Lazy Query in RTK Query

Nadim Chowdhury - Dec 22 '23 - - Dev Community

useLazyGetCustomerNameListQuery is a hook generated by Redux Toolkit Query for the getCustomerNameList query endpoint in your API. This hook provides a function that you can call to execute the query lazily. It's part of the useQuery hooks provided by Redux Toolkit Query for making API requests.

Here's an explanation of the useLazyGetCustomerNameListQuery hook:

  1. Usage:
   const {
     data,       // The result of the query
     error,      // Any error that occurred during the query
     isLoading,  // Boolean indicating if the query is currently loading
     refetch,    // Function to manually trigger a refetch of the query
   } = useLazyGetCustomerNameListQuery(queryParams);
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  1. Parameters:

    • queryParams: An object containing parameters to be sent with the query. These parameters are used to customize the API request, and they depend on the specific requirements of your API endpoint.
  2. Result:

    • data: The result of the query if it's successful.
    • error: Any error that occurred during the query.
    • isLoading: A boolean indicating if the query is currently loading.
    • refetch: A function that you can call to manually trigger a refetch of the query.
  3. Example:

   const { data, error, isLoading, refetch } = useLazyGetCustomerNameListQuery({
     // Query parameters specific to your API endpoint
     // ...

   if (isLoading) {
     return <p>Loading...</p>;

   if (error) {
     return <p>Error: {error.message}</p>;

   // Use the data obtained from the query
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This hook follows the convention of other useQuery hooks in Redux Toolkit Query. It abstracts away the complexity of handling API requests and provides a convenient way to interact with the results of those requests in your React components. The refetch function allows you to manually trigger a re-execution of the query when needed.

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