How to create a fullstack application using Django and Python Part 5

Maria Campbell - Aug 29 - - Dev Community


This post was originally published on my personal blog

Important Note: Before committing anything to Git or pushing
anything to remote, please visit
How to create a fullstack application using Django and Python Part 4
where I discuss how to add the python-dotenv package to the Django
site and why it is crucial to do it. This article assumes you have a
working knowledge of Git.

Table of Contents

Changing a Django project name after it has already been migrated

When I first created the project for this Django site, I did not
think much about the project name, and named it basic_django_web_page.
I named the root directory of the site basic-django-web-page. But after
already having made migrations (makemigrations) and then migrated the
site (migrate), I wanted to change the root directory of the Django
site to django-boards, and the project name to django_boards. It made
more sense and was more consistent with the rest of the
site namespaces. I had to change both high level project directory to
django_boards and the porject subdirectory to django_boards as well.

But how was I going to do this?

Researching the name changing issue

I had never changed a project name after making model migrations, but
I was determined to make the name change so that I would not have to
re-create the site. That simply would have been a waste of time.

I came across all sorts of solutions which just didn't work, so I
won't even bother mentioning them. Then I came across a thread on
stackoverflow that gave me the answer(s) I was looking for!

Changing old project name to new project name throughout the Django site

I typed in the old project name in the Search (eyeglass icon) field
in Visual Studio Code to quickly find out where it came up in the
project code base:

  1. It appeared in .gitignore.
  2. It appeared in
  3. It appeared in
  4. It appeared in
  5. it appeared in

I removed all instances of basic_django_web_page and replaced it with
django_boards. This included any reference to the project name in
string comments! Those references count too.

After I did all that, committed the changes, pushed them to
Github, and then tried to run the development server, it worked.

But... when I went back later to the same thread where I found my
solutions, I learned that there was still more checking I should do.

Running the env | grep django command

I also learned in the stackoverflow thread (listed in Related Resources)
that I should run the env | grep django command to see if the old
project name was lingering anywhere in the virtual environment (venv).
The following was returned in Terminal:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The new project name was recognized, and was also set in all the
right places in the code base, i.e., including DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in,but the original root directory name did appear in the
VIRTUAL_ENV variable.

Breaking down the env | grep django command

The env | grep django command is used to filter environment variables related
to Django.

  • The env command lists all the environment variables in the current shell session.
  • | (pipe) operator pipes the output of the env command to the grep command.
  • grep django searches through the output for lines that contain the string "django".

The env | grep django command displays all environment variables that
include "django" in their names or values. This is useful when we want
to check any environment settings related to Django.

All I had to do to fix the value of VIRTUAL_ENV was the following:

  1. I opened up venv/bin/activate in vim with the following command:
vim venv/bin/activate
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  1. Then I added the following at the bottom of the file:
export VIRTUAL_ENV=/Users/mariacam/Python-Development/django-boards/venv
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  1. Then I ran the env | grep django command again, and the following was returned:
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Success! My VIRTUAL_ENV variable value was updated to the correct path!

And that is how I changed the name of my Django project from
basic_django_web_page to django_boards.

Related Resources

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