Advanced ts: playing with generics in a React.Context

Manuel Artero Anguita 🟨 - Mar 31 '23 - - Dev Community

This is a story of failure.

I wasn't going to write this down... then I thought, well not all the stories need a happy ending.

To the point.

We have a custom React Context. Don't want to dig deep into its internals. We're ok checking just how we use it:

import { XRouter, XRoute } from '@serious-company.react';

  <XRoute path='/about' component={About} />
  <XRoute path='/checkout' component={Checkout} />
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import { useXRouter } from '@serious-company.react';

const { navigate } = useXRouter();
const onClick = () => navigate('/checkout');
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...🤔 I wonder...

Is it possible to set the exact set of routes?
so both <XRoute /> and navigate() would narrow the type of the path from string to one of my routes?

I was looking for this:

type AvailableRoutes = '/about' | '/checkout';

// ❌ tsc
const onClick = () => navigate('/ceckout');     

// ✅
const onClick = () => navigate('/checkout');


  // ❌ tsc
  <XRoute path='/abbot' component={About} />
  // ✅      
  <XRoute path='/about' component={About} />
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👉 The answer is yep that's possible ... but also No


Got down to work replacing each declaration of a path, from string to T where <T extends string>:

-type XRouterContextType {
-  navigate(path: string) => void;
-  history: string[];
+type XRouterContextType<T extends string> {
+  navigate(path: T) => void;
+  history: T[];
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-function XRouter({ children }: XRouterProps) {
-  const [history, setHistory] = useState(['/'])
-  const navigate: (path: string) => {
+function XRouter<T extends string>({ children }): XRouterProps) {
+  const [history, setHistory] = useState<T[]>(['/')
+  const navigate: (path: T) => {
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-type XRouteProps {
-  path: string;
+type XRouteProps<T> {
+  path: T;
  component: ComponentType;

-function XRoute({ path, component }: XRouteProps) {
+function XRoute<T extends string>({ path, component }): XRouteProps<T> {
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And everything was pure and flawless, just like JavaScript...
...till the context object

Creating a React context, we'll export a Context Provider (<XRouter> in these examples) and a way to consume that Context - probably - in a form of useContext() (useXRouter() in these examples)

Thing is, you need to create this context object:

const context = createContext<XRouterContextType>({ ... })
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This object has a well defined type. You just can't create an object but keep it with a futuristic Generic T.

🖋️ A way of understanding Generics in Typescript might be:

"We just don't know T yet.
T will be set by the caller of the function.
They will know.
For now, T is unset"

So, creating an object:

const context = createContext<XRouterContextType>({ ... })
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You are the caller. You need to set the type. You can't create an object with a "we'll see" type.

// ❌
const context = createContext<XRouterContextType<T>>({ ... }) 
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So, is this an impossible problem?

Well, we may implement a work around... exporting a closure function - call it factory, call it Class, call it High Order function, call it whatever you feel - which, when called: creates the context object and returns the Provider component and the hook.

I got a branch with this working:

import { createXRouter } from '@serious-company.react';

type AvailableRoutes = '/about' | '/checkout';

const { XRouter, XRoute, useXRouter } = createXRouter<AvailableRoutes>();

const { navigate } = useXRouter();

// ❌ tsc
const onClick = () => navigate('/ceckout');       

// ✅
const onClick = () => navigate('/checkout');      

  // ❌ tsc
  <XRoute path='/abbot' component={About} />      
  // ✅
  <XRoute path='/about' component={About} />      
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But this would mean changing the API of the package

import { XRouter } from '@serious-company.react';


import { createXRouter } from '@serious-company.react';
const { XRouter } = createXRouter<'/a'|'/b'>();
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And we finally discarded this work.

As I said, this is a story of failure. At least I did have a good time 🤘.

Thanks for reading 💛.

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