React & WebSocket Simple Chat App

Nadim Chowdhury - Jan 3 - - Dev Community

Here is an example of how you can implement a simple chat application in React using WebSocket and state management:

  1. Create a new React app:
   npx create-react-app react-chat-app
   cd react-chat-app
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  1. Install dependencies:

Install ws for WebSocket server on the backend:

   npm install ws
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  1. Create a WebSocket server:

Create a file named server.js in the root directory:

   const WebSocket = require('ws');
   const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8000 });

   wss.on('connection', (ws) => {
     ws.on('message', (message) => {
       wss.clients.forEach((client) => {
         if (client !== ws && client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
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Start the WebSocket server:

   node server.js
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  1. Update src/App.js for the React frontend:

Replace the contents of src/App.js with the following:

   import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

   const App = () => {
     const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);
     const [messageInput, setMessageInput] = useState('');
     const [socket, setSocket] = useState(null);

     useEffect(() => {
       const newSocket = new WebSocket('ws://');

       newSocket.onopen = () => {
         console.log('Connected to WebSocket');

       newSocket.onmessage = (event) => {
         const newMessages = [...messages,];


       return () => {
     }, [messages]);

     const handleSendMessage = () => {
       if (socket && messageInput.trim() !== '') {

     return (
           {, index) => (
             <div key={index}>{message}</div>
             onChange={(e) => setMessageInput(}
           <button onClick={handleSendMessage}>Send</button>

   export default App;
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  1. Run the React app:

Start the React app:

   npm start
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Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser, and you should see a simple chat interface. Open multiple tabs or browsers to simulate different users, and you should see messages broadcasted in real-time.

This example demonstrates a basic React app with WebSocket communication for real-time chat. In a real-world scenario, you may want to add user authentication, error handling, and additional features. Additionally, consider deploying the WebSocket server to a production environment for a scalable solution.

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