Python Generators: A Complete Guide

oussama errafif - Oct 4 - - Dev Community

Python Generators: A Complete Guide

Python generators are a powerful tool for creating iterators in an efficient and concise manner. They allow you to generate a sequence of values lazily, meaning that instead of producing all the values upfront, they generate each value on-the-fly when needed. This makes generators highly memory-efficient, especially when working with large datasets or infinite sequences.

Key Concepts of Python Generators

  1. Lazy Evaluation:
    Unlike lists that hold all values in memory, generators only produce one value at a time. This "lazy evaluation" makes them ideal for working with massive datasets where storing everything at once would be impractical.

  2. The yield Keyword:
    The core difference between generators and regular functions lies in the yield keyword. In a typical function, return sends a value back to the caller and ends the function. With yield, the function’s state is paused and can be resumed later. Each time the generator is called, it resumes execution right where it left off, yielding the next value in the sequence.


   def simple_generator():
       yield 1
       yield 2
       yield 3

   gen = simple_generator()
   print(next(gen))  # Output: 1
   print(next(gen))  # Output: 2
   print(next(gen))  # Output: 3

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In this example, the simple_generator() returns a generator object, and each time you call next(), it provides the next value.

  1. How Generators Work: A generator function returns a generator object, which is an iterator. This generator object can be iterated over using next(), or more commonly in loops like for, without loading the entire sequence into memory at once.

Example with a loop:

   def countdown(n):
       while n > 0:
           yield n
           n -= 1

   for number in countdown(5):

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  1. Generators vs. Iterators:

    • Iterator: Any object that implements the iterator protocol, meaning it has __iter__() and __next__() methods.
    • Generator: A special type of iterator created with a function that uses yield. It simplifies the creation of iterators, since Python takes care of implementing the necessary methods behind the scenes.
  2. Memory Efficiency:
    Generators are especially useful for working with streams of data or large collections where loading everything into memory isn’t feasible. Instead of creating a list with all elements at once, you can generate and process one element at a time.

Example: Generating Fibonacci numbers

   def fibonacci():
       a, b = 0, 1
       while True:
           yield a
           a, b = b, a + b

   fib = fibonacci()

   for i in range(10):

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  1. Infinite Sequences: Generators can also be used to represent infinite sequences, something not possible with lists. For example, the Fibonacci generator in the example above can run indefinitely, producing as many Fibonacci numbers as needed without ever running out of memory.

Generator Expressions

Just like list comprehensions, Python also provides generator expressions, which allow for a more compact syntax to create generators.


gen_exp = (x * x for x in range(5))

for num in gen_exp:

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This looks very similar to a list comprehension, but with parentheses instead of square brackets. The key difference is that a generator expression doesn’t compute all values immediately, making it more memory efficient.

Advantages of Generators

  1. Memory Efficiency: Since generators yield one item at a time, they can handle large datasets without consuming much memory.
  2. Better Performance: For large sequences, generators often outperform list-based solutions due to their lazy nature.
  3. Simplified Code: With the yield keyword, Python abstracts much of the complexity involved in writing iterators manually.

When to Use Generators

  • Dealing with large data: When working with data that is too large to fit into memory all at once.
  • Processing streams: For reading or writing files line by line, processing network requests, or handling real-time data streams.
  • Handling infinite sequences: When you need an iterator that produces values indefinitely without running out of memory.


Generators provide an elegant way to work with large or potentially infinite data streams efficiently. By leveraging the yield keyword and lazy evaluation, they reduce memory usage and can make your programs more performant. When your application involves large datasets or continuous data streams, generators are a tool you can rely on to write cleaner, more efficient code.

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