so xd

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AUTOR:    Leobardo Vázquez
CURSO:    Sistemas Operativos
PROGRAMA: Planificación de Procesos
FECHA:    19 de Abril del 2024

#include <iostream>
#include "so.hpp"

int main(){

 int n, op;
    cout << "\n\t Planificación de procesos - Sistemas Operativos";
    cout << "\n\n\tIngrese el número total de procesos a trabajar: ";
    cin >> n;
    process so(n);
    do {
    cin >> op;
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    cout << "\n\tRecuerda que puedes volver a calcular cuando gustes." << endl;
    cout << "\n\tIngresa una opción valida." << endl;
    } while (op != 5);

return 0;
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#include "so.hpp"

  process::node::node(char i, int t, int q) {
      _id = i;
      _time = t;
      _priority = q;
      _next = nullptr;

  process::process(int c){

      n = c;
      s = 0;
      head = nullptr;
      tail = nullptr;


      while(head != nullptr) {

          node *p = head;
          head = head -> next();
          delete p;

  void process::push(char i, int t, int q){

    node *p = new node(i, t, q);
    if(empty()) {
        head = p;
        tail = p;
        tail -> next(p);
        tail = p;

  void process::pop(){

          char i = head -> id();
          int t = head -> tme();
          int q = head -> prty();

          node *p = head;
          head = p -> next(); 
          delete p;
          //return x;

  void process::print(){

      node *p = head;
      while(p != nullptr){
      std::cout << " | " << p -> id() << " " << p -> tme() << " " << p -> prty() << " | ";
      p = p -> next();

void process::addProcess() {

     for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++){
        char a;
        int b, c;
        cout << "ID: ";
        cin >> a;
        cout << "Tiempo: ";
        cin >> b;
        cout << "Prioridad: ";
        cin >> c;

        node *p = new node(a, b, c);
        if (empty()) {
            head = p;
            tail = p;
            tail -> next(p);
            tail = p;
 cout << "\n\tProceso agregado." << endl;

void process::Menu() {

     cout << "\n\tMENU DE PROCESOS" << endl;
     cout << "1. Calcular FIFO" << endl;
     cout << "2. Calcular SJF" << endl;
     cout << "3. Calcular prioridad" << endl;
     cout << "4. Calcular Round-Robin" << endl;
     cout << "5. Salir" << endl;
     cout << "Ingrese su opcion: ";


int process::calcQ() {
    int x = 0;

      node *p = head;
      while(p != nullptr) {
          x += p -> tme();
          p = p -> next();

    return x/n;

  void process::FIFO() {

      node *p = head;
      float tR = 0, tRT = 0;

      cout << "\n\tId //" << " Tiempo de ejecucion //" << " Tiempo de retorno //"<< " Procesos restantes (ID Tiempo)" << endl;

      while (p != nullptr) {

          tR += p -> tme();
          tRT += tR;
          cout << "\t"<< p -> id() << "\t\t"<< p -> tme()<< "\t\t"<< tR<< "\t\t";
          node *t = p -> next();
      while(t != nullptr){
      std::cout << " | " << t -> id() << " " << t -> tme() << " | ";
      t = t -> next();
          cout << endl;
          p = p -> next();

      cout << "\n\tTiempo promedio: "<< (float)tRT/n<< endl;


  void process::SJF() {

      node *p = head;
      while (p != nullptr) {
          node *q = p -> next();
          while (q != nullptr) {

              if (q -> tme() < p -> tme()) {

                  char idx = p -> id();
                  int tmex = p -> tme();
                  int prtyx = p -> prty();

                  p -> setid(q -> id());
                  p -> settme(q -> tme());
                  p -> setprty(q -> prty());

                  q -> setid(idx);
                  q -> settme(tmex);
                  q -> setprty(prtyx);

              q = q -> next();
          p = p -> next();


  void process::Prioridad() {
      //se ordena por prioridad
      node *p = head;
      while (p != nullptr) {
          node *q = p -> next();
          while (q != nullptr) {

              if (q -> prty() > p -> prty()) {

                  char idx = p -> id();
                  int tmex = p -> tme();
                  int prtyx = p -> prty();

                  p -> setid(q -> id());
                  p -> settme(q -> tme());
                  p -> setprty(q -> prty());

                  q -> setid(idx);
                  q -> settme(tmex);
                  q -> setprty(prtyx);

              q = q -> next();
          p = p -> next();

      node *r = head;
      float tR = 0, tRT = 0;
      int Q = calcQ();
      cout << "\n\tId //" << " Tiempo de ejecucion //" << " Prioridad //" << " Tiempo de retorno //" << " Procesos restantes (ID Tiempo Prioridad)" << endl;

      while (r != nullptr) {

            if (r -> tme() <= Q) {

          tR += r -> tme();
          tRT += tR;
          cout << "\t"<< r -> id() << "\t\t"<< r -> tme()<< "\t\t"<< r -> prty()<< "\t\t"<< tR<< "\t\t";
          node *t = r -> next();
      while(t != nullptr){
      std::cout << " | " << t -> id() << " " << t -> tme() << " " << t -> prty() << " | ";
      t = t -> next();
          cout << endl;
          r = r -> next();

            tR += Q;
            r -> settme(r -> tme() - Q);
            r -> setprty(r -> prty() - 1);
            cout << "\t"<< r -> id() << " pendiente     "<< r -> tme()<< "\t\t"<< r -> prty()<< "\t\t"<< tR<< "\t\t";

            node *t2 = r;
        while (t2->next() != nullptr && t2->next()->prty() >= r->prty()) {
            t2 = t2->next();
        if (t2 != r) {
            node *temp = r->next();
            r = temp;
        } else {
            r = r->next();
        node *t = r;
      while(t != nullptr){
      std::cout << " | " << t -> id() << " " << t -> tme() << " " << t -> prty() << " | ";
      t = t -> next();
            cout << endl;


      cout << "\n\tTiempo promedio: "<< (float)tRT/n<< endl;
      cout << "\n\tQuantum: "<< Q<< endl;


  void process::RoundRobin() {

      node *r = head;
      float tR = 0, tRT = 0;
      int Q = calcQ();
      cout << "\n\tId //" << " Tiempo de ejecucion //" << " Tiempo de retorno //" << " Procesos restantes (ID Tiempo)" << endl;

      while (r != nullptr) {

            if (r -> tme() <= Q) {

          tR += r -> tme();
          tRT += tR;
          cout << "\t"<< r -> id() << "\t\t"<< r -> tme()<< "\t\t"<< tR<< "\t\t";
          node *t = r -> next();
      while(t != nullptr){
      std::cout << " | " << t -> id() << " " << t -> tme()  << " | ";
      t = t -> next();
          cout << endl;
          r = r -> next();

            tR += Q;
            r -> settme(r -> tme() - Q);
            cout << "\t"<< r -> id() << " pendiente     "<< r -> tme()<< "\t\t"<< tR<< "\t\t";

            node *t2 = r;
        while (t2->next() != nullptr) {
            t2 = t2->next();
        if (t2 != r) {
            node *temp = r->next();
            r = temp;
        } else {
            r = r->next();
        node *t = r;
      while(t != nullptr){
      std::cout << " | " << t -> id() << " " << t -> tme() << " | ";
      t = t -> next();
            cout << endl;


      cout << "\n\tTiempo promedio: "<< (float)tRT/n<< endl;
      cout << "\n\tQuantum: "<< Q<< endl;


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#ifndef so_hpp
#define so_hpp

#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;

class process {

    class node {

  char _id;
  int _time;
  int _priority;
  node *_next;


    node(char i, int t, int q);

  char id() const { return _id; } //cual es el id
  int tme() const { return _time; } //cual es el tiempo
  int prty() const { return _priority; } //cual es la prioridad
  node *next() const { return _next; } // cual es el siguiente apuntador
  void next(node *p) { _next = p; } // cambia el siguiente ap

    //cambiar datos 
  void setid(char x) { _id = x; } 
  void settme(int x) { _time = x; } 
  void setprty(int x) { _priority = x; }

  int n; // Capacity of process
  int s; // Size of process

  node *head; // First item in queue
  node *tail; // Last item in queue



  void push(char, int, int);
  void pop(void);

  int capacity() const { return n; }
  int size() const { return s; }

  bool full() const { return s==n; }
  bool empty() const { return s==0; }

  void print();

  void addProcess();
  void Menu();
  int calcQ();

  void FIFO();
  void SJF();
  void Prioridad();
  void RoundRobin();


#endif /* so_hpp */

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