Announcing Resume Enhancer: Your Resume, Perfectly Tailored for Every Job

Harshil Patel - Sep 19 - - Dev Community


Navigating the job market can feel overwhelming, especially when each application requires a uniquely tailored resume. That’s where Resume Enhancer comes in—a straightforward yet effective CLI tool designed to help you fine-tune your resume to align perfectly with specific job descriptions. With this tool, you can make sure your application stands out every time, saving you time and effort while boosting your chances of success.
Demo Video: Demo

What is Resume Enhancer?

Resume Enhancer is a command-line tool crafted to help you refine your resume to match the specifics of any job description. Utilizing natural language processing techniques, it identifies and emphasizes the most relevant skills, experiences, and keywords needed for a given role, enhancing your chances of capturing a recruiter's attention.

Key Features:

  • Simple Usage: No complex setup is needed; a few simple commands are all it takes.
  • Format Flexibility: Supports resume and job descriptions in multiple formats, such as PDF, DOCX, TXT, and DOC.
  • Smart Optimization: Uses AI to suggest improvements tailored to the specific job description.
  • Customizable Output: Save the enhanced resume to a file for future use or modifications.

How to Use Resume Enhancer

Before you begin, ensure that Python 3 is installed on your system. Download Resume Enhancer and its dependencies by running the following commands:

git clone
cd ResumeEnhancer
pip install -r requirements.txt
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Basic Usage
Resume Enhancer is straightforward to use. To get started, open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

  • groq API Key: You need groq API key to use this tool. You can get API Key from groq
python app/ --resume path/to/resume.docx --description path/to/job_description.txt --api_key your_api_key
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Command Options

Here are the primary options you can use with Resume Enhancer:


Option Shortcut Type Description Default
--version -v Flag Print the version of the tool -
--help -h Flag Show the help message and exit -
--resume - PATH Path to the resume file (Required). Supports .pdf, .txt, .docx, or .doc. -
--description - PATH Path to the job description file (Required). Supports .pdf, .txt, .docx, or .doc. -
--api_key -a String Groq API key (Required) -
--model -m String Model to be used for AI processing llama3-8b-8192
--output -o PATH Specify an output file to save the response (Optional, accepts .txt) None
--temperature -t Float Controls the randomness of the AI's responses (Optional) 0.5
--maxTokens -mt Int Maximum number of tokens for the AI response (Optional) 1024

Example Command
Here’s an example of how to use the tool effectively:

python app/ --resume resume.docx --description job_description.pdf --api_key your_api_key --output optimized_resume.txt
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What to Expect


Begin the summary with a statement highlighting your relevant experience as a full-stack developer and cloud computing expertise, mentioning Azure in particular.
Include a sentence or two about your experience in CI/CD pipelines, automated tasks, and Agile methodologies, as these are crucial skills for the Systems Developer role.
Emphasize your ability to optimize software performance, enhance system reliability, and deliver high-quality solutions in complex technical projects.
Revised Summary:

optimizing software performance, enhancing system reliability, and delivering high-quality solutions in complex technical projects. Proficient in CI/CD pipelines, automated tasks, and Agile methodologies, with hands-on experience in deploying scalable solutions and developing user-centric applications.


Continue highlighting your experience as a Software Developer at HOOPP, emphasizing your skills in cloud computing, automation, and Agile methodologies.
Emphasize the relevance of your experience to the Systems Developer role, focusing on the technologies and skills mentioned in the job description (PowerShell, Python, SQL, Azure, etc.).

Move the “Frontend Development” section to the top, as the job description prioritizes web and application servers, CRM and ERP systems, and collaboration and content management.
Add relevant skills mentioned in the job description, such as Terraform, Azure Application Insights, and PowerShell.
your proficiency in languages and scripting (PowerShell, Python, SQL) and cloud platforms (Azure).
Keep the “DevOps” and “Collaboration and Version Control” sections, as they are essential for the Systems Developer role.

As the projects are not directly relevant to the Systems Developer role, consider removing or rephrasing them to focus on your technical skills and experience.
You can keep the relevant details from your projects, such as the use of Azure Durable Functions and Logic Apps, to demonstrate your cloud computing expertise.

Remove the achievement related to the Hackathon, as it’s not directly relevant to the Systems Developer role.
Keep the achievement related to completing CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science by Harvard University on edX, as it demonstrates your commitment to learning and programming fundamentals.
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How Resume Enhancer Works

Resume Enhancer uses the Groq API to analyze the content of your resume and the job description. Here's a brief overview of how it functions:

  1. Input Processing: The tool reads the resume and job description from the provided file paths.
  2. API Integration: The content is sent to the Groq API for deep analysis.
  3. AI-Powered Optimization: Based on the job description, the AI suggests changes to make the resume more relevant, such as reordering sections, emphasizing specific skills, or rephrasing content.
  4. Output Generation: The enhanced resume can either be displayed directly in your terminal or saved to a file of your choice.

Benefits of Using Resume Enhancer

  • Efficiency: Save hours of manual editing by automatically adjusting your resume to match job descriptions.
  • Improved Relevance: Ensure that your resume always highlights the skills and experiences most relevant to the role.
  • Customization: Use different AI models and settings to achieve a customized output that fits your needs.
  • User-Friendly: With simple command-line instructions, Resume Enhancer is accessible even to those who are not tech-savvy.

GitHub Repository

You can find the source code, contribute to the project, and explore more about Resume Enhancer by visiting our ResumeEnhancer.

Feel free to fork the repository, open issues, or submit pull requests. Your contributions are always welcome!


Resume Enhancer is your go-to tool for making sure your resume always stands out. Whether you’re applying for your dream job or multiple roles, this tool helps you stay prepared with a resume tailored to each opportunity. Don’t miss out on the chance to enhance your job applications with Resume Enhancer!

Happy optimizing! 🎉

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