Go: nil == nil is true or false? Na tum jano na hum…

shivi28 - Apr 16 '22 - - Dev Community

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In this article, we will understand how to use == the operator in Go to compare object values. We will also look at scenarios where the behaviour of this operator looks like a bug in the language but it is due to a lack of understanding.

Let's go through the below example

var a *string = nil    
var b interface{} = a
fmt.Println("a == nil:", a == nil) // true 
fmt.Println("b == nil:", b == nil) // false 
fmt.Println("a == b:  ", a == b  ) // true
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To understand the above example lets start with a simple one:

var a int = 12
var b int = 12
c:= 12
fmt.Println("a == b :", a == b) // true
fmt.Println("a == c :", a == c) // true
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This is very obvious.
Let's twist the example

var a *string = nil
var b interface{} = nil
fmt.Println("a == nil:", a == nil) // true
fmt.Println("b == nil:", b == nil) // true
fmt.Println("a == b:",   a == b) // false (even though the value is
                                           nil for both a and b)
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To understand the last case, let us dive deeper into it.

In Go, every pointer variable has two values associated with it <type, value> The fact that every variable needs a type is the reason why we can not have a nil value assigned to a variable whose type is not defined. That's why we can not write x := nil because we don't mention the type of x and we get the following error use of untyped nil

Now let's see our problem again

var a *string = nil      // a is <*string, nil>
var b interface{} = nil  // b is <nil, nil>
fmt.Println("a == nil:", a == nil) // true
fmt.Println("b == nil:", b == nil) // true
fmt.Println("a == b:", a == b)    // false <*string,nil>!=<nil, nil>
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In our case variable a actually represent <*string, nil> and interface{} default type is nil so variable b is <nil, nil>.
So that's why when we say a == b then we are actually comparing <*string,nil> == <nil, nil> which is false.

Now come back to our main example

var a *string = nil     // a is <*string, nil>
var b interface{} = a 
fmt.Println("a ==nil:",a==nil)//true(<*string, nil>==<*string, nil>)
fmt.Println("b == nil:", b == nil) //false (<*string,nil>==<nil,nil>    fmt.Println("a == b:  ", a == b  ) // true
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When we do a == nil , == the operator compares type as well as value. Here the value is nil for both LHS and RHS, but what will be the type of nil ???

When nil(hard-coded value) is compared with an object, the type of nil is the same as the declaration type of object with whom it is compared.

So in the case of a == nil we are doing <*string, nil> == <*string, nil>

In the case of b == nil , RHS is <nil, nil> because the declaration type of b is interface{} which is nil (default). Hence when we did

var b interface{} = a
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Then we assigned the value of a to variable b which means b now refers to <*string, nil> . Hence LHS != RHS

Note: var b interface{} = a does not change the declaration type of b variable.


This issue occurs frequently in industrial code like below code snippet is very common in Go where we can face such error.

var resp string
var err error
resp, err = CallFunction()
if err != nil{
   // code inside this if statement will be executed if return type  of CallFunction doesn't match with error
func CallFunction() custom.Error{
 // return pointer variable
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Here is the playground for more experimentation https://play.golang.org/p/BnPPXEs9_Oq

So it's always better to check that the return type of called function and type of receiving variables in the caller function should match.

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