Hey Developer, Go get a life!

Maulik - Oct 20 '20 - - Dev Community

We developers have the common issue of managing work-life balance. Being an experienced developer, I have the following things to say

Success, people praising you... it goes away

Don't try to be a hero developer. Yes, there are certain perks of being one but as this point title says... it all goes away and you will end up with everybody expecting you to complete their task they have given to you because they think you would do it. And you have to do it for your image because you have built it like this. Learn to say NO. If you are a good developer and there are 100 percent chances that you will get more work as people will think that you can do this even if there is another ordinary developer is available. We have to make everyone understand that yes, I am a good developer but I will not do everything everyone asks because I have a life. It becomes a very big problem when it becomes a routine and when you realize it, it's late... Now you will think if you start saying NO then people will judge you and yes...people will. That's why I ask beginners to manage their work-life balance from the start.

Choose the target audience wisely

Sometimes you work hard for something but don't get enough responses and praise and it demoralizes you. The problem is you are showcasing your ability to the wrong target audience. Think about your audience first. e.g. your organization might not give you enough attention to your innovation but on dev.to if you share it effectively, you will get responses, suggestions and other innovative friends

You're earning for yourself and your family

We have to remind ourselves that we are earning for ourselves so give time to yourself and your loved ones. Extra hours spent on work may pay you more but it's not worth more than spending time with your loved ones. Nobody except you will remember the sleepless nights that you spent on work.

Yes, developer life also gets boring

At some point, developer life also becomes boring so enjoy it. Make friends at your workplace, chit chat, gossip, take breaks, and go on a trip. Do whatever that makes you happy to stay away from a boring life.

You can overcome Imposter syndrome and Depression but it's better not to fall into it

Everybody from beginner to experienced people feels that they don't have enough knowledge sometimes. The developer communities really help in this case. You can share your knowledge and you will find that your knowledge is helping others and you will also get a deeper knowledge of things that you follow which keeps up your interest. Spending some time in a related community is really worthwhile.

At last, as these lines from the climb song say

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

It's all about the journey. I am not saying destination doesn't matter, it does but so does the journey. Don't rush, enjoy it which will eventually make your life easy and joyful but If you don't have life, you don't have to worry about WLB.

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