Level Up Your Studies: 11 strategies to Make Learning Engaging and Fun

Grëg Häris - Sep 11 - - Dev Community

I often set ambitious study goals and then dive headfirst into my studies to start punching the keyboard, watching videos and reading articles/ study materials driven by my initial enthusiasm. Yes, It's engaging and motivating but not sustainable then. I get burnt out after pushing myself for a couple of days or weeks.

Why? I go macho on it. Do it hard, boring and dry.

I've realized that while motivation is important, it's equally crucial to make the learning process enjoyable and sustainable.

Why do we often adopt a "no pain, no gain" mindset? Perhaps it's influenced by motivational talks that emphasize the need for hard work and sacrifice. They shout: "Go hard!" "Don't give up!" "Keep up the hard work". "No pain No gain! Winners don't give up. When it's hard they stick to it". But this approach can be counterproductive, leading to exhaustion and a lack of progress.

Instead of relying solely on motivation, I've discovered the importance of creating a fun and engaging learning environment that yields lasting results.

Here are 11 tips I've found helpful for making study time more enjoyable.

1 - Clean and conducive study space:
Start with a clean study Space. Studying in an untidy and messy area is no fun at all. It has this draining and non motivating effect on you.
A clean and organized environment can significantly improve your focus and motivation. So the first thing I suggest you do is to clean up.

2 - Spice up your study area:
Personalize your study space with elements that inspire you, such as plants, photos, or quotes. Make it as beautiful and inspiring as possible.

3 - Plan your study and prepare for your study time:
Do you have a study time or you study whenever you feel like? The next step of making it fun is to plan and block out the times in your day for study.

Also, get some rest before studying so you start with a fresh mind.

Having a structured study schedule and ensuring you're well-rested before studying can help you stay organized, avoid procrastination, and optimize your focus and productivity.

4 - Start small and gradually increase your study time:
After planning, begin with short study sessions to build momentum and avoid feeling overwhelmed. You see, you will be more motivated to study for 30minutes than to set out to study for 5hrs.

One way I do this is to set a Pomodoro timer and then commit to lock in for the duration of the time. The goal here is not to concentrate on the result of the study time but just to focus for that time. As you build the habit of showing up, you will naturally increase the time gradually.

So start small. Divide your study time into shorter segments and gradually increase the duration.

5 - Make your study material challenging, engaging and not too difficult:
Make your study engaging by using active learning techniques. Give yourself quizzes and mini projects to reinforce your learning and make studying more engaging.

Give yourself a project that has some meaning to you as this will make it more engaging and meaningful. Let it be challenging, yet not overly difficult.

6 - Reward yourself for your efforts:
As we grew up, we forgot the pleasure we got from rewards when we did something nice.

To keep us motivated as kids to do our chores, we are promised a reward and then get rewarded when the task is completed. If the reward is worth the effort, we will breeze through the task, not thinking of the difficulty but the benefit of completing that task.

Apply that technique to yourself now. Think about a way to reward yourself. It can even be doing a hobby, taking a nap, watching a Tv show, a sports game, checking your social media or whatever you count as fun.

Celebrate your achievements with small rewards to stay motivated.

7 - Use activity stacking:
Schedule a fun activity immediately after your study time and make it a reward for studying. Treat it as a well-deserved reward for completing your study session.

8 - Track your progress:
Place a progress tracker like a calendar in a place in your study area that is very visible. Use this calendar or app to visualize your commitment and progress.

Tracking your progress might not seem fun initially, but after a few days, it can become a source great source of motivation.

If you use a Calendar, I suggest you use a colorful marker to check it each day.

Making and visualizing progress makes studying fun.

9 - Build Momentum:
I often use the analogy of rolling a boulder downhill. Initially, it's the most difficult thing to do, but with persistent effort, it becomes easier and easier. Eventually, the momentum will carry the boulder forward, and you'll find yourself struggling to keep up.

Consistency is key. When you start going, protect your study time like a mother hen. It's difficult to get started but as you keep going and rewarding yourself with every win as you go along, it becomes enjoyable.

Keep going, even on tough days. Maintain your streak to build momentum and make progress easier.

10 - You don't have to go alone:
No one achieve anything greatness going it all alone. We are social beings and are not our best in solitude. Even the self made are not self-made.

Our best comes out when we are connected or surrounded with like minds.

The benefit of working with others is that they help you stay committed, pick you up when you fall and make the process more fun.

It's a popular saying that we are the average of the people we spend our time with. Make that work to your own advantage.

If you want to become a software engineer and you hang around with software engineers or developers or you join a community (physical or online) of software engineers and developers, the journey of becoming one becomes 10x easier as they share resources, tips and tricks with you.

So build your circle. Have a study buddy, join a community of like minds, and attend tech meet ups and conferences to connect.

11 - Don't be too hard on yourself:
No matter how committed you are, there will be days when you will struggle, fall and fail. Recognize when this happens. Don't discourage yourself with negative self talks but recognize that you are not perfect and even the greatest struggle sometimes.

So when you fall or break the streak, get up and start going and rebuilding the momentum.

Remember, the goal is not just to achieve your goals but also to enjoy the process of learning and personal growth. By making your studies fun and engaging, you'll be more likely to stick with it and achieve long-lasting results.

The destination is not as important as the journey as it's who you become in the process - the lessons learned, skills acquired, and character traits developed along the way that will build the lasting mindset for consistent growth and development.

Don't make it the journey difficult, spice it up, make it fun and enjoy the journey.

What strategies have you found effective for making your studies more enjoyable? Share your thoughts in the comments below let's learn and grow together.

Happy coding ❤️.

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