Creating Query Builders for Mongoose: Searching, Filtering, Sorting, Limiting, Pagination, and Field Selection

Md Enayetur Rahman - Jun 16 - - Dev Community

In this blog, we will explore how to implement searching, filtering, sorting, limiting, pagination, and field selection in isolation. Afterward, we will create a query builder component that combines all these functionalities, making them reusable across different models. Let's dive in

  • This is the thirteenth blog of my series where I am writing how to write code for an industry-grade project so that you can manage and scale the project.

  • The first twelve blogs of the series were about "How to set up eslint and prettier in an express and typescript project", "Folder structure in an industry-standard project", "How to create API in an industry-standard app", "Setting up global error handler using next function provided by express", "How to handle not found route in express app", "Creating a Custom Send Response Utility Function in Express", "How to Set Up Routes in an Express App: A Step-by-Step Guide", "Simplifying Error Handling in Express Controllers: Introducing catchAsync Utility Function", "Understanding Populating Referencing Fields in Mongoose", "Creating a Custom Error Class in an express app", "Understanding Transactions and Rollbacks in MongoDB", "Updating Non-Primitive Data Dynamically in Mongoose" and "How to Handle Errors in an Industry-Grade Node.js Application". You can check them in the following link.


Efficiently querying a database is crucial for optimizing application performance and enhancing user experience. Mongoose, a popular ODM (Object Data Modeling) library for MongoDB and Node.js, provides a powerful way to interact with MongoDB. By creating a query builder class, we can streamline the process of constructing complex queries, making our code more maintainable and scalable.

Searching and Filtering

In an HTTP request, we can send data in three ways: through the body (large chunks of data), params (dynamic data like an ID), and query (fields needed for querying). Query parameters, which come as an object provided by the Express framework, consist of key-value pairs. Let's start with a request containing two queries:

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Here, searchTerm is used for searching with a partial match, while email is used for filtering with an exact match. The searchable fields are defined on the backend.

Method Chaining

Understanding method chaining is crucial for this implementation. If you're unfamiliar with it, you can read my blog on Method Chaining in Mongoose: A Brief Overview.

Basic query

We will apply our learning in the following code:

import { Student } from './student.model';

const getAllStudentsFromDB = async () => {
  const result = await Student.find()
      path: 'academicDepartment',
      populate: {
        path: 'academicFaculty',

  return result;

export const StudentServices = {

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  • The code for search:
import { Student } from './student.model';

const getAllStudentsFromDB = async (query: Record<string, unknown>) => { // received query as a param from the controller file. We do not know the type of the query as it could be anything, so we set it as a record; its property will be a string and value is unknown.

  let searchTerm = '';   // SET DEFAULT VALUE. If no query is sent from the frontend, it will be an empty string.

  const studentSearchableFields = ['email', 'name.firstName', 'presentAddress']; // fields in the document where the search will take place. We should keep it in a separate constant file. You can add or remove more fields as per your requirement.

  // IF searchTerm IS GIVEN, SET IT
  if (query?.searchTerm) {
    searchTerm = query?.searchTerm as string; 

  const searchQuery = Student.find({
    $or: => ({
      [field]: { $regex: searchTerm, $options: 'i' },

  // Here we are chaining the query above and executing it below using await

  const result = await searchQuery
      path: 'academicDepartment',
      populate: {
        path: 'academicFaculty',

  return result;

export const StudentServices = {

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  • We can use method chaining to make the above code cleaner as follows
import { Student } from './student.model';

const getAllStudentsFromDB = async (query: Record<string, unknown>) => { // received query as a param from the controller file. We do not know the type of the query as it could be anything, so we set it as a record; its property will be a string and value is unknown.

  let searchTerm = '';   // SET DEFAULT VALUE. If no query is sent from the frontend, it will be an empty string.

  const studentSearchableFields = ['email', 'name.firstName', 'presentAddress']; // fields in the document where the search will take place. We should keep it in a separate constant file. You can add or remove more fields as per your requirement.

  // IF searchTerm IS GIVEN, SET IT
  if (query?.searchTerm) {
    searchTerm = query?.searchTerm as string; 

  // The find operation is performed in the Student Collection. The MongoDB $or operator is used here. The studentSearchableFields array is mapped, and for each item in the array, the property in the DB is searched with the search term using regex to get a partial match. 'i' is used to make the search case-insensitive.
  const result = await Student.find({
    $or: => ({
      [field]: { $regex: searchTerm, $options: 'i' },
      path: 'academicDepartment',
      populate: {
        path: 'academicFaculty',

  return result;

export const StudentServices = {

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  • Now we will implement filtering. Here we will match the exact value:
import { Student } from './student.model';

const getAllStudentsFromDB = async (query: Record<string, unknown>) => {  // explained earlier
  const queryObj = { ...query }; // copying req.query object so that we can mutate the copy object 

  let searchTerm = '';   // explained earlier

  const studentSearchableFields = ['email', 'name.firstName', 'presentAddress']; // explained earlier

  // explained earlier
  if (query?.searchTerm) {
    searchTerm = query?.searchTerm as string; 

  const searchQuery = Student.find({
    $or: => ({
      [field]: { $regex: searchTerm, $options: 'i' },


  const excludeFields = ['searchTerm'];
  excludeFields.forEach((el) => delete queryObj[el]);  // DELETING THE FIELDS SO THAT IT CAN'T MATCH OR FILTER EXACTLY

  // explained earlier
  const result = await searchQuery
      path: 'academicDepartment',
      populate: {
        path: 'academicFaculty',

  return result;

export const StudentServices = {
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  • For sorting, the query will be as follows
/api/v1/students?sort=email //for ascending
/api/v1/students?sort=-email //for descending
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  • The code for sorting will be as follows, including previous queries:
import { Student } from './student.model';

const getAllStudentsFromDB = async (query: Record<string, unknown>) => {  // explained earlier
  const queryObj = { ...query }; // copying req.query object so that we can mutate the copy object 

  let searchTerm = '';   // explained earlier

  const studentSearchableFields = ['email', 'name.firstName', 'presentAddress']; // explained earlier

  // explained earlier
  if (query?.searchTerm) {
    searchTerm = query?.searchTerm as string; 

  const searchQuery = Student.find({
    $or: => ({
      [field]: { $regex: searchTerm, $options: 'i' },


  const excludeFields = ['searchTerm', 'sort'];
  excludeFields.forEach((el) => delete queryObj[el]);  // DELETING THE FIELDS SO THAT IT CAN'T MATCH OR FILTER EXACTLY

  // explained earlier
  const filteredQuery = searchQuery // change the variable name to filteredQuery and await is removed from it. so here we are chaining on searchQuery
      path: 'academicDepartment',
      populate: {
        path: 'academicFaculty',

  let sort = '-createdAt';  // By default, sorting will be based on the createdAt field in descending order, meaning the last item will be shown first. 

  if (query.sort) {
    sort = query.sort as string; // if the query object has a sort property, then its value is assigned to the sort variable. 

  const sortQuery = await filteredQuery.sort(sort); // method chaining is done on filteredQuery

  return sortQuery;

export const StudentServices = {
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  • Now we will limit data using the query, and it will be done on top of the above code:
import { Student } from './student.model';

const getAllStudentsFromDB = async (query: Record<string, unknown>) => {  // explained earlier
  const queryObj = { ...query }; // copying req.query object so that we can mutate the copy object 

  let searchTerm = '';   // explained earlier

  const studentSearchableFields = ['email', 'name.firstName', 'presentAddress']; // explained earlier

  // explained earlier
  if (query?.searchTerm) {
    searchTerm = query?.searchTerm as string; 

  const searchQuery = Student.find({
    $or: => ({
      [field]: { $regex: searchTerm, $options: 'i' },


  const excludeFields = ['searchTerm', 'sort', 'limit'];
  excludeFields.forEach((el) => delete queryObj[el]);  // DELETING THE FIELDS SO THAT IT CAN'T MATCH OR FILTER EXACTLY

  // explained earlier
  const filteredQuery = searchQuery // change the variable name to filteredQuery and await is removed from it. so here we are chaining on searchQuery
      path: 'academicDepartment',
      populate: {
        path: 'academicFaculty',

  let sort = '-createdAt';  // By default, sorting will be based on the createdAt field in descending order, meaning the last item will be shown first. 

  if (query.sort) {
    sort = query.sort as string; // if the query object has a sort property, then its value is assigned to the sort variable. 

  const sortedQuery = filteredQuery.sort(sort); // change the variable name to sortedQuery and await is removed from it. so here we are chaining on filteredQuery

  let limit = 0;  // if no limit is given, all data will be shown

  if (query.limit) {
    limit = parseInt(query.limit as string);  // if limit is given, then its value is assigned to the limit variable. Since the value will be a string, it is converted into an integer.

  const limitedQuery = await sortedQuery.limit(limit); // method chaining is done on filteredQuery

  return limitedQuery;

export const StudentServices = {
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  • Let's apply pagination:
import { Student } from './student.model';

const getAllStudentsFromDB = async (query: Record<string, unknown>) => {  // explained earlier
  const queryObj = { ...query }; // copying req.query object so that we can mutate the copy object 

  let searchTerm = '';   // explained earlier

  const studentSearchableFields = ['email', 'name.firstName', 'presentAddress']; // explained earlier

  // explained earlier
  if (query?.searchTerm) {
    searchTerm = query?.searchTerm as string; 

  const searchQuery = Student.find({
    $or: => ({
      [field]: { $regex: searchTerm, $options: 'i' },


  const excludeFields = ['searchTerm', 'sort', 'limit', 'page'];
  excludeFields.forEach((el) => delete queryObj[el]);  // DELETING THE FIELDS SO THAT IT CAN'T MATCH OR FILTER EXACTLY

  // explained earlier
  const filteredQuery = searchQuery // change the variable name to filteredQuery and await is removed from it. so here we are chaining on searchQuery
      path: 'academicDepartment',
      populate: {
        path: 'academicFaculty',

  let sort = '-createdAt';  // By default, sorting will be based on the createdAt field in descending order, meaning the last item will be shown first. 

  if (query.sort) {
    sort = query.sort as string; // if the query object has a sort property, then its value is assigned to the sort variable. 

  const sortedQuery = filteredQuery.sort(sort); // change the variable name to sortedQuery and await is removed from it. so here we are chaining on filteredQuery

  let limit = 0;  // if no limit is given, all data will be shown

  if (query.limit) {
    limit = parseInt(query.limit as string);  // if limit is given, then its value is assigned to the limit variable. Since the value will be a string, it is converted into an integer.

  const limitedQuery = sortedQuery.limit(limit); // change the variable name to limitedQuery and await is removed from it. so here we are chaining on sortedQuery

  let page = 1;  // if no page number is given, by default, we will go to the first page.

  if ( {
    page = parseInt( as string);  // if the page number is given, then its value is assigned to the page variable. Since the value will be a string, it is converted into an integer.

  const skip = (page - 1) * limit;  // Suppose we are on page 1. To get the next set of documents, we need to skip the first 10 docs if the limit is 10. On page 2, we need to skip the first 20 docs. So the page number is multiplied with the limit. 

  const paginatedQuery = await limitedQuery.skip(skip);  // method chaining is done on limitedQuery

  return paginatedQuery;

export const StudentServices = {
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  • Finally, we will limit the data field as follows:
import { Student } from './student.model';

const getAllStudentsFromDB = async (query: Record<string, unknown>) => {  // explained earlier
  const queryObj = { ...query }; // copying req.query object so that we can mutate the copy object 

  let searchTerm = '';   // explained earlier

  const studentSearchableFields = ['email', 'name.firstName', 'presentAddress']; // explained earlier

  // explained earlier
  if (query?.searchTerm) {
    searchTerm = query?.searchTerm as string; 

  const searchQuery = Student.find({
    $or: => ({
      [field]: { $regex: searchTerm, $options: 'i' },


  const excludeFields = ['searchTerm', 'sort', 'limit', 'page', 'fields'];
  excludeFields.forEach((el) => delete queryObj[el]);  // DELETING THE FIELDS SO THAT IT CAN'T MATCH OR FILTER EXACTLY

  // explained earlier
  const filteredQuery = searchQuery // change the variable name to filteredQuery and await is removed from it. so here we are chaining on searchQuery
      path: 'academicDepartment',
      populate: {
        path: 'academicFaculty',

  let sort = '-createdAt';  // By default, sorting will be based on the createdAt field in descending order, meaning the last item will be shown first. 

  if (query.sort) {
    sort = query.sort as string; // if the query object has a sort property, then its value is assigned to the sort variable. 

  const sortedQuery = filteredQuery.sort(sort); // change the variable name to sortedQuery and await is removed from it. so here we are chaining on filteredQuery

  let limit = 0;  // if no limit is given, all data will be shown

  if (query.limit) {
    limit = parseInt(query.limit as string);  // if limit is given, then its value is assigned to the limit variable. Since the value will be a string, it is converted into an integer.

  const limitedQuery = sortedQuery.limit(limit); // change the variable name to limitedQuery and await is removed from it. so here we are chaining on sortedQuery

  let page = 1;  // if no page number is given, by default, we will go to the first page.

  if ( {
    page = parseInt( as string);  // if the page number is given, then its value is assigned to the page variable. Since the value will be a string, it is converted into an integer.

  const skip = (page - 1) * limit;  // Suppose we are on page 1. To get the next set of documents, we need to skip the first 10 docs if the limit is 10. On page 2, we need to skip the first 20 docs. So the page number is multiplied with the limit. 

  const paginatedQuery = limitedQuery.skip(skip);  // change the variable name to paginatedQuery and await is removed from it. so here we are chaining on limitedQuery

  let fields = ''; // if no fields are given, by default, all fields will be shown.

  if (query.fields) {
    fields = query.fields as string; // if the query object has fields, then its value is assigned to the fields variable.

  const selectedFieldsQuery = await;  // method chaining is done on limitedQuery

  return selectedFieldsQuery;

export const StudentServices = {

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Query builder class

  • Currently, all the queries apply to the Student model. If we want to apply them to a different model, we would have to rewrite them, which violates the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle. To avoid repetition, we can create a class where all the queries are available as methods. This way, whenever we need to apply these queries to a new collection, we can simply create a new instance of that class. This approach will enhance scalability and maintainability and make the codebase cleaner.
import { FilterQuery, Query } from 'mongoose';  // Import FilterQuery and Query types from mongoose.

class QueryBuilder<T> { // Declare a class that will take a generic type
  public modelQuery: Query<T[], T>; // Property for model. The query is run on a model, so we named it modelQuery. You can name it anything else. After the query, we receive an array or object, so its type is set as an object or an array of objects.
  public query: Record<string, unknown>; // The query that will be sent from the frontend. We do not know what the type of query will be, so we kept its property as a string and its value as unknown. 

  // Define the constructor
  constructor(modelQuery: Query<T[], T>, query: Record<string, unknown>) {
    this.modelQuery = modelQuery;
    this.query = query;

  search(searchableFields: string[]) { // Method for the search query, taking searchableFields array as a parameter.
    const searchTerm = this?.query?.searchTerm; // Take the search term from the query using this.

    if (searchTerm) { // If search term is available in the query, access the model using this.modelQuery and perform the search operation.
      this.modelQuery = this.modelQuery.find({
          (field) =>
              [field]: { $regex: searchTerm, $options: 'i' },
            }) as FilterQuery<T>,

    return this; // Return this for method chaining in later methods. 

  filter() { // Method for filter query without any parameter. The query is performed on this.modelQuery using method chaining and then returns this.
    const queryObj = { ...this.query }; // Copy the query object

    // Filtering
    const excludeFields = ['searchTerm', 'sort', 'limit', 'page', 'fields'];
    excludeFields.forEach((el) => delete queryObj[el]);

    this.modelQuery = this.modelQuery.find(queryObj as FilterQuery<T>);
    return this;

  sort() { // Method for sort query without any parameter. The query is performed on this.modelQuery using method chaining and then returns this. Also, the sort variable is adjusted so now sorting can be done based on multiple fields.
    const sort = (this?.query?.sort as string)?.split(',')?.join(' ') || '-createdAt';
    this.modelQuery = this.modelQuery.sort(sort as string);
    return this;

  paginate() { // Method for paginate query without any parameter. The query is performed on this.modelQuery using method chaining and then returns this.
    const page = Number(this?.query?.page) || 1;
    const limit = Number(this?.query?.limit) || 10;
    const skip = (page - 1) * limit;

    this.modelQuery = this.modelQuery.skip(skip).limit(limit);
    return this;

  fields() { // Method for fields query without any parameter. The query is performed on this.modelQuery using method chaining and then returns this.
    const fields = (this?.query?.fields as string)?.split(',')?.join(' ') || '-__v';
    this.modelQuery =;
    return this;

export default QueryBuilder;

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  • How can we apply the QueryBuilder to any model? We will see an example for the Student model, but in the same way, it can be applied to any model.
import QueryBuilder from '../../builder/QueryBuilder';
import { studentSearchableFields } from './student.constant';  // Import studentSearchableFields from a separate file.

const getAllStudentsFromDB = async (query: Record<string, unknown>) => {
  const studentQuery = new QueryBuilder( // Create a new instance of the QueryBuilder class.
    Student.find() // This will act as a modelQuery inside the class.
        path: 'academicDepartment',
        populate: {
          path: 'academicFaculty',
    query, // This will act as a query inside the class.
    .search(studentSearchableFields) // Method chaining on studentQuery.
    .filter() // Method chaining on studentQuery.
    .sort() // Method chaining on studentQuery.
    .paginate() // Method chaining on studentQuery.
    .fields(); // Method chaining on studentQuery.

  const result = await studentQuery.modelQuery; // Perform the final asynchronous operation on studentQuery.
  return result;

export const StudentServices = {

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This comprehensive code snippet handles search, filtering, sorting, pagination, and field selection in a MongoDB query using Mongoose. It processes the incoming query object and constructs a MongoDB query with appropriate modifications and chaining of methods for each operation.

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