Daily used Git commands.

Manthan Ankolekar - May 29 '23 - - Dev Community

Let's consider an example where you have a project named "my-project" and you want to use Git for version control. Here's how you can use Git commands in your daily workflow:

  1. Initializing a Git Repository:

    $ cd my-project
    $ git init
  2. Adding and Committing Changes:

    $ git add <file1> <file2>  # Add specific files
    $ git add .               # Add all files
    $ git status              # Check the status of the repository
    $ git commit -m "Initial commit"
  3. Cloning a Remote Repository:

    $ git clone <repository-url>
  4. Pulling and Pushing Changes:

    $ git pull origin <branch>  # Fetch and merge remote changes
    $ git push origin <branch>  # Push local changes to remote repository
  5. Creating and Switching Branches:

    $ git branch                   # List all branches
    $ git branch <new-branch>      # Create a new branch
    $ git checkout <branch>        # Switch to a different branch
  6. Merging Branches:

    $ git checkout <target-branch>  # Switch to the target branch
    $ git merge <source-branch>     # Merge the source branch into the target branch
  7. Viewing Commit History:

    $ git log                # Show commit history
    $ git log --oneline      # Show condensed commit history
  8. Checking Differences:

    $ git diff               # Show differences between working directory and staging area
    $ git diff --staged      # Show differences between staging area and last commit
  9. Adding Remote Repositories:

    $ git remote add <name> <url>    # Add a remote repository
    $ git remote -v                  # List all remote repositories
  10. Discarding Changes:

    $ git checkout -- <file>    # Discard changes in a specific file
    $ git reset --hard          # Discard all local changes and reset to last commit

These commands should give you a good starting point for using Git in your project. Remember to replace <file>, <branch>, <repository-url>, and <new-branch> with the appropriate values specific to your project.

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