Azure Functions + PnP.Core + Managed Identity=đź’™

Kinga - Nov 13 '22 - - Dev Community

The sample is now available on PnP Core SDK Samples

When implementing Azure Functions/Azure Runbooks, that work with SharePoint Online, you may use PnP.Core, which "provides a unified object model for working with SharePoint Online and Teams which is agnostic to the underlying APIs being called". PnP.Core.

If you came across Granting access via Azure AD App-Only, you already know that you should use Azure AD App-Only to authenticate your application to SharePoint Online.
But do you really have to use App Registration? Azure Functions and Runbooks both support Managed Identity which is the recommended approach to enhance authentication security.

Setting up app-only access using Managed Identity.

Managed Identity may be easily enabled using UI, PowerShell, CLI, or even Bicep templates. Unlike App Registration, you won't need to create client secrets or certificates, which also means you don't have to think about rotating them.

API Permissions

Granting API Permissions to the Managed Identity cannot be done using Azure Portal, but you may use PowerShell instead: Set-AzureADPermissions

$GraphAppId = "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"  # Microsoft Graph
$SPOAppId = "00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000" # SharePoint Online

#Retrieve the Azure AD Service Principal instance for the Microsoft Graph (00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000) or SharePoint Online (00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000).
$servicePrincipal_Graph = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter "appId eq '$GraphAppId'"
$servicePrincipal_SPO = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter "appId eq '$SPOAppId'"

$SPN = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -Filter "displayName eq '$appDisplayName'"
Write-Host "App $appDisplayName created with client id: $($SPN.AppId)"

$permissionName = "Sites.Selected"
$appRole_GraphId = ($servicePrincipal_Graph.AppRoles | Where-Object { $_.AllowedMemberTypes -eq "Application" -and $_.Value -eq $permissionName }).Id
$appRole_SPOId = ($servicePrincipal_SPO.AppRoles | Where-Object { $_.AllowedMemberTypes -eq "Application" -and $_.Value -eq $permissionName }).Id

# Grant API Permissions
New-AzureAdServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $($SPN.Id) -PrincipalId $($SPN.Id) -ResourceId $($servicePrincipal_Graph.ObjectId) -Id $appRole_GraphId
New-AzureAdServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $($SPN.Id) -PrincipalId $($SPN.Id) -ResourceId $($servicePrincipal_SPO.ObjectId)   -Id $appRole_SPOId
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Always use Minimum Required Permissions. If your code needs access to a specific SPO site only, use Sites.Selected API Permissions only. Then, you will grant Read/Write or FullControl permissions to a specific SPO site only: Set-PnPSiteAccess.

if ($permission -ne 'FullControl' ) {
    Grant-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission -AppId $appId -DisplayName $appName -Site $siteUrl -Permissions $Permissions
else {
    Grant-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission -AppId $appId -DisplayName $appName -Site $siteUrl -Permissions Write
    $PermissionId = Get-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission -AppIdentity $appId
    Set-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission -Site $siteurl -PermissionId $(($PermissionId).Id) -Permissions FullControl
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Authenticating with Managed Identity

PnP.Core authentication doesn't, as of the time of writing, natively support Managed Identity Authentication, and it's recommended to write a custom Authentication Provider.


The custom ManagedIdentityTokenProvider is using Azure.Identity client library to acquire AccessToken.

"The Azure Identity client library simplifies the process of getting an OAuth 2.0 access token for authorization with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) via the Azure SDK. The latest versions of the Azure Storage client libraries for .NET, Java, Python, JavaScript, and Go integrate with the Azure Identity libraries for each of those languages to provide a simple and secure means to acquire an access token for authorization of Azure Storage requests." Use the Azure Identity library to get an access token for authorization

Azure.Identity.ManagedIdentityCredential authenticates with an Azure managed identity in any hosting environment which supports managed identities. This credential defaults to using a system-assigned identity.

The scopes (GetRelevantScopes in the sample) are defined simply as for Graph API and https://<yourtenant><yoursite> for SharePoint API.

public async Task<string> GetAccessTokenAsync(Uri resource, string[] scopes)

     // var credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
     var credential = new Azure.Identity.ChainedTokenCredential(
          new ManagedIdentityCredential(),
          new EnvironmentCredential()

     var accessToken = await credential.GetTokenAsync(new Azure.Core.TokenRequestContext(scopes));

     return accessToken.Token;
private string[] GetRelevantScopes(Uri resourceUri)
     if (resourceUri.ToString() == "")
          return new[] { $"{resourceUri}" };
          string resource = $"{resourceUri.Scheme}://{resourceUri.DnsSafeHost}";
          return new[] { $"{resource}" };
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Dependency injection

Azure Functions supports dependency injection which may be used to configure the application to use the PnP.Core and PnP.Core.Auth services.
In this step you configure the Authentication Provider you want to use.

builder.Services.AddPnPCore(options =>
     var siteUrl= "https://<tenantname><siteName>"
     var authProvider = new ManagedIdentityTokenProvider();

     // Set it as default
     options.DefaultAuthenticationProvider = authProvider;

     // Add a default configuration with the site configured in app settings
     new PnPCoreSiteOptions
          SiteUrl = siteUrl,
          AuthenticationProvider = authProvider
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Debugging locally

When debugging your code, you obviously cannot use the Managed Identity of your Azure service. In this case you need to use the App Registration.
This App Registration, however, will only be registered in your Azure Development environment, and may be deleted as soon as the application is complete.

The creation of the AppRegistration and granting API permissions is presented in the Add-AppRegistration script.

The correct authentication provider may be registered during dependency injection, based on the presence of the MSI_SECRET variable.


// When MSI is enabled for an App Service, two environment variables MSI_ENDPOINT and MSI_SECRET are available

public bool isMSI = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSI_SECRET"));
//If Managed Identity is configured
if (appConfig.isMSI )
     var siteUrl= "https://<tenantname><siteName>"
     var authProvider = new ManagedIdentityTokenProvider();

     // set it as default
     options.DefaultAuthenticationProvider = authProvider;

     // Add a default configuration with the site configured in app settings
          new PnPCoreSiteOptions
               SiteUrl = siteUrl,
               AuthenticationProvider = authProvider
     Console.WriteLine("Local DEV using cert auth");

     var appConfigCert = new AppConfigCert();
     // Configure an authentication provider with certificate (Required for app only)
     // App-only authentication against SharePoint Online requires certificate based authentication for calling the "classic" SharePoint REST/CSOM APIs. The SharePoint Graph calls can work with clientid+secret, but since PnP Core SDK requires both type of APIs (as not all features are exposed via the Graph APIs) you need to use certificate based auth.
     var authProvider = new X509CertificateAuthenticationProvider(...);
     // And set it as default
     options.DefaultAuthenticationProvider = authProvider;

     // Add a default configuration with the site configured in app settings
          new PnP.Core.Services.Builder.Configuration.PnPCoreSiteOptions
               SiteUrl = siteUrl,
               AuthenticationProvider = authProvider
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Managed identity tokens are cached by the underlying Azure infrastructure for performance and resiliency purposes: the back-end services for managed identities maintain a cache per resource URI for around 24 hours. It can take several hours for changes to a managed identity's permissions to take effect, for example. Today, it is not possible to force a managed identity's token to be refreshed before its expiry. For more information, see Limitation of using managed identities for authorization.
Are managed identities tokens cached?

Did you know?

NSA advises organizations to consider making a strategic shift from
programming languages that provide little or no inherent memory protection, such as
C/C++, to a memory safe language when possible. Some examples of memory safe
languages are C#, Go, Java, Ruby™, and Swift®.

NSA Releases Guidance on How to Protect Against Software Memory Safety Issues

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