📝 Angular Cheat Sheet for Developers

Nikko Ferwelo - Aug 22 - - Dev Community

Hey everyone! 👋

I’ve put together a comprehensive Angular Cheat Sheet to help you quickly reference important concepts, commands, and patterns when working on your Angular projects. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, this guide should serve as a handy resource.

Let’s dive in!

🔗 Core Concepts

  • Angular: JavaScript binding framework.
  • Testing: Jasmine.
  • Typescript: Superset of JavaScript.

📦 Decorators

  • Decorator: @Component, @Directive
    • Metadata for classes and methods.
  • Component Directive: @Component
    • Defines view, logic, and template.
  • Structural Directive: ngIf, ngFor
    • Modifies DOM elements conditionally.
  • Attribute Directive: [ngClass], [ngStyle]
    • Alters behavior or appearance dynamically.

🔗 Bindings

  • Interpolation: {{ value }}
    • Binds data directly into templates.
  • Event Binding: (click)="onClick()"
    • Handles events triggered by user.
  • Property Binding: [src]="imagePath"
    • Sets property values within template.
  • Two-Way Binding: [(ngModel)]="userInput"
    • Synchronizes data between view/model.

🚧 Routing and Guards

  • Guards: canActivate, canLoad
    • Controls access to routes/modules.
  • canActivate: canActivate: [AuthGuard]
    • Checks route access before navigation.
  • canLoad: canLoad: [AuthGuard]
    • Restricts module loading with conditions.

💡 Component and Templates

  • Components: @Component
    • Encapsulates UI logic and template.
  • Templates: templateUrl, template
    • Defines HTML structure for component.

🚀 Lifecycle Hooks

  • ngOnInit: ngOnInit()
    • Initializes component after data binding.
  • ngOnChange: ngOnChanges()
    • Detects input property changes automatically.
  • ngOnDestroy: ngOnDestroy()
    • Cleans up resources before destruction.

🧩 Directives and Pipes

  • Ng Content: <ng-content></ng-content>
    • Projects content into component slots.
  • ngIf: ngIf="condition"
    • Conditionally includes or excludes elements.
  • ngModel: [(ngModel)]="model"
    • Facilitates two-way data binding easily.
  • ngClass: [ngClass]="{'active': isActive}"
    • Dynamically applies classes to elements.
  • ngSwitch: ngSwitch="expression"
    • Conditionally displays matching elements.
  • Pipes: {{ value | pipeName }}
    • Transforms data in templates easily.

📦 Modules and Services

  • Modules: @NgModule
    • Groups components, directives, and services.
  • Services: @Injectable, constructor(private service: Service)
    • Provides reusable logic across components.

🔌 Additional Concepts

  • Dependency Injection: constructor(private service: Service)
    • Supplies dependencies automatically to components.
  • Lazy Loading: loadChildren
    • Loads modules only when needed.
  • Observables: Observable, rxjs
    • Manages asynchronous data streams.
  • Resolvers: resolve: Resolver
    • Pre-fetches data before activating routes.

⚙️ Commands and Tools

  • ngServe: Command
    • Runs Angular development server locally.
  • ngBuild: Command
    • Compiles application for production deployment.
  • Forms: ReactiveFormsModule, FormsModule
    • Handles user input and validation.
  • HTTP Client: HttpClientModule, HttpClient
    • Communicates with backend APIs effectively.

🧠 Angular Architecture

  • SPA: Single-page application
    • Loads content dynamically without refreshing.
  • Angular Architecture: MVC pattern
    • Uses modular, component-based architecture.
  • Routing: RouterModule
    • Navigates between different application views.

I hope this cheat sheet helps you in your Angular development journey. 🚀

Feel free to bookmark it or share it with your fellow developers!

If you have any additions or suggestions, drop them in the comments below. Happy coding! 💻

Connect with me:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikko-ferwelo-358b11213/
GitHub: https://github.com/NullVoidKage

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