Reduce Docker Image size for your Next.js App

Duc Le - Apr 28 '23 - - Dev Community


First thing first, I expect you to know what is Docker, but if you don’t:

Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications

You can spend time learning about it

NextJS, in other hand, is a flexible React framework that gives you building blocks to create fast web applications.

NextJS, in other hand, is a flexible React framework that gives you building blocks to create fast web applications.

Dockerize your App

Before we optimize anything, we have to dockerize the application first. Let’s say our application name is my-space . Starting with:

Create the Dockerfile :

touch Dockerfile
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Ignore unnecessary files in dockerignore:

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Dockerize it:

Image description

This is the most basic example on how to dockerize your app, now let’s build it with:

docker build -t my-space .
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Now look at the size:

Image description

*That’s just crazy, 2.42gb!!

Unbelievable right, we can’t publish this image, it’s just too heavy !

Reduce the image size

Use alpine

The Node.js Docker team maintains a node:alpine image tag and variants of it to match specific versions of the Alpine Linux distributions with those of the Node.js runtime. The original version size is about 1gb.

Now we will move to the alpine version:

Image description

Image description

Now the size shrank to 1.65gb, 800mb smaller. That’s a good start !

Multi-stages builds

Multi-stage builds are useful to anyone who has struggled to optimize Dockerfiles while keeping them easy to read and maintain.

We will create 2 stages in the Dockerfile . I will call it builder and runner

In this way we can get rid of unnecessary files in our image:

Image description

We will pick files from the builder and move it to the runner that we will eventually use:

Image description

*The size comes down to 1.36gb, about 300mb smaller, we are doing good !

Remove duplicate layers

You can see something is duplicating. Yes, we install the dependencies twice for each stage. Although this works and the project size is still the same. The image size is still big because of caching and layers.

So we can pick the node_modules from the build stage:

Image description

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The size now is quite decent for a NextJS app, below 500mb

But we can still make it lighter !

Output File Tracing

During a build, Next.js will automatically trace each page and its dependencies to determine all of the files that are needed for deploying a production version of your application.

This feature helps reduce the size of deployments drastically. Previously, when deploying with Docker you would need to have all files from your package’s dependencies installed to run next start. Starting with Next.js 12, you can leverage Output File Tracing in the .next/ directory to only include the necessary files.

In your next.config.js file, enable the standalone output

experimental: {
    outputStandalone: true,
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This will create a folder at .next/standalone which can then be deployed on its own without installing node_modules.

Image description

Image description

*The size is now 176mb! Small enough for most cases


This is just a simple example on how to optimize your docker image sizes, you can look deeper in Docker docs to find the most suitable treatment for your app!

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