootcamp starts.

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