How to Backup a PostgreSQL Database in Docker: Step-by-Step Guide

MD ARIFUL HAQUE - Sep 20 - - Dev Community

For setting up and managing a Dockerized PostgreSQL Database Backup. We’ll cover how to create a PostgreSQL container, automate backups, and store them securely.

Part 1: Setting up PostgreSQL with Docker

  1. Create a Docker Compose file Docker Compose is an easy way to manage multi-container applications. Let’s create a docker-compose.yml file to set up PostgreSQL.
   version: '3.8'

       image: postgres:13
       container_name: postgres_db
         POSTGRES_USER: myuser
         POSTGRES_PASSWORD: mypassword
         POSTGRES_DB: mydatabase
         - ./postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
         - "5432:5432"
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  • image: Specifies the PostgreSQL image version.
  • POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_DB: Environment variables used to configure the database.
  • volumes: Mount the local postgres_data directory to persist the PostgreSQL data.
  • ports: Exposes PostgreSQL on the default port 5432.
  1. Run the PostgreSQL container With the docker-compose.yml file in place, we can spin up the PostgreSQL container:
   docker-compose up -d
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  • up -d: Starts the container in detached mode.

Once the container is running, PostgreSQL will be accessible on port 5432 of your localhost.

Part 2: Backing up the PostgreSQL Database

To back up the PostgreSQL database, we’ll use the pg_dump command, which creates a dump file of the database.

  1. Create a backup directory Create a directory where the backups will be stored:
   mkdir -p ./backups
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  1. Create a backup script

Let’s create a simple shell script,, that will run pg_dump and store the backup in the backups directory:


   # Variables

   # Get current date and time for backup file
   TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%F_%T")

   # Run pg_dump inside the PostgreSQL container
   docker exec -t $CONTAINER_NAME pg_dump -U $DB_USER $DB_NAME > $BACKUP_FILE

   echo "Backup completed: $BACKUP_FILE"
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  • docker exec -t $CONTAINER_NAME: Runs the pg_dump command inside the running PostgreSQL container.
  • pg_dump -U $DB_USER $DB_NAME: Creates a backup of the database.
  • BACKUP_FILE: Defines the backup filename with a timestamp for uniqueness.
  1. Make the script executable After creating the file, make it executable:
   chmod +x
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  1. Run the backup script To back up your PostgreSQL database, simply run the script:
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Explanation: This will generate a .sql file in the backups directory, containing the database dump.

Part 3: Automating PostgreSQL Backups with Cron

To ensure regular backups, we can automate this script using cron jobs.

  1. Edit the crontab Open the cron editor using:
   crontab -e
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  1. Add a cron job to schedule backups Let’s schedule the backup to run every day at 2 AM:
   0 2 * * * /path/to/ >> /path/to/backup.log 2>&1
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  • 0 2 * * *: This cron expression means the backup will run every day at 2:00 AM.
  • >> backup.log: Redirects the output to a log file for tracking.

Part 4: Restoring PostgreSQL from Backup

In case you need to restore the database from the backup, use the psql command.

  1. Create a restore script Create a script to restore the database:

   # Variables

   # Restore the database
   cat $BACKUP_FILE | docker exec -i $CONTAINER_NAME psql -U $DB_USER -d $DB_NAME

   echo "Database restored from: $BACKUP_FILE"
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  • The script takes the backup file as an argument and pipes it to the psql command inside the PostgreSQL container.
  • psql -U $DB_USER -d $DB_NAME: Restores the database using the provided dump.
  1. Make the script executable Make the script executable:
   chmod +x
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  1. Run the restore script To restore the database, simply run the script with the backup file:
   ./ ./backups/backup_mydatabase_2023-08-19_02:00:00.sql
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Explanation: This restores the database to the state of the provided backup.

Part 5: Securing Your Backups

To ensure backups are securely stored, consider these additional practices:

  1. Encrypt backups You can use tools like gpg to encrypt backup files:
   gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 ./backups/backup_mydatabase.sql
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Explanation: This will prompt you to enter a passphrase to encrypt the backup.

  1. Upload to cloud storage Use services like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage to upload backups for off-site storage:
   aws s3 cp ./backups/backup_mydatabase.sql s3://your-bucket-name/
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Explanation: This example uses AWS CLI to upload the backup to an S3 bucket.


In this guide, we’ve gone through:

  • Setting up a PostgreSQL container using Docker.
  • Creating a backup script using pg_dump to back up the database.
  • Automating backups with cron jobs.
  • Restoring from backups using a custom restore script.
  • Securing backups with encryption and cloud storage.
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