🪦 Killed by Google
It has become a running gag to poke fun at Google and its track record of killing products people rely on.
Oh a new product from Google?
I wonder how fast they will kill it this time.
According to https://killedbygoogle.com/ it's no less than 285 products 🤯 that have known this fate.
So clearly it's a structural problem that never got adressed and the backslash from their (ex-)customers is well deserved.
It's fun. But also not so fun.
😞 The same fate await all of us
We do a curious job and that fate of seeing a beloved project goes to the graveyard await all of us!
We do our best to avoid that. And sometimes we do great things. But often it doesn't matter.
☀️ Toxic positivity
"Just focus on the bright side and move on. You have learned new things and your next project will only be better ☀️☀️☀️".
-- Joy from Inside Out
Sorry Joy, but sometimes it's your baby, and loosing your baby hurts.
Ever heard of the stages of grief?
🗣 Sharing stories
Fortunately we are humans and we can create and share stories for fun and self-therapy.
Care to share yours?