What is the importance of committing mistakes?

Ilona Codes - Mar 2 '19 - - Dev Community

It is a well-known fact that all human beings are different and unique in their ways. However, no matter how unique and different we are from one another, one thing which remains the same between all of us is our innate nature to commit mistakes.

What differs, is how we overcome our mistakes and learn from them.

So I want to provide an insight into how important or crucial it is for any human to commit mistakes but what is more important is how we overcome these mistakes or errors in judgment.

Committing mistakes is normal

If you started working or just launched a new project or set up a new project plan, perhaps, in the beginning, you will feel restless, doubting or even spending sleepless nights over it.

This way to accomplishment or success seems wrong, and you need to slow down.

Don't stress about it. While it is normal to feel a bit anxious, but do not let anxiety make you feel depressed, disappointed and lost. Understand that it is normal to make mistakes.

All successful and influential people of today and the past also had at some point in time committed mistakes from which they learned many things. Remember, that you are no longer alone sailing in the same boat.

As Albert Einstein once said, "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." You will grow only when you commit mistakes and learn from them.

Transform mistakes into useful learning

What is important is how you get over the mistakes after making them.

You can either sit sobbing over it and questioning to how you could have committed such a mistake and why all this had to happen to you, or you can just accept that it was a mistake and take the whole thing as an experience which taught you so many things and move on the next level.

The choice is ultimately yours.

Acceptance is the key

Many of you must have heard people saying that accepting or acknowledging our mistakes makes a bigger and better human being of us.

The person we are today is because we kept learning from our mistakes and eventually grew better in the things which we did. If we had kept our ego and refused to accept the fact that we could commit any mistake, it would have stunted our growth as professionals.

We must always swallow our pride and ego and build the courage and strength which are required to accept our mistake and learn from them. Only after doing this, will we be able to grow and evolve as professionals.

It can be quite tricky, but if you can laugh at the mistakes which you committed instead of resisting, arguing and questioning as to how you could have done such a thing, you will be a winner all the way.

Take responsibility and move on

A developing person accepts their mistake, takes responsibility for the failure and moves on. And this person will not only be growing faster, but also people around will start respecting them more.

The bottom line is that as humans everyone will and is supposed to commit mistakes. However, what is important is the way we keep aside our ego and accept our mistakes and move on in life.

Here is the question for YOU:
What was your top mistake that you’ve learned the most from?—share in the comments below!

Originally published on ilonacodes.com
Photo by Raj Eiamworakul on Unsplash

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