Best Way to Create Dynamic Modules in NestJS

mkadirtan - Dec 14 '22 - - Dev Community

Creating dynamic modules in NestJS can be complex. Use this method and you will never be afraid of creating dynamic modules again!

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NestJS module system is very helpful. They allow us to organize our code, and they help us define module boundaries. Within @Module you can define everything about your module. From the NestJS docs:

import { Module, Global } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CatsController } from './cats.controller';
import { CatsService } from './cats.service';
import { CommonModule } from '../common/common.module';

  imports: [CommonModule],
  controllers: [CatsController],
  providers: [CatsService],
  exports: [CatsService],
export class CatsModule {}
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But things get complicated when you want to configure your module dynamically. This is typically required by database modules but there are many other cases that require you to create dynamic module in NestJS.

As a convention dynamic modules in NestJS have static methods such as forRoot, forRootAsync, forFeature In this post you will learn how to create a dynamic module in NestJS with all the benefits but with least complexity!

NestJS Official Docs are Too Complex

Here is a dynamic module example from the docs:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from './config.service';
import {
} from './config.module-definition';

  providers: [ConfigService],
  exports: [ConfigService],
export class ConfigModule extends ConfigurableModuleClass {
  static register(options: typeof OPTIONS_TYPE): DynamicModule {
    return {
      // your custom logic here

  static registerAsync(options: typeof ASYNC_OPTIONS_TYPE): DynamicModule {
    return {
      // your custom logic here
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I know I've picked the most bloated example but still, creating a dynamic module as documented in NestJS docs, doesn't look simple. There is a good reason for that. On one hand NestJS tries to provide a simple API for using module system, but on the other hand the API must provide enough access to satisfy custom needs of developers. I think they did a great job at designing their API, but this is the reason examples from official docs are complex.

@golevelup Team To The Rescue

@golevelup team has some great packages to use along your NestJS project. We will use @golevelup/nestjs-modules for this post. We will use defaults provided by their package, in exchange our dynamic modules will be much simpler and easier to maintain.

I assume you've already spin up a NestJS project. We need to install @golevelup/nestjs-modules package to our project:

npm install @golevelup/nestjs-modules
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What Will We Build

For the sake of providing a good use case, lets create a serializer module that can use alternative strategies. Create the following files:

# Inside src folder
/-> serde
/--> serde.module.ts
/--> serde.service.ts
/--> json.provider.ts
/--> msgpack.provider.ts
/--> constants.ts
/--> interfaces.ts
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This is how we will continue:

  • Create a configurable dynamic module SerdeModule
  • Inject JsonProvider and MsgpackProvider to SerdeService
  • Define SerdeModuleOptions
  • Expose selected strategy from SerdeService

Creating Configurable Dynamic Module

Create your module as usual:

// serde.module.ts
export class SerdeModule {}
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Add providers to your module:

import { JsonProvider } from './json.provider';
import { MsgpackProvider } from './msgpack.provider';
import { SerdeService } from './serde.service';

    providers: [
export class SerdeModule {}
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One last thing, we will expose SerdeModule's functionality from SerdeService. Therefore it needs to be exported:

import { JsonProvider } from './json.provider';
import { MsgpackProvider } from './msgpack.provider';
import { SerdeService } from './serde.service';

    providers: [
    exports: [SerdeService]
export class SerdeModule {}
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So far so good, and there is nothing unusual. Now we will make SerdeModule configurable, specifically we want user to decide which serialization strategy they want to use.

We need to create an interface to define module options:

// interfaces.ts
export interface SerdeModuleOptions {
    strategy: 'json' | 'msgpack';
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Lastly, we will need these options to be accessible within SerdeService. If you remember from the NestJS docs, module options are injected within providers. And @Inject decorator provides values via an InjectionToken. Injection Token acts like a unique id of the value you want to access. It is defined as follows:

declare type InjectionToken = string | symbol | Type;

export interface Type<T = any> extends Function {
    new (...args: any[]): T;
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Type is basically a class reference. Since we defined our module options as an interface, we will define a string as Injection Token:

// constants.ts
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Finally we can bring them all together:

import { JsonProvider } from './json.provider';
import { MsgpackProvider } from './msgpack.provider';
import { SerdeService } from './serde.service';

import { createConfigurableDynamicRootModule } from '@golevelup/nestjs-modules';
import { SERDE_MODULE_OPTIONS_TOKEN } from './constants';
import { SerdeModuleOptions } from './interfaces';

    providers: [
    exports: [SerdeService]
export class SerdeModule extends createConfigurableDynamicRootModule<SerdeModule, SerdeModuleOptions>(SERDE_MODULE_OPTIONS_TOKEN) {}
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That is all! We've successfully created a dynamic module. Lets put it into use, we can import it within AppModule:

// app.module.ts
import { SerdeModule } from './serde.module';

    imports: [
        SerdeModule.forRoot(SerdeModule, { strategy: 'json' })
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Notice we've never defined a forRoot method on our class. This method is automatically created by @golevelup/nestjs-modules and it is type safe, Hurray! There is also the forRootAsync counterpart:

// app.module.ts
import { SerdeModule } from './serde.module';
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';

    imports: [
        SerdeModule.forRootAsync(SerdeModule, {
            imports: [ConfigModule],
            inject: [ConfigService],
            useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => {
                return {
                    strategy: configService.get('SERDE_STRATEGY')
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Accessing Module Options

To make use of provided options, we need to inject it into SerdeService

import { SERDE_MODULE_OPTIONS_TOKEN } from './constants';
import { SerdeModuleOptions } from './interfaces';

export class SerdeService {
        moduleOptions: SerdeModuleOptions
        console.log({ moduleOptions });

// console output: { moduleOptions: { strategy: 'json' } }
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We will apply strategy pattern for this example. If you want to learn more about strategy pattern, I recommend you to read written by Carlos Caballero. Basically we will switch between JsonProvider and MsgpackProvider depending on the moduleOptions.strategy.

First inject the providers into SerdeService

import { SERDE_MODULE_OPTIONS_TOKEN } from './constants';
import { SerdeModuleOptions } from './interfaces';

import { JsonProvider } from './json.provider';
import { MsgpackProvider } from './msgpack.provider';

export class SerdeService {
    private readonly _strategy;

        moduleOptions: SerdeModuleOptions,
        private readonly jsonProvider: JsonProvider,
        private readonly msgpackProvider: MsgpackProvider,
        switch(moduleOptions.strategy) {
            case 'json':
                this._strategy = jsonProvider;
            case 'msgpack':
                this._strategy = msgpackProvider;
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Now, we can expose our API to outside world:

import { SERDE_MODULE_OPTIONS_TOKEN } from './constants';
import { SerdeModuleOptions } from './interfaces';

import { JsonProvider } from './json.provider';
import { MsgpackProvider } from './msgpack.provider';

export class SerdeService {
    private readonly _strategy;

        moduleOptions: SerdeModuleOptions,
        private readonly jsonProvider: JsonProvider,
        private readonly msgpackProvider: MsgpackProvider,
        switch(moduleOptions.strategy) {
            case 'json':
                this._strategy = jsonProvider;
            case 'msgpack':
                this._strategy = msgpackProvider;

    public serialize(data) {
        return this._strategy.serialize(data);

    public parse(data) {
        return this._strategy.parse(data);
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I leave implementing actual providers to you. If you want to learn more about Strategy Pattern, I am planning to write a detailed post about it. Tell me in the comments if you are interested!

We created a dynamic module in NestJS with an example use case. I hope you've learned something new, let me know what you think in the comments!

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