Google Gemini API Node.js Example - Jan 28 - - Dev Community

Google Gemini API Node.js Example

Gemini Pro

import { GoogleGenerativeAI } from "@google/generative-ai";
import dotenv from 'dotenv';


// 1. Configuration
const api_key = process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY;
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(api_key);
const generationConfig = { temperature: 0.9, topP: 1, topK: 1, maxOutputTokens: 4096 };

// 2. Initialise Model
const model = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: "gemini-pro", generationConfig });

// 3. Generate Content
async function generateContent() {
try {
const prompt = "Create a Meal plan for today";
const result = await model.generateContent(prompt);
const response = await result.response;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error generating content:', error);

// Run the function

Gemini Vision

import { GoogleGenerativeAI } from "@google/generative-ai";
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';


// 1. Configuration
const api_key = process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY;
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(api_key);
const generationConfig = { temperature: 0.4, topP: 1, topK: 32, maxOutputTokens: 4096 };

// 2. Initialise Model for vision-based generation
const model = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: "gemini-pro-vision", generationConfig });

// 3. Generate Content with Image Input
async function generateContent() {
try {
// Load image
const imagePath = 'image.jpeg';
const imageData = await fs.readFile(imagePath);
const imageBase64 = imageData.toString('base64');

// Define parts
const parts = [
  { text: "Describe what the people are doing in this image:\n" },
    inlineData: {
      mimeType: "image/jpeg",
      data: imageBase64

// Generate content using both text and image input
const result = await model.generateContent({ contents: [{ role: "user", parts }] });
const response = await result.response;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

} catch (error) {
console.error('Error generating content:', error);

// Run the function


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